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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

There. Have an explorer/establishing post.


I love that most of our explorer's have some noble cause, or have been employed by their government. And Helena is just being forced to "explore" because she slept with a mini-Cthulu.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


I'm sorry to say this, but after reviewing your NS again and considering it compared to other nations, I've realized that M.O.N.A.R.C.H. is way overpowered, and I'm going to have to ask you to tone it down about a thousand degrees before you're accepted. This is the most OP nation currently in this RP.

But far be it from me to just tell you there's a problem without pointing out exactly what it is in a list format.

While most of the tabarium mined by the Dominion is sent back to Andromeda, M.O.N.A.R.C.H. is allowed a tithe of the refined product for his own purposes. While most of it is funnelled into general technology, a good 10% goes to weapons manufacturing. With the right chemicals and a dash of plasma, refined tabarium can become a highly explosive compound, capable of reducing Xim Crushers (in virtual simulations at least) to goo in smaller doses and turning planets into asteroid fields in larger doses. Along with tabarium, M.O.N.A.R.C.H. favours the use of EMPs to bring down enemy shields followed by an anti-matter barrage in space combat. But when the fight is taken planet side, laser, plasma, and Tesla weaponry are all also on the menu, with the tougher planets getting a hit of cobalt thorium G, a doomsday shroud capable of completely wiping all life from the planet's surface.

1. Many of these weapons sound way, way too powerful. Specifically, the explosive compound made from the apparently all-powerful tabarium. Destroying things quickly is all well and good, but I must wonder... how much of this compound exists? Is it something that MONARCH has a large supply of? Because unless there is an EXTREME limit on this (as in, only a small handful of MONARCH ships actually have this and it cannot easily be replaced once used), then I can't allow it. It would be unfair to everyone else.

I also can't allow anything that can completely destroy a planet like that, which means larger doses of the compound, and the entire concept of "cobalt thorium G", are banned. It's O.P. to the extreme. I won't allow any player to have something that can just *poof* away a planet like that, especially when there is no obvious defense, and no drawbacks you have to deal with. It sounds fun only for you.

While general technology receives the lion's share of the Dominion's tabarium tithe, M.O.N.A.R.C.H. keeps its usage in the background so the other empires don't find out about the incredibly valuable material hiding right under their noses.

2. If you are making and using weapons out of it, then I can guarantee that there is not a single empire in the game which would not analyze the hell out of those weapons the moment you used them in battle, and would find out about tabarium then and there. They would also discover tabarium once they saw all the drones mining it. Unless your entire intergalactic mining program is somehow completely hidden (which would be O.P. in and of itself), then I suspect that everyone will know about tabarium by post 50. Possibly sooner. It would not be unrealistic if someone discovered tabarium next post because of all these big and obvious operations you have going on, plus the fact that so many drones use it. If someone destroyed some of your more powerful drones, they would find the tabarium in its cloaking device or weapons.

In fact, I might do that.

Population and Demographics:
With M.O.N.A.R.C.H. more concerned about mining tabarium than establishing permanent colonies, The Starfire Dominion only has 50 systems under its belt with many more temporary mining outposts in the surrounding area.

3. If your nation is not concerned with establishing colonies, it should be much smaller. Look at the other nations. The Federation is always trying to add members, and has been doing so for like 150 years, and yet is only 25 systems. You can't be this big with the type of nation you're using. I suggest cutting that number in half.

With the right chemicals and a dash of plasma, refined tabarium can become a highly explosive compound

But even so, tabarium provides many advantages in the fields of technology. With the right chemicals and a little oil, refined tabarium becomes a fuel/power source with an incredibly long lifespan.

On top of that, refining tabarium in a neon rich environment gives it light-bending properties that are activated by running an electrical current through the refined product. This has given rise to some of the best cloaking technology in the quadrant. Combined with a radar jammer, you'd never see a Starfire Dominion ship unless it wanted you to.

4. And this is the main problem.

I'm really not a fan of this "magical substance that can do anything I say it can do" idea you seem to have, especially coupled with somehow nobody else knowing about it despite all the mining and weaponizing you're doing, and the assertion that it is rare and super-valuable and yet M.O.N.A.R.C.H. uses it regularly and for all of its main technological advantages. Based off of your NS, one would assume that tabarium is basically just magic. It seems to do anything that you want it to. I'm sorry, but that's unrealistic, and I need you to limit it a little, or define some perimeters rather than just leaving its capabilities so open-ended.

I'm sorry.

I read your N.S. three times in a row just to be sure I wasn't overlooking any downfall or drawback or fairness.

