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If a nation isn't on this list, it is not approved to post

Approved Nations:

United Federation of the Sol System
by @Sigma

X'Cor Empire
by @Lauder

Namilee Council of New Hope
by @Shorticus

Coalition of Reasonable Peoples
by @Queen Raidne

The Doctrinate of Heilagur
by @LloydTurquoise

The Commonwealth
by @Ozerath

The Meknik Union of Worlds
by @Skylar

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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The New Alleghian Republic

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Arawak oZode's ghost

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Extremely incomplete

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

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All of this is obviously still WIP

The Mur-Po Ascendancy

Population and Demographics:

  • 85% Mur-Po
  • 15% Various, held as thralls, soldiers, converts, servants, contractors, etc.
  • 100 billion
  • 30 systems
  • 10 inhabited worlds


The Mur-Po

A quasi-humanoid species, noted above all for the number of their appendages and abstract physiognomy. The Mur-Po, in general, have between 3 or 4 pairs of arms, terminating in hands bearing seven fingers with opposable thumbs; however, some Mur-Po have been known to bear up to seven or eight pairs of arms, and, in some cases, between two and three pairs of legs. The Mur-Po have long, drawn faces, often heavily tattooed and modified with implants and facial scarring, pupil-less eyes accented with epicanthic folds, forked jawlines, and thin, long noses. Many Mur-Po, particularly from the Hunay caste, wear masks (often bearing cultural markers) due to low melanin levels, skin which burns easily in the high polar sunlight of the Mur-Po’s homeworld.

The Mur-Po are sexually trimorphic, roughly corresponding to male, female, and neuter. Reproduction is sexual, but that which bears children is the neuter sex; the male and female sexual organs are now largely vestigial, although anterior to the evolution of the neuter it is thought that they were used in reproduction in the male/female dipode. The neuter sex is equipped with both sexual organs, and are generally maintained in sexual slavery/prostitution in order to fulfill their role as a reproductive element. They have evolved (artificially), to bear between five and six pairs of limbs, thus being the most sexually appealing.

As they are not mammalian, the Mur-Po do not have mammary glands. They are warm-blooded creatures, having evolved to survive the polar desert of their home world.

Generally, a Mur-Po will live between one hundred to two hundred years, although due to the duress of the neuters they have a much lower life expectancy, between thirty to fifty years.

System of Government

The government of the Ascendancy is a hierocracy, governed by the despotism of the priestly caste known as the Twelve and ruled by the Grand Hierophant Jo-Sul, who has, through cybernetic implants (purported to be divine intervention), has abided for nearly a thousand years. The Ascendancy is inherently founded in its religious nature.


The Mur-Po Ascendancy evolved from a series of religiously motivated wars carried out on the planet Inur. According to myth, the Concordat was espoused by the Blind-Wander-King, an exiled son of the Lunar House, who, as his name might imply, was blinded and doomed to wander the polar dunes.

However, in his wanderings, he was spoken to by the voice of the lunar goddess Hanapa and her Forest Court of 3,000 client gods, urging him to bring down perdition on the decadent city of Makhina. The Blind-Wander-King traveled the vast continent of Ulam, petitioning the aid of lordlings through blinding displays of mysticism.

Finally, with a host prepared, the Blind-Wander-King achieved his ambitions, smiting the Lunar House, pulling down the stones of the Lunar Fastness, and massacring the unbelievers. Before the eyes of the Mur-Po faithful, he ascended to godhood--or so it is claimed--and assumed the aspect of the King-Made-God. From then, his followers waged campaigns of conquest to bring the rest of the Mur-Po race to heel, though not without great difficulty. The conquests of Inur lasted well over six hundred years on-and-off, and the planet was split between the detentes of the Ascendancy and their mortal enemies the Atlas Parliament and their auxiliaries, each totalitarian in their own ways.

