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The flight to Xerxes was not a long one from the Venomweald, a flight over mountains to a city full of potential Chaos. Keriss could see the city, she could already see that this would be a waste of her time since the city was not on fire or under attack by some unknown force. As she closed in onto the city something felt off, a new feeling started to surge over her as she drew closer. 

Keriss landed on one of the taller buildings that she could see, and the things that she would see of that city only confirmed what Vestec had said, Chaos. All she found was a city filled with scum and villainy, the likes of which she had never seen before on her quest to destroy Chaos. It was angering her, it was making her bloodthirsty, and worst of all, it was making her want to destroy the entire city. There was something about this city, making her feel the way she did, clouding her judgment ever so slightly. 

Suddenly, screams were filling the air, the populous of this specific area of Xerxes fell to the knees, some even going into shock. They were all feeling the weight of the actions coming back, others just flat out in an unspeakable pain. Keriss flew down, teeth bared and fists clenched. She looked down at one kneeling in front of her before his head was shattered against the ground before he could react.

"Worry not filth, all your deaths will be quick. You will not need to suffer through this chaotic life any longer!" Keriss roared, going around and tearing the people of Xerxes limb from bloody limb. Some attempted to fight back, they would find themselves killing themselves to end their own suffering. Keriss laughed all the while, her powers were getting stronger and she could feel it.

Homes were soon set ablaze as Keriss tapped people inside and threw fire onto the outside, people who survived that were quickly mouthed on poles. 

"Listen here beast! Run now and you may yet live!" someone yelled, drawing a sword and taking a stance of battle. How strange that a mortal thought he could fight against something as mighty as Keriss. After a few moments of hesitation, that someone charged forward, swinging his sword like a mad man in a vain attempt to kill the beast. 

He soon found his arms ripped from his body, feeling pain for only a moment or so before his own head joined with his arms. The remaining body lay bleeding on the ground while Keriss took the sword for her own use. Better to use than just her bare fists.

Sin, oblivious to the destruction, took a sip from his wine, savoring the sweet taste of fermented grape as a chill ran down his esophagus. Tables laden with delicacies lined the edges of his throne. Everything one could think of, and things some could have never dreamed of, lie in wait. Whole roasted cows and pigs and goats still turning on spits. Huge platters of fowl stuffed with savoury fruit and nuts. Ocean creatures drizzled in sauces or begging to be dipped in spicy concoctions. Countless cheeses, breads,.vegetables, sweets, waterfalls of wine, and streams of spirits that flicker with flames; all concoctions of the stone, more or less. 

To think that the gods wished to take all this away was a saddening thought. Sin raised his goblet once again to his lips, his mind dawdling on the ramifications of confronting a god. As was expected, Amartía welcomed the sweetness of his crimson perfection, but was instead slapped by the sudden sourness of the liquid. Sin's eyes narrowed and his lips puckered; he did not create sour wine, such would be a stain on his pristine reputation. He raised the goblet to the sun, and studied the beverage; it hadn't changed, the liquid remained sanguine in color. Then Amartía smelled the air, the metallic redolence of blood and burning flesh suddenly suffocating his nostrils. He could feel the bloodlust in the wind, the addictive sensation of murder and violence, Chaos at its basic form. 

"Gods came sooner then I thought." Sin sighed, his throne suddenly feeling extra comfortable. While dealing with the situation personally was the better idea, letting the intruder blow off steam and leave themselves was the better alternative in his mind. Amartía chose the latter. 

Crimson energy enveloped Sin's throne, eating at the metal and reforming it. Amartía sat in place as solid became molten liquid, floating lazily underneath him before elongating and hardening into separate pieces. Seven thin pillars formed no longer than six feet, each with a wicked bronze blade at the end and two out-turned lugs at the base of the head that forms a guard.

Each spear floated lazy around him as Amartía rose to his feet. A fleeting though crossed his mind; would this be enough? "Only time will tell." he murmured as he beat his wings and took off into the air. 

Within moments, Amartía doubts were cast. Fires raged as the screams of mortals reached his ears. The bloodlust grew thick as he drew closer to the battlefield, then he saw the culprit. 

Rows of teeth, each as sharp as a dagger, nose the size of a baked potato, dripping with gelatinous red streaked snot, skin a sallow green, flaking around the eyes and nose, two protruding eyes, bulbous eyes, nails like a sabre tooth tiger's, fangs glinting over rubbery pale gums, ears on stalks, stench of halitosis breath, hands the size of human heads, eight feet tall, small lumpy bald head with mottled skin, legs like the trunk of an ancient oak, feet like sprawling roots lashing around as the monster advances, roars like the sound of a thousand nightmarish ghouls, grins menacingly.

