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Empire of Saurilia

The Kavonian Denouncement had certainly gotten its fair share of attention and even more was beging given to the matter by Saurilian officials given how close this was. Queen Saurilia organizes a press conference to release her thoughts on this subject for the better of the Empire.

"This denouncement process is exactly why Republics are wanting their neighbors to be weak and frail while they form alliances with the other republics to only gain more land. This is dishounourable tactics at its finest, seeing as how Kavonia immediately borders Saurilia, this is a blatant disrespect. They complain about a small kingdom increasing their standing army while our size much outpaces that! Perhaps the wretched Republic should mind its own business and respect what a nearby country does. Remember, Republics may say that they want freedom for all, but limiting or even complaining about what another country does is censorship! Impeding on the right to defend itself! These basic rights are what we support. If this is what a Republic states as freedom, then the Saurilian Empire will not stand with it! We support the Kingdom of Jouran the name of true freedom!
You get martial law! You get martial law! EVERYBODY GETS MARTIAL LAW
The Saurilian Empire

The people of the of the Imperial colony were almost up in arms with what the local garrison commander had done, threating rebellion unless something were to be done about this poor excuse of man who was the alleged felon in the eyes of the people. No doubt, this caught the eyes of the Queen who had, in large, neglecting the state of the colony which seemed to almost defy her rule in some strange sentence about the garrison commander. What had supposedly happened was that the Commander, Sir Isaac Hoossland, had put the colony under martial law for he feared that there was a plot to kill him. The trail become more vague as the colonial guard, of a measly 1,000 standing men, reported no such thing being ordered and that the people were forming lies in order to rally support for their own independence cause. Queen Saurilia did not truly know what was going on within that colony, wanting to trust both sides but knowing she could not.

Three Days later, Queen Saurilia had come to the conclusion that there were traitors among the midst of the citizens at the colony of New Sauril, that simply would not do in her eyes. Another day later, a speech was released regarding the situation of the colony, "The situation of New Sauril has grown dire in the eyes of the Queen, those who wish to fracture the Empire have infiltrated the colony and spread discord. I will not idly sit by and let this happen. New Sauril will be put under martial law until we can be sure that there are no traitors within our midst, likewise, a new garrison commander will be put in charge of leading this martial law. Similarly, a new governor will be put in charge and it shall be the people of the colony to decide. The Empire must be preserved at all costs and every citizen is expected to do his or her part, whether in colony or on the homeland. I bid thee all good tiding for the year.

It took many weeks of reorganization for the standing forces at the colony to get a full grasp over the citizens, though it was eventually done and that portion of the issue was solved. Meanwhile, the citizens were electing their own politicians to become their governor, most of the candidates so happening to be native born to the colony. The elections are not expected to be truly held until later within the year or even next year as the government tried to figure the whole situation out.
Jesus this blew up
@Willy Vereb

Their language would be that similar to the Berber language. Have fun getting translations!
Oh shit, military grade weapons... I may need to raid someone with a tank


I'm totally fine with scrap, allows me to repair my vehicles and the likes easier. Maybe even make ammunition if I can.
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