In its quintessence, it was a war of ideas. To achieve their stated aims, each side researched and employed new technologies, and their societies evolved in a limbo of perpetual war. Rigid castes were developed, in order to foment obedience and fealty to the Grand Design. In the laboratories of artificial evolution, a neuter sex was developed in order to fuel the war effort, a perpetual supplier of soldiers. The holocaust wrought upon the planet Inur was such that even the Grand Hierophant was reduced to ululation.

In the end, the war was taken to the stars. A brutal struggle was waged for the habitation of the twin moons of Yuhano and Huy, with vast capital fleets dazzling the cosmos with thermonuclear radiance. The crucible of the conflict arrived with the 3rd Lunar Siege of Huy, in which, for the first time, il-ship (a prototypical bioship utilizing the long-haul cargoships used to transport goods from the surface of Inur to the moons and sparsely colonized dwarf planets and fort-moons) and no-drive technology was employed. The il-ship (named Acquiescence) obliterated the AP fleet, and, in its blind lunacy, committed suicide by means of collision with Yuhano.

Its impact shattered the moon into three vast pieces, all of which were caught in Inur's gravity well. Those of the eight-armed caste and higher were given the recourse to quit the planet while they could. The rest, well over a third of Mur-Po species, was left to the hecatomb and a silent grave.

But the war was won. What was left of the AP fled the system as refugees, without a home to return to, to prostitute themselves as mercenaries or scavenge the leavings of empires. Yet the duress was not yet at an end for the Ascendancy. The loss of both Yuhano and Inur initiated a great disillusionment with the Concordat, despite the ideological fanaticism inculcated from birth. A civil war convulsed the jungles of Huy and even on the blasted surface of Inur; however, the rebels too were eliminated, induced to the gravest of tortures, and, perhaps worse, damnation.

The Grand Hierophant, the Twelve, and the Mur-Po Ascendancy rested on the laurels of victory. But nigh eight-hundred years of continuous conflict and fervor had bereft them of the recourse to reap the triumph they had sown; furthermore, the Mur-Po was left without a home, confined to a small moon and a smattering of dwarf planets of no consequence. Stagnation loomed, and violence broke out intermittently. The Mur-Po are imbued from their first moments in the catechisms of holy combat. The Ascendancy was faced with a choice: unite the Mur-Po once again in hallowed conquest, or face balkanization.

And so, one hundred and thirty years ago, Grand Hierophant Jo-Sul declared the Campaign. A red hued conquest in the name of Hanapa and her 3,000 Courtiers. To castigate the unfaithful, to bring them to their knees. To overrun their lands and carve a new home with fire and smoke and blood. A conquest, as of yet, without end.


Military size

Military details

Weapons tech

General Technology



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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

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The Song of the Namilee

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Complete, but I'm occasionally adding things.

Theme Music

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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by darkandstar
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

You don’t understand how tempted i was to make the wraith from SG:A when I saw that you were allowing bioships. xD

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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Monarch
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The Akkab Imperium
Live, Rule, and Conquer

Population and Demographics:

The expansive Akkab Imperium has reached it's zenith of planetary conquest, having brought into its fold a host of 85 solar systems. Whilst most of them have been hard won in battle against other nations, the Imperium is now in a state of replenishing it's forces and building up interstellar infrastructure. Therefore, whilst the Imperium is impecably vast, a lot of the planets beyond the Core- and Outer Core sectors are scarcely inhabited by little more than military personnel and Black Clans.

As such, the population of the Akkab Imperium would reach a grand total of 480 billion inhabitants. Whilst it might amount to a massive grand total, the population is rather well distributed across the three rather large stellar sectors. Most of the populace is oddly centered, since the Imperium has annexed and conquered many other races throughout it's existence.

High Akkab: 2%
Akkab: 12%
M'thrin: 43%
Tarkan: 32%
Sephrani: 7%
Other: 4%


The Imperium, in it's vastness, has managed to assimilate many species and even more cultures. But even with that, there are four species that stand over them all, and they are refered to as the Center Populace. These are the core of the Akkad Imperium and are what it's hierarchy rely upon, the creme of the crop, the many cogs of the grand machine.