Amartía gagged as he laid eyes on the beast, and watched it rampage through the streets of his city. He shuddered at the thought of having to touch such a thing. Sin landed on a nearby building, his spears pointing stiffly at its target. "Good afternoon!" Amartía called, interrupted by the wine that filled his mouth. "Might I interest you in some roast pig or fine wine?"

Keriss turned towards the new one, cocking her head ever so slightly as the man offered her a drink of wine. Her tongue scented the air, eyes narrowed and sword raised in front of her in case those spears came after her. "I take you are one of the many forces of Chaos here, a sin only death can wipe away." Keriss grinned maniacally, looking over her adversary. "Let me show you what I do to those of chaos.

The eyes of the woman grew black and the next thing Sin would feel would be someone trying to invade his mind, whispers of gibberish surrounding him. A force could be felt from all sides as the demi-goddess attempted to enter his mind, easing in to see how hard she would have to exert herself to make this man suffer. 

Blackness surrounded Amartía, Keriss' laughter could be heard as she attempted to fill his mind with her own will. "Come now, you cannot escape any heinous acts that you may have committed in this city. Tell me what your sins are.

Amartía steeled his mind as the invading force pounded his mental fortification. He didn't expect such an ugly creature to be mentally capable also, it was unnerving, it was disgusting. How dare such a creature even attempt to touch the confines of his consciousness?

With unwavering decisiveness Sin counterattacked, Pride beating back at the surrounding force on his mind like an angry bull, sudden and overbearing. Pride became a protective barrier around his mind, scoffing at the very thought of such an attack. He exuded the sin, glaring down the beast as if she were and ant. He then thrust the power upon her, attempting to suffocate her with his hubris.

Fear crawled up her spine as she became aware of her own insignificance in the presence of an entity such as himself.

Amartía smiled at the lizard. "Funny that you say that, although I thought that the gods would have actually thought to bring me a challenge. Not an apprentice exterminator."

Her mother was of the mind, herself was attuned with mental attacks and defence, but to combat her own feelings was something else as she acted upon those first. She could already feel how insignificant that she truly was, that attack had worked, but would she allow it to control her was another mater. 

Keriss let her own pains become one with her, thus it would become a defense against what this foul chaos could do. She could twisted the attack and turned it into a feeling of dread, throwing it back at the chaos. "You believe that I am no challenge? Then I shall show thee a challenge."

She began to attack with with all the strength that her mind could allow, constricting Sin like a snake and crushing him slowly. He would be able to feel the weight of all of his sins bearing down on him. Determination was her ally in this test of mental subjugation. 

But all Sin could feel was a subtile shift in the air around him, but nothing more. Amartía shook his head as realization dawned on him. [color=Crimson]"You are gifted with the body of a warrior but the brain of a child. Do you not realize that [b]I am Sin![/color] he bellowed, a gust of wind pounding the lizard at the end of his sentence. 

Sin shook his head as he shrugged off her attack and renewed the offensive. "Let me show you how its done." he cooed as he reversed the attack completely. He was the master of sin, and only he could show her true pain. As if a mountain had been thrust upon her back, the weight of her actions suddenly hit her. Images ran through her head; the thousands she murdered in the Venomweed and the hundreds she murdered today. The piercing screams of thier tormented souls pounding at her metal defenses. But Sin wasn't finished there, knowing that her transgressions weren't enough to move her. Like a hurricane, Amartía thrust upon her mind Wrath, unbridled rage ripped through her like a cannon, eating at her mental barriers and clouding her judgement. 

"I still see no truth in your words." he mocked.

Keriss' own attempt to mentally fight ceased once she felt what her opponent was doing to her. The people she had killed in the name of her crusade, the same crusade that she had brought to the city of Xerxes. Finally, once wrath had hit her she dropped to her knees as the wailing in her head only seemed to increase in volume.

"Murderer!," a voice cried out.

"Monster!," another dared to say

"Shut up!," Keriss growled, the wailing only continued to defy her. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I will kill you all!," the lizard roared, she had been defeated mentally. However, this defeat only brought her strength for now she charged at Sin, propelling herself forwards with her wings in order tackle the one who had her attention.

A maniacal grin formed on Amartía's face as she charged him. Such a simple creature. So easy to provoke. So weak-minded. Without warning, Sin launched three of his spears, thier wicked tips rocketing towards the charging beast at similar speeds.

Keriss folded her wings and vaulted to the side upon seeing the spears suddenly launch towards her. Such heresy much be cleansed by the sword. She continued to sprint at her opponent, before thrusting her sword once she was in range.

