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Craftworld Selis

The Path of the Witch was one that did not come without price, as all things do not come without a price. Alivien knew this well as she meditated in her quarters, in front of a window that faced the inside of the Craftworld. Silence had become a great value to her. The silence was something that she had long since wanted as the life of a Farseer was that full of stress due to sheer responsibility. It was always great to hold some time to herself every now and again. The silence was a pleasure that she had needed for a long time coming. Though, her silence was broken as she heard her door shift open to reveal a warlock.

"Preliminary scans of this sector have finish, Farseer," The Warlock Gerald stated, his voice holding that sound of frustration. He continued walking to Alivien. "It seems that there may be some strife for the Apes; there is a so called Union has gone to war against the Imperium and there may be more conflict to come across this sector. I suggest that we take our chance to cause as much damage to both-"

"Ssshhh," Alivien silenced Gerald, annoyance flooding her as she began to hear the Warlock drone on about the state of affairs within the sector of space that they had come upon. "Silence, silence can be relieving can it not? I feel that you should enjoy its company at some time since you sound stressed." Alivien desired for that silence to continue, though she knew that Gerald would not feel the same way since he is a warrior at heart.

"Farseer, this is no time to belay! We must take whatever advantage we have against these Space Marines," Gerald countered, his voice becoming more frustrated due to Alivien's persistence into silence.

"So be it," Alievien sighed, rising to her feet while turning to face the Warlock, revealing an obviously annoyed face. "We shall not act, we shall not do any brash and arrogant actions. What we must do, is simply wait. We must analyze the situation further before we can truely do anything," the Farseer explained. Her eyes pierced into the mask of that warlock and instilled a feeling of authority. "Do you understand that, Gerald?"

Gerald stared back at the woman, obviously giving a face of defiance behind that mask of his. "As you wish," the Warlock spat, giving into the Farseer's demands before turning and leaving the Farseer.

Alivien sighed before straightening her robes, a conversation with Gerald was always one that she wanted to end quickly due to the arrogance the man held. She turned back to the window that faced the temperate rainforests that inhabited the Craftworld before sitting on her knees once more. It was time to meditate on the possible futures once more.

Go ahead ^^


Mind if I join as some Eldar?

I would be glad to do something with werewolves, it has certainly been a while from me role playing a 1x1 and you managed to peak my interest!
Ima display meh interest here ^^

I wouldn't worry about it too much. Besides, you could prove to be a good trade ally to me, I still want your little crops.
@Boop_Im_A_Dragon Now that I think about it, Army training could mean rate of troop count increase. That means Raydir is still the greatest military power!

No, Theo has not added the actions yet but it typically goes that you can recruit a set amount of people for your army by spending cash.
There were different outsiders within the lands, arriving in such a fashion that was similar to their other allies except these ships were different in craftsmanship as well as the flags. The scouts made their way on Askari to the Council, which proved harder to find due to the whole festival. Nonetheless, the Council had been informed, but the High Queen had no idea what was truly going on which was something that the Council needed.

"Find Thatcher immediately!," West, Councilor of Aonghus ordered to the scouts. The entire Council found mounts and rode off to meet with these newcomers, granted they brought along a guard as well. The twenty man group did not need to go far in order to find where these strange people had come, though there was a sight that threw some of the others off. The group slowly began to walk down with their Askari, cautious about these people.

They seemed nonthreatening at the very least, though the Council were not overly trusting like Thatcher would be in times like this. The entirety of the Council did not particularly trust the outsiders of different lands, forced to go along with the positive outlook on life that Thatcher brought along.

As the Council closed in with the outsiders, Sel yelled a command that would indicate for the outsiders to not make any movements towards them. The Kashar of the Council rode up to where only a few meters were between them and outsiders. The guards narrowed their eyes and kept their stone spears in hand so that they may act if anything happened. The Council acted the same, flicking their eyes from person to person as if they were trying to read them.

"They look strange," West commented, observing the different races that were in front of him.

"All outsiders look strange," Ashor chuckled.

@Sigma I had the idea for a small empire of a homogeneous race of reptilian humanoids. They're not necessarily warlike but are aggressive, and while not terribly advanced are able to be a decent power. Probably a despotic dictatorship in that sense.

I'm sorry you misspelled 'Slaves'
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