System of Government:

The Akkab Imperium uses a rather basic form of Imperial Governance where the regent holds absolute authority over the nation. The regent's duties are transfered, upon his death, to the next most qualified Akkabian. Currently, the regency belongs to that of Hashrak the Creator, an Akkabian High Lord of many hundreds of years of age. But that is not all, whilst the regent does have absolute power, there is a small exception in relation to the Prizarch, the Tower of Governance. An ancient system, the Prizarch is the arena of which directives, laws, and overall decisions are chosen through the Grakkan.

The Grakkan is a combat practice initiated by an Akkabian should he desire change. Should someone dispute or disbelieve in this change they are obliged to contest the initiator(s). When that occures the Grakkan initiates. In essence the Grakkan is a form of violent debate where the victor choses the outcome based on the performance of the challenger. As it is believed by the Akkab that passion is shown through battle, the most passionate tends to have their way, winning is not always the goal. However, a Grakkan Khan is the next step up, it is pretty much a Grakkan to the death with the survivor chosing the outcome.

Through the Prizarch, the many Akkab clans wage constant war in the form of Grakkan to decide the future of the Imperium. These wars tend to be incredibly lenghty, having it's participants fight day and night for countless hours on end. Thankfully Akkab physiology is adapted to just this type of engagements.

The victor(s) of a Grakkan are granted audience with his imperial majesty, one which the Emperor is unable to decline. In this audience the victor presents the given motion of which the Emperor must grant "his Imperial Will" for it to become valid. If the Emperor does grant his agreement, the decree is solidified and instantly transfered to the Imperium and the Hall of Decrees within the Tower of Governance.

This is how the imperial governance works, the Emperor holds absolute authority over the nation, with the Akkab Tower of Governance supplying him with decrees of which he can either decline or approve. These decrees are then sent out to Archons (Akkab Sector Governors) who then see to it that the decree enters fruition. The Prizarch's hierachy and thereby Grakkan "leagues" are divided into four sections: planetary, system wide, sector wide, and Empire wide. Different clans are responsible for different sections, with strenght allocated as one might expect.


The Akkab Imperium is founded on principled conquest and subjugation, it's roots sitting in the very nature of it's rulers during their primal ages. The first recorded history of Akkabian legacy begins in the Kar clan, some seventy thousand years in the past. During this period the Akkab were gathered in tribes all over the vastness of the planet, acting as the widlife's apex predator. With their natural lenght and size, the Akkab were uncontested in their lifestyle and quickly came to fight one another when their natural bloodlust had yet to be soothed.

This started a clan war which would last for milennia, ending first forty thousand years in the past when the Hish clan were granted absolute dominance over the rest of the nearby clans. Using this dominance, they used their vassal tribes to begin construction of the first villages and cities, quickly seeing to it that nations formed. But with the dawn of civilization upon them so too was the new age of strife. One which would last for countless years on end.

Conflicts ceased close to three thousand years in the past where it was substituted for a united hate for their supposed Tarkan conquerors. United under the bannership of the black clan of Ysh, Hashrak the Creator lead the Akkab in a united offensive against the Tarkans, overwhelming them, overpowering them, and soon defeating them in an intersteller battle the likes which had yet to be seen. With the defeat of the Tarkans, Hashrak the Creator took upon himself the lordship of a new empire, that of the Akkab Imperium. His mantle was that of Akkab supremacy, his destiny being that of uniting the world under the embrace of Akkabian glory. With this new purpose in mind, his Akkabi legions took forth, annihilating all which came before them.

It was clear that the Akkabi were great and powerful, evident in the successes they'd shown against their enemies. However, in his glorification of the Akkab species, he quickly turned to his new vassal, the Tarkans, to expand the nation and thus his influence over the galaxy. Unable to refuse, the Tarkans thus began their endless quest to expand the reach of their arrogant but genius Emperor.