Sin's smile slowly disappeared as the lizards out-stretched blade reached for him, surely she didn't think it would be that easy? On the defensive, Amartía called on the power of the stone, his body glowing sanguine as an ethereal sphere suddenly became visible before Keriss. 

With a sudden snap, Keriss found herself weaponless, her attack deflected by the shield and her hands thrown upwards by the skyward force it created. Sin redirected his own Force, with a grunt, he once again called upon the stone, this time throwing a force upon Keriss' exposed torso as she reached upwards. An all mighty push, like a sledge hammer to the gut, threw Keriss back like a ragdoll.

The lizard bounced across the ground, however, it did nothing to truly damage her. She found herself curled on the ground, the screaming tormenting her, her past coming to destroy her. Now? Now she would die in some mission that Vestec had sent her on. Vestec...

Vestec! That damned cheat, he knew that Keriss would never be able to win this fight, he knew that she would die. It made sense now that he wanted her dead. How much a fool that Keriss had been played.

"Vestec... Damn you," Keriss said lightly, slowly getting to her feet and turning to Sin. This fight needed to be finished so she could deal with Vestec once more. Her mind was focused, hatred seemed to engulf her. She snarled at Amartía and her eyes grew black once more. "Son of Vestec, you have much power. Thus your have earned my respect, but now you must yield."

With an outstretched hand from Keriss, Sin felt a physical pain attacking his legs and screaming filled his head. The screaming was that of hundreds of thousands of swords clashing at once. She sent images of his people dying. 

Sin scoffed at the lizards words. "I am no Son of Vestec." he spat, glaring at the struggling form of his opponent. "I'd refrain fro- Amartía's eyes quickly narrowed, a jarring pain eating at his feet. Like a slap in the face, hundreds of images blinded his mental vision. The death throws of his people, Xerxes burning, Sin at its worst. Sin gritted his teeth, Wrath rolling over Xerxes like a wool blanket, suffocating and thick. 

The very idea of his toys being utterly destroyed without his permission disgusted Sin. He had let the lizard play her games, and kill some of his playthings, but she was started to tread on thin ice. 

Without warning, two spears rocketed towards Keriss, pinning her to the ground at they sunk into the earth. Amartía grabbed hold of his last spear, gritting his teeth as he rose to his feet for the first time since the start of the confrontation. Her death would not be pleasant. 

Sanguine energy flowed through his body and into his palm, igniting the air and forming a blaze, wild and and unpredictable. Sin then spit into the flame, the glob of saliva black in color. Instantly, it reacted, calming and slowing, taking on a black hue, absorbing the gluttonous magic he gifted it. Amartía lifted up flame for Keriss to see.

"Do you see this lizard?" he snarled, his eyes mad. "I'll give you a taste of what true pain feels like. Burn until you are ash." Sin turned his palm towards the lizard, a wolfish grin forming on his face as he let lose the blaze, consuming everything in sight instantly as it hurtled towards her.

Keriss had gasped out in pain as the spears sunk into her body, one through the bone of her wing and the other through her arm. It was painful, and red blood flowed minorly. This was the first time that she had actually seen her own blood. Her eyes travelled to the ball of fire that was just flung towards her.

There was no way out, no way to avoid her death. She imagined death so much it felt like a memory. What would she do? The lizard began struggling to get the spear out of her arm with her free hand, she did not have the time to get it out. 

That was when a stroke of luck happened her way, the luck that a trickster would experience once in his lifetime. From a burning building came running a burning man, his path straight in front of the two duelists. The man stopped feet ahead of Keriss before seeing Sin and yelling to his worshipped, "Witness me!" That was before the poor fool was hit by the blast and was instantly turned to ash.

That even allowed Keriss the time to get the spear out of her arm, finally she made quick work of the other. That was a stoke of luck, cockily smiling at Sin now that she was freed. She was not done with Amartía just yet, this was a blessing and her morale was restored. 

Before Amartía appeared Vestec, a hallucination produced by Keriss to make the enemy suffer now that she had a vague idea he had daddy issues. It was from memory of the short time that Keriss spent with the Chaos god. 

Amartía's face deadpanned as the naked mortal evaporated into ash, completely taking the brunt of his attack. Why were mortals so infuriating sometimes? His rage grew, no longer suffocating the area, but it now began to force those watching the fight to thier knees, gravity seemingly working to punish them. 

This only greatened as Vestec appeared before him. The world around him dissolved and he was back were it all began. A room of stone statues, each secreting thier own sliver of divine energy, a fleeting memory, a time before Xerxes. Vestec stood before a single one, a human boy in his hands. His vessel.

