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The Saurilian Empire

The Meung Civil War

This situation has brought a strange situation to the Queen, while the Empire was surely available to aid a country that is relatively close to them, the same is not said about a country halfway around the world. The Saurilians, having a distaste for rebels, believe that this new republic may take away the newly bought city. The Empire, instead, shall hold a vote on July 30th in the city of Tsungmao to see whether they should get involved in this or not, and on what side? Her majesty has found this situation rather complex, but until further notice, the Empire shall remain neutral.
The Saurilian Empire

The Arrival

General Sjörn of the Saurilian 1st Armed Battalion was offended by the question that he was first asked upon arriving, having said to have responded by saying, "What is wrong with a General taking control of a smaller force for once?" Needless to say, the general was not one who liked to be questioned upon his motives, something that his soldiers under him learned quickly. However, that was not the problem with this situation, the problem was the Seljuk's essentially starving innocent civilians. "I disagree that we should wait, civilians do not deserve such a cruel death. Have it not be thought that some may have been forced into the rebellion? Those people surely deserve a chance to live, no?," the Saurilian General had said before going off to give orders to his men personally.
The Saurilian Empire

Zellonian Aggression

"The Zellonian Fleet refuses to leave" reads many headlines throughout the Saurilian Empire, painting even worse of a name of the Zellonians for the Empire's citizens. Even worse is that the Blutlandians have formed a new alliance over the "Seljuk Aggression," when in fact the Zellonians are the ones who being aggressive. While, yes, they had good intentions, the Zellonians did not ask if men could be landed or if their ships could help the Seljuk Empire. Now, they have to pay the price and accept that the Seljuk Empire have taken a ship as reparations for this outrage. The Zellonians shall be seen as a threat to the world's stability should they continue on this path, such can bring the ire of all nations to clash in a potentially devastating war. The Saurilians wish to avoid war for as long as possible, but will not go to lengths of appeasement.

The Saurilian Empire

The Bidding of Tsungmao

With the bidding going on, Saurilia is of course seeking to expand its colonial hold in Faresia in order to keep up with some of the more dominant powers among the Continent. However, it is not going to put up such a meager bid, like Zellonia, the Empire will instead put up a higher bid of up to $500,000,000 to be paid off over a period of ten months. Saurilian aristocrats scoff at the notion of such a city only being worth a mere $7,000,000 with an additional meager amount being paid off by July. The one who would send this offer would be the Foreign Minister Velonele Gostoff who has been known to hold long standing friends throughout the Faresian continent, her elegance would no doubt be able to sway the officials of the Meung Dominion.
I'll join when I'm done protesting Euro-centrism and can be a glorious Asiatic nation-state.


10:32 AM - Theodorable: You can be a non-European nation, my friend.
10:33 AM - M.C Stein: How funny I just posted in the OOC thread about it
10:33 AM - M.C Stein: My protest was incredibly successful

I have succeeded in my protest.

Whale then
The Saurilian Empire

Treaty of Sauril


With what had been happening with the civil war in the south, the bonds between the Seljuk and Saurilian Empires have been strengthening along as the Saurlians have been aiding the Seljuks with no expected reward in turn. It would be a travesty to no except a defensive alliance with those fine people. Admittedly, the queen was shocked at the proposal, Saurilia seeing themselves alone in these grim times, though the Seljuks were not so different from the Saurilians. Velonele Gostoff was the one who was sent to sign in the Sauril embassy where the two met, discussed terms, and came to a mutual agreement. and thus the Treaty of Sauril was signed, forming the Sauro-Seljuk Pact.

The Saurilian Empire

The Civil War

With the Seljuk civil war just starting to truly heat up, the Empire has been notified by the Seljuks that the Havka Machine guns are prone to breaking down which is problematic. The three advisers confer with one another to send a statement to Her Royal Majesty that a new variant of the Havka gun is needed along the Seljuk front, this was immediately taken to the makers of the Havka, the Lithuanian Arms Manufacturers, to request a new design according to what the three advisors had stated. A gun with more reliability would prove to be more potent over time, so the teams went to the drawing board.

Along the front, Sven Aal states that a river crossing would be too brutal and would amount to a loss in a large amount of life and suggests that the river be well defended and instead make a push to the south. They would push across the river if the Karalian forces shift focus onto the southern front which would allow the Seljuk's to encompass the rebels with ease.

Meanwhile, spies are sent to the rebellious forces and seek to gain a tactical advantage about when and where they could attack so the front would be able to be defended.


With the rise of a new Kingdom, the Suarilian Empire immediately sends and envoy to sew new relations ad see this as a chance to gain a leg up against the empire's rivals who hold nearby colonies. The Suarilians send the envoy Peter Watland to discuss how the two nations could grow closer to each other. In fact, he states the he would be glad to learn more of their culture if he had the time. Of course, he would offer many trinkets that the chieftain such as a golden pocket-watch, many books, and other trinkets that he would think a nomadic peoples would like.

Saurilian Empire

With the first battle at a loss down in the Seljuk Empire and their Havka guns just arriving, the Seljuk has requested that three military advisors be sent for operations and maintenance. Luckily for them, the Saurilian Empire is always in the mood to put down rebels so they will comply for to a certain extent as to avoid this conflict from escalating any further unlike the Zellonians who wish to send much of their fleets. This was the Seljuk's problem after all, they should be able to do it without the help of such a large fleet, but no matter. It only goes to show that the Zellonians and the Saurilians are on the same side when it comes to rebels, they need to be put down with as much force as needed. The Saurilian Empire will send three people as the Seljuk wanted; Sveen Aal, Jacob Morland, and Mari Teslow to aid in mission. The three will be briefed of their task and the Saurilian Diplomat, Zackery Hasselhoff, formally requests that a guard of 500 saurilain men be sent with them. It would be no problem if this would not be allowed, but it is merely a contingency should the rebels find ad invade wherever the advisers be stationed.

More importantly, after many nights of discussion and heated debate, Hunter Gorrig's work is accepted by the Naval department and will immediately begin their work to design one of these so-called "Battle Cruisers". While many are skeptical of this, a cheaper ship with the same power of the dreadnought is always one that should be sought to no end.

The Saurilian Empire

The Karalian Crisis

The Saurilian Empire extends its hands to help the Seljuk Empire put down its rebels by planning to send 60 of their newest inventions, the Havka Machine Guns, to them once they had been produced along with 10,000 able bodied Saurilian men. Saurilia goes to show that even if the Seljuk are on another side of a different conflict, would not mean that the Empie would not offer aid if it saw fit, this was a fitting moment. It was a favor of good will and ask for nothing in return, however, the mobilization of the southern country may draw their interests elsewhere. Though, Saurilia has no plans to go to war in the future and instead expand upon itself.

Kavonian Mobilization

The Queen releases another statement about the Kavonians, solidifying Saurilian attitude towards the small Republic to the south.
"The mobilization, while even partial, goes to show how hypocritical the Kavonian Republic is. Are they so above us all that they may complain about peacekeeping so far as to go mobilize part of their soldiers? Are the nations backing this Republic so sure that they would want to support these hypocrites? I would implore all nations involving themselves in this conflict to please reconsider, why they would choose to side with a nation who blatantly wishes for another state to give up the right to defend itself. If we are so against war or are threated by war, then why instigate one?"

Oh, so we are changing from yearly to monthly, eh?
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