The grand and extensive Akkabi legions were disbanded, reforged into the great clans which rule imperial politics during this day with an extremely small select few granted chakar; broken schackles. These select few came to create the black clans, those clans who are free from the Tower of Governance. These black clans are often located on frontier worlds so that they'll be close to the tarkans, and thus close to combat.

The Tarkans and their newfound allies the black clans would wage their first united war against the M'thrin during 130 A(fter)A(scendency), where they subjugated the various M'thrin factions and thus annexed them into the Imperium. The war was quick and efficient as evidenced by the conjoined actions of the various black clans as well as the Tarkish Unity. After this war would reign a ceaseless campaign which ended first 3012 AA, which is seven years ago.


The Akkab Imperium is a vast stellar empire, standing testamony to one of the largest dominions in the sector, if not the galaxy. With this grasp comes incredible riches, and thus the Imperium has become quite the center for not only military research and advancements, but also culture and the fine arts. Majesty is in the nature of an Akkab's mind, as such architecture has become a profession of not only philosophical practice, but also semi-religious nature.

The worshipping of Akkab and their elevated Akkabian brethren is the absolute religion in the Imperium. Churches and forums dedicated to the majesty of the Warrior's Pantheon are dominant in Imperial cities, fading away gradually the further you go from the centre core-worlds. Sephrani priests work tirelessly to convert possible nonbelievers, but ironically enough the Warrior's Pantheon is not enforced by the Imperial Tyranny. Nontheless the worshipping of the Akkabian species has run rampant, leading to millions gathering outside of the Prizarch waiting expectantly for months on end for an Akkab to leave the great tower of ceaseless war.

It is also because of Akkabian nature that their citizens have adapted, many vassal nations and thereby species rapidly adopted Akkabian nature and glorified conflict as a result, cheering as the endless sounds of clashing wills echo from the distant summit of the Prizarch tower in the Imperial District of Markh Prime. This glorification spread, like wildfire, throughout the Imperium. Death is now little if not the norm, local arenas and tournaments opened to display the act of conflict to the people. However, it is not done in brutish fashion -- Instead it is practiced like any other major sport, with incredible honor and pride.

The greatest combatants are often also the greatest philosophers, painters, artists, musicians, writers, and teachers of the imperial commoners' society. Entire schools have been established in the name of learning the arts of Shukan, essentially gladiatory fighting. But needless to say, Shukan is not the only skill taught to the people. All kinds of crafts, arts, skills, sciences, and knowledges are taught en masse to the entire populous, with even the most remote colony having access to some form of higher education. This free access to education is, not only a way to indoctrinate other species into satisfaction, but also a way to control the population, and train them into more willing and capable warriors should the time come for them to be called upon.

The many high quality and satisfactory services offered by his Imperial Highness are regulated, controlled, and overseen by the Sector Council. The Sector Council is a sort of indepedent entity that maintains the civic services of the entire Imperium divided by sectors.

But not all sectors are run by the Sector Council and their Archons. On paper, the Tarkan Unity, as well as the M'thrin states are gained autonomy and independence within Imperial borders. And whilst the M'thrin warring states are in a state of senseless warfare in the pre-frontier sectors, the Tarkan Unity is largely being puppeted by the Prince-Archon in their supposedly self-governed Frontier Sectors. As mentioned before, the further from central imperial territory the less Akkabian pressence domineers over individual and local cultures, and whilst it does spread, bastions of foreign cultures still remain strong and powerful far from the centre worlds.

These bastions are that of the Tarkan Unity, as well as the M'thrin Warring States. The reason for this is because Hashrak the Creator thought it proper to allow them their personal autonomy, as they'd serve him better should they be under their own culture and individual natures. As such the spiritualist M'thrin worship not the Akkab, but rather the ethereal spirits; the Tarkan Unity worship not the God-Emperor, but rather their pantheon, the Fire Lords of Agoth.