Amartía had enough. How dare this roach search his memories, and show what was long since forgotten. "ENOUGH!" he bellowed. With a sudden flash, Amartía was before Keriss, his eyes red as supposed to her black. Within the blink of an eye, he rammed his fist into her gut, redirecting his Force and launching her for for miles, ragdolling her through buildings temples, flattening homes and repeatedly bounding in and out of the air. 

But Sin wasn't finished there. His last spear, which floated lazily behind him, became a missile, righting itself and hurtling after the lizard without relent upon his metal command. With it, struck a bolt of lightning, the bronze spear absorbing the electricity and conducting it as it flew.

Keriss flew through the air at great speeds, the building working to slow her which would inevitably save her as the spear flew over her by several inches. She would admit, the man had a hell of a punch. She got to her feet, a hand going to where the punch connected. A weakness had shown within her opponent, thus she could exploit it.

Launching herself back, Keriss would continue to fight Amartía until either he or herself yielded in the end. However, she hid in on of the buildings she had went through, wanting to manipulate the situation a but more.

"Strike a nerve my son? Really, I expected better of you. Siding with Logos rather than myself. Almost as if you are begging me for my attention. That is why you are doing this, correct?," A new hallucination of Vestec asked. Soon Sin would find him surrounded by the hallucination asking an endless wave of questions, some going as far as to shout mockery at him. 

Sin's face skewered as he yelled back to the illusion. "Attention! You must have me mistaken for one of your other children. Maybe this lizard bitch perhaps!" he spat, playing the part perfectly. "Although I wonder what disgusting demon you fornicated with to create this abomination." Amartía's gaze was wild and frantic, his rage reaching its peak, slowly becoming palpable in the form of a red mist. The dirt under his feet began to bubble and pop, the air around him snapped and crackled as the earth began to shake. Sin's body began to warp, his skin writhing and growing at random points. Houses collapsed as dirt began to crack and crumble under the sheer force of Amartía emotion. 

Sin allowed the illusion to get to him, to infuriate him, to weaken him the eyes of his opponent. 

Keriss' eyes narrowed at the notion, being thought to be a daughter of Vestec made her wish to empty her stomach onto the man. She looked around, picking up a small brick. She planned to throw it at Sin, but she knew that he was attempting to anger her. Her wings spread once more, thrusting herself up onto the rubble ledge where she sat. The illusion disappeared in a puff of multi-colored smoke.

"Vestec is not my father. Vakarlon, the Trickster God is." Keriss seemed very calm, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly at Sin. "I am Keriss, Daughter of Trickery and Thought. I assume you are Amartía," she introduced herself. She was exceptionally calm considering Amartía's little outburst.

Sin's upper lip curled into a snarl as he turned to Keriss. "Perceptive little rodent, his voice soaked in sarcasm. did you figure that out all on your own? Or, better yet, did your master tell you that? Did he whisper my name in your ear as you lay spooning together ?" he jibbed, cackling softly at the end of his sentence. "Man, I can only imagine the sorrow you father must feel as he watches his daughter fornicate with the very element she is supposed to purge."

"My father is dead, along with my mother," Keriss hissed, not responding to Sin's other jabs. "Unfortunately, your father is the only god to willingly come to me, as much as I wanted to him to die. Listen, if destroying this city wasn't to be destroyed then I wouldn't be here fighting with you."

Keriss yawned, eyeing Sin up and down once more. "You are a powerful opponent, I respect that," Keriss stated, jumping down from her perch. Such an opponent would kill her and she knew that. The question would be if she would allow herself to die on some mission that Vestec had sent her on. The answer was no. 

"Is it too late for that wine?"

Amartía scoffed, was she so easily swayed from her ideals? Rage subsided and cooled, now reforming into the hubris he was most known for. How sad, he really wanted to test wraths limits. Sin licked his lips as he observed Keriss, her posture no longer threatening, but on guard none the less. 

As if what had just transpired never happened, Sin arrogantly walked over to the lizard, crimson light crackling of his body. Between them rose a small stone table. A stone stump rose on Keriss' side while a monolith throne rose for Amartía. With a small tap on the surface, goblets formed on either side while he took to transforming air into water into wine, filling each cup to the brim on either side the table.

Amartía took his seat, a sigh blowing from his lips as he snuck into the stone. "Here is your wine." Amartía gestured, his demeanor changing completely. "Vestec sent you is what I gather from your words. So a word of warning, I would refrain from calling him 'my father', as he actually isn't."

"So I take you are one who he will call son just because you do something that is mildly chaotic in nature?," Keriss inquired, sitting on the stump Amartía had so kindly provided. She took a goblet in one of her hands, eyes still only trained on