It's not your nation, you, or your idea that I have a problem with. In fact, I think your idea is REALLY cool. The problem I have is that you seem to somehow have it all. You want Starfire to have the best weapons (including doomsday weapons), the best cloaking devices, the best technology, a strong economy, a decent sized empire, a perfect government (because there's no chance of rebellions or discontent in a hive mind xD), and this magic substance that can do anything.

Where is the weakness? Where is the fairness? Where is the downside? Where is the evenness?

Because I can't find it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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I'm curious, what exactly is tabarium? Is it some kind of new element or is it a compound? I'm just legitimately curious about the specifics of it.

And @Hael there's something I've noticed that kinda worries me. Quite a few people mention the usage of EMPs for disabling electronics. But even in the modern-day I believe that a lot of military-grade electronics are shielded from EMPs. So wouldn't massive star-spanning civilizations shield all their military from EMPs? I'm not averse to them fucking with shielding, since that could be justified as it screwing with the shields itself and not the electronics of the shield generators or anything.

Oh, and I got my Military Tech down, so I'd be happy for any comments.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 20 days ago

Well, it appears I have missed a rather fun game here.
Are we seriously full?
I might introduce my usual White Corps here.
Then again, as a late joiner I literally missed 50+ pages of OOC and have yet to read up the faction profiles here.
So yeah. Pending.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago

I'm curious, what exactly is tabarium? Is it some kind of new element or is it a compound? I'm just legitimately curious about the specifics of it.

And @Hael there's something I've noticed that kinda worries me. Quite a few people mention the usage of EMPs for disabling electronics. But even in the modern-day I believe that a lot of military-grade electronics are shielded from EMPs. So wouldn't massive star-spanning civilizations shield all their military from EMPs? I'm not averse to them fucking with shielding, since that could be justified as it screwing with the shields itself and not the electronics of the shield generators or anything.

Oh, and I got my Military Tech down, so I'd be happy for any comments.

To do so you would have to go through the tedious process of radiation hardening. It would be required for star ships (because radiation in space) by putting various materials, typically using redundant materials, materials that can be easily replaced. I, personally, do not believe you would be able to shield the entire ship from ALL radiation, there is also the fact that since this is set in the future, weapons have come a long way. EMPs are most likely far more effective than they would be now.

Just saying
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 20 days ago

<Snipped quote by TheSovereignGrave>

To do so you would have to go through the tedious process of radiation hardening. It would be required for star ships (because radiation in space) by putting various materials, typically using redundant materials, materials that can be easily replaced. I, personally, do not believe you would be able to shield the entire ship from ALL radiation, there is also the fact that since this is set in the future, weapons have come a long way. EMPs are most likely far more effective than they would be now.

Just saying
Pardon me for butting in while I can't even be sure I am allowed to participate in the game (as a late comer).
But your assessment is wrong. For starters energy shields laugh in the face of EMP which is nothing but an omnidirectional energy pulse in comparison. Similarly sci-fi materials which absorb beam weapons which otherwise would vaporize holes through the ship at least or even blow up cities, would absorb EMP like a champ.

In general when EMP is used in sci-fi it's a very-very-very Hollywoodian take on it, AKA space magic with little relation to anything like the real EMP.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well, it appears I have missed a rather fun game here.
Are we seriously full?
I might introduce my usual White Corps here.
Then again, as a late joiner I literally missed 50+ pages of OOC and have yet to read up the faction profiles here.
So yeah. Pending.

I'm not the GM or Co-GM but we did have one person drop out, and another might be dropping out. So there is a chance; though you'd probably have to wait for @Hael to pop in to know for sure.

And the 50+ pages of OOC aren't really all too important. Nothing you won't find in the NSs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago

<Snipped quote by Lauder>Pardon me for butting in while I can't even be sure I am allowed to participate in the game (as a late comer).
But your assessment is wrong. For starters energy shields laugh in the face of EMP which is nothing but an omnidirectional energy pulse in comparison. Similarly sci-fi materials which absorb beam weapons which otherwise would vaporize holes through the ship at least or even blow up cities, would absorb EMP like a champ.

In general when EMP is used in sci-fi it's a very-very-very Hollywoodian take on it, AKA space magic with little relation to anything like the real EMP.

Well, energy shielding is just that, meant to absorb energy, I believe since we don't exactly have true science on this yet. Unless if we're say, a plasma shield, then I think it would be able to negate an EMP missile. As for materials, the EMP just needs to get past the hull unless the entirety of the ship is made of that once substance, not all substances have these kinds of effects against EMP.

Edit: don't quote me on any of this, I'm just relaying what I have learned over the years.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LloydTurquoise
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I've finished my NS.