Whilst war is a central theme in both Tarkan and M'thrin society, it is no question that their entire populous are geared either towards supplying the grand factories of the Tarkan Unity, but also supplying their military with sufficient recruits. The Tarkan Unity have a collectivist mindset, working not only to improve their united standing, but also the strenght of the state and it's authority. As such, all Tarkans work ceaselessly, aimlessly, and tirelessly towards this grand aspiration of grand unification under imperial banners. They are the ceaseless hands of the Imperium that grip out and retract entire solar systems into the Imperium.

The M'thrin follow a very different goal, but their cultural heritage was very different to begin with as well. Built on grand principles of honor, bravery, and duty, the M'thrin Warring States are left in an endless state of constant war between the four different M'thrin states that dominate the pre-frontier sectors. Due to their strong belief in honor, bravery, duty, and other similar virtues, the small conflict which sparked soon after their annexation by the Imperium quickly snowballed into a grand war which almost entirely cuts the various layers of Core Sectors off from the Frontier Sectors. It is still within M'thrin nature to follow spiritual roots, as such many M'thrin are also wise philosophers, strategists, tacticians, poets, and so much more. In fact, the finest and most exceptional artistry are often made by the hands of M'thrin Warlords, Primarchs, and Admirals.

Important people, places, and organizations:

  • Hashrak the Creator - Hashrak the Creator, conqueror, and imperial dictator of the Akkab Imperium. Famed and worshipped as a God by his subjects for many hundreds of years, this tyrant has accomplished much in his humble years of living. Heir to the fable of Hashrak the Creator, this incarnation shares, as the two before him, all his Imperial Dispositions. In the eyes of the people Hashrak the Creator is immortal, and let none tell them otherwise. An immortal God-Emperor is no trivial thing, thus it is a powerful weapon to use against the Imperium's enemies.

  • Hesh the Undefeated - Ruler and champion of the great Hesh clan, Hesh the Undefeated is a paragon of martial prowess and the Lead Dictator for the Hesh clan in the Prizarch's Grakkans. As such, he is a very respected and feared member of the Council of Governance and fabled member of Akkabian society. What puts Hesh above others is not only his paramouncy over the Akkabian council, but his Imperial Disposition. For much alike Hashrak the Creator, Hesh the Undefeated also crosses the border between High- and common Akkabian, thus bearing the natural benefits of both races.

  • Prince-Archon Arrka the Crowned - Prince-Archon Arrka the Crowned, a rather malevolent but cunning High Akkabian of the Ysh Clan, and acting representativ of the Sector Archons. Whilst not sharing the Imperial Disposition with the Emperor, Hashrak the Creator, Arrka has still managed to claw fame from the hands of others and embrace it as if it were his. Through deceptive cunning and impeccable mastery of tactics and strategy Arrka has managed to grab Prince-Archonship of the Outer Provinces and thereby the Frontier Sector. As such he leads the Tarkan unity and orchestrates the construction of logistics and settlement through local Right of Governance.

  • Lord-Paramount Zephyr Magnus - Leader of the Tarkan Unity and supposed reincarnation of Zephyr Manus Toran, Zephyr Magnus holds supreme dictatorship of his species. As such, he is the only one allowed to dictate the happenings of his citizens and military forces. Though this is often times largely ignored through the Right of Governance, an Imperial right practiced by the Ysh Clan over their subjects. Otherwise, however, the Tarkan Unity experiences a large amount of autonomy.

  • Ozulon the Primordial - Direct descendent of Orin the Primordial and thus reincarnation of his soul, Ozulon the Primordial is the current Warlord of the M'thrin. During the war of many factions which split the fragile M'thrin alliance, Hashrak the Creator decided to bring victory to those who allied with his ways. As such, the Warring States of the M'thrin alliance gained paramouncy over their people. In direct response the remaining leaders of their clans gathered before a newborn M'thrin of royal heritage, summarily ending their own lives so that the child may heir their primordial and ancient souls. This child was Ozulon, and with this event he had gained primordial knowledge and wisdom, as well as paramouncy of the M'thrin Warring States.

