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The Holy Saurilian Empire Summer, 1911

It was no debate that the weapons that was currently held by the Saurilian military seemed rather outdated and the soldiers, the captains, the veterans even, hated that fact and petitioned the government to develop better armaments. Little did these petitioners know, the Holy Empire, previously, had increased funding into the Military Research company that was a lesser part of their military as it was not one that would gain as much fame as being a luxurious general. Nay, though the king had already thought of the advantages of more advanced weapons could have for him and the likes. No heretical religion would want to lash out once more when these weapons were finished, though the scientists and manufacturers needed more time and more time they would be granted by the family. The people did not know this fact, however, and so they would continue to petition the government until an official signing was sent to the royal family with signatures from some of the upper crust of society.

The king personally met with these men and discussed with them that he was doing all he could with, the money that he had available in coffers, from the taxes that he was collecting from the citizens mind them. The men were glad to hear that their king was already on this subject and they explained that they would willing give of some of their own funds to help the Saurilian government to further the funding of the research department. Two hours they waged a war of negotiations that discussed prices of these funds and for another three the men celebrated in the palace, feasting with the royal family. Needless to say the was more money for the military to work with and it had also been decided that some of that money would go towards training the men of war.

Men of the army training themselves whilst an officer overlooks them

The Great Xhan people were a lot from a far off land and would normally just be overlooked, but, when one of their most respected diplomats comes to palace with gifts, then it could hardly be overlooked. Prince Charles Graham, second-born to the King, would be the first to meet with Xue and greet him as a true guest to the Saurilian Empire. Charles would give gifts of equal value back to Xue and would proceed to negotiations in order to se what Xue was prepared to say, and accept better relations with the Great Xhan. The king approved of everything when Charles went to him just to confirm some minor details, but nothing important to the negotiations by any means. Perhaps, they would continue to discuss other topics and make merry while Xue was here.

That's a small little island, isn't it?

Then we shall form a bond of everlasting friendship and go on to destroy everyone!

I was thinking along C9 or D9 for myself.



I has idea. How about, you get one side of the river and I get the other so we can but heads every now and again as we try to expand our territory?
Gonna make me a hunter-gatherer tribe!

At least throw in a meme, man
Oddly slow around here.
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