Can I go outside and play now?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

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Of course, all this EMP talk might be neatly side-stepped by referring to the missiles as "electronic warfare" missiles or "shield busters" or some such thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 20 days ago

Of course, all this EMP talk might be neatly side-stepped by referring to the missiles as "electronic warfare" missiles or "shield busters" or some such thing.
Yup, you can invent whatever technobabble which makes more sense rather than using EMP.

<Snipped quote by Willy Vereb>

Well, energy shielding is just that, meant to absorb energy, I believe since we don't exactly have true science on this yet. Unless if we're say, a plasma shield, then I think it would be able to negate an EMP missile. As for materials, the EMP just needs to get past the hull unless the entirety of the ship is made of that once substance, not all substances have these kinds of effects against EMP.

Edit: don't quote me on any of this, I'm just relaying what I have learned over the years.
EMP IS energy. If a shield which exists to absorb energy attacks cannot stop an EMP then it isn't working for anything else, either.
EMP in reality is just a poor man's DEW in comparison.
But like I said I don't wish to nitpick on things especially when it hasn't been even confirmed that I can join the game.

@HaelAre you familiar with my White Corps faction?
Even if not you can find several iterations of it via just a quick search. Would it be fine if I join with them?
Their basic concept can be summed up as "Galactic Walmart" maybe with a bit of conspiracy edge.

Of course this is only relevant if I am even allowed to participate in this game.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago

<Snipped quote by Lauder>EMP IS energy. If a shield which exists to absorb energy attacks cannot stop an EMP then it isn't working for anything else, either.
EMP in reality is just a poor man's DEW in comparison.
But like I said I don't wish to nitpick on things especially when it hasn't been even confirmed that I can join the game.

I realize EMP is energy, I never denied that. However, I am simply proposing that if it were in a missile form, would it not pass through the energy shielding?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

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<Snipped quote by Willy Vereb>

I realize EMP is energy, I never denied that. However, I am simply proposing that if it were in a missile form, would it not pass through the energy shielding?

I think in most settings 'energy shields' protect against ballistic and solid weapons too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well, it appears I have missed a rather fun game here.
Are we seriously full?
I might introduce my usual White Corps here.
Then again, as a late joiner I literally missed 50+ pages of OOC and have yet to read up the faction profiles here.
So yeah. Pending.

I'm sorry, but we're very full.

I really can't handle anymore people now. In the future I may open up spots again, but I am not certain. If I do, I'll contact you.

I'm sorry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 20 days ago

<Snipped quote by Willy Vereb>

I realize EMP is energy, I never denied that. However, I am simply proposing that if it were in a missile form, would it not pass through the energy shielding?
As said before most kinds of shields cover all kinds of attacks. Even if not the energy shield, then the other layer of different kind of shield. Many sci-fi factions rely on shields to withstand attacks and panic when they are about to give in.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

And @Hael there's something I've noticed that kinda worries me. Quite a few people mention the usage of EMPs for disabling electronics. But even in the modern-day I believe that a lot of military-grade electronics are shielded from EMPs. So wouldn't massive star-spanning civilizations shield all their military from EMPs? I'm not averse to them fucking with shielding, since that could be justified as it screwing with the shields itself and not the electronics of the shield generators or anything.

Of course, all this EMP talk might be neatly side-stepped by referring to the missiles as "electronic warfare" missiles or "shield busters" or some such thing.

My thoughts exactly.

I'm going with "shield interference devices" and leaving it at that
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

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<Snipped quote by Willy Vereb>

I'm sorry, but we're very full.

I really can't handle anymore people now. In the future I may open up spots again, but I am not certain. If I do, I'll contact you.

I'm sorry.

Huh, really? Even with one guy dropping out and another thinking about dropping out? You're the GM and you have final say on how many people you can handle (and who the hell am I to argue? I'm not you). But shouldn't spots have opened up? Or did I completely miss something?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hael>

Huh, really? Even with one guy dropping out and another thinking about dropping out? You're the GM and you have final say on how many people you can handle (and who the hell am I to argue? I'm not you). But shouldn't spots have opened up? Or did I completely miss something?

I feel we were overcrowded then, so even with those drop-outs, we're still more full than we should be.

*sigh* But I am super-easy to persuade, so if @Willy Vereb will give me the general idea of what he wants to do, I'll consider letting him in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by TheSovereignGrave>

I feel we were overcrowded then, so even with those drop-outs, we're still more full than we should be.

*sigh* But I am super-easy to persuade, so if @Willy Vereb will give me the general idea of what he wants to do, I'll consider letting him in.

Ah, fair enough. As I said, you know best how many people you can handle. I was just wondering, and that makes sense enough.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Hael@Willy Vereb

Ehh, fine. I'm still gonna call them EMPs *sulks in corner like the little baby I am*
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