Military size:

Total Military: 52 800 000

Akkabian Dominion: 3 696 000

The Warrior's Pantheon: 615 000

The Eternals: 1 000

Black Clans: 3 080 000

Tarkan Unity: 34 320 000

United Tarkan Grand Army: 10 440 000

Great Tarkan Navy: 20 880 000

United Tarkan Imperial Guard: 3 000 000

M'Thrin Warring States: 14 784 000

T'rak: 8 900 500

The'shik: 2 000 170

Tje'za: 2 450 130

Ma'nok: 1 433 200

Military details:

The Akkab Imperium is a grand and expansive empire the likes of which few have seen before. As such, administration and infrastructure becomes a difficult task, and is also why each sector operates independently of the crown-worlds of the centre core through Paramounts. Paramounts are regents granted full authority of their own separate species, loyal and obedient only to the Emperor. There are thus no enforced rules in regards to military doctrines, structure, or levies made by the Emperor himself. There is only one, unique commandment given to each individual Paramount. Some commandments can also be hereditary, such as the one granted to the Tarkan Unity; Expand. As such they’ve waged a seemingly ceaseless crusade for no other reason than the God-Emperor’s right to rule.

Weapons tech:

Go nuts!

General Technology:

Really go nuts! For at least 3 paragraphs!


Are your people poor and starving? Rich and fat? Are you economically powerful enough to control other nations through wealth? Can you be controlled through wealth?


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LloydTurquoise
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Doctrinate of Heilagur

Population and Demographics:
Total = 29 Billion

Human: 90%
Alsibass: 10% (Going through a population boom)

18 solar systems.
11 Gas Giants
34 planetoids (Both planets and natural satellites)
6 inhabited planets.
- Heilagur (Boreal world, Human majority)
= Pinehelm (Cap)
= Seawind Plateau
= Winter's Sweep
- Fristgol (Tropical moon, Human majority)
= Briskhold (Cap)
- Pyre IV (Oceanic world, Human majority)
= Tian's Landing (Cap)
- Divlo II (Oceanic world, Human majority)
= Ealdorman (Cap)
- Alsis (Arid world, Alsibass majority)
= Hikodrojjan (Hiko)(Cap)
- Cadril's Moon (Temperate moon, Human majority)
= Listerberg (Cap)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Meknik Union of Worlds

Population and Demographics:

Meknik 55%
[Other races WIP]


[Other race profiles WIP]

System of Government:
In theory, the Meknik Union of Worlds is governed by a parliament of representatives from each civilized world of the Union, with an elected Prime Minister among them acting as supreme executive with power of veto.

In practice, the Union is a very decentralized nation with considerable autonomy granted to individual worlds and megacorporations within it. More akin to a coalition of oligarchies than a centralized commonwealth, they are more unified by a need for common defense than a common culture or government. But despite the seeming anarchy and near-breakdown of the system, it is a functional compromise for the Mekniks as individual worlds are permitted self-governance while Parliament functions as a common legal overseer and basis for national defense.

During the Establishment Wars, the Union Parliament’s powers rapidly expanded in order to take charge of the war under the conditions that the militarization of planetary assets would be temporary and expire after the war. But after its conclusion and the lack of post-war direction from planetary rulers, the Union as a whole wonders who should take charge in the post-war world. A debate still ongoing today.



Military size:
The Union Military stands at approximately ten billion standing personnel under arms and over ten thousand warships.

The large size of the Union Army and Fleet is due to large amount of real estate to patrol and protect, as well as several alien worlds to occupy and keep under control as annexation is underway.

Military details:

The Union Military is divided into the Union Army, Union Fleet, the Planetary Defense Forces.

The PDF are the standing garrison and local militia on every world, charged with the self-defense of their home planet and to hold out until reinforcements from the Union Fleet can arrive. The quality of PDF forces is highly variable based on local funding, infrastructure, and standing military presence in-system, often more reliant on static emplacements and orbital satellites than mobile forces on planet or in orbit.

The Union Fleet

Weapons tech:

General Technology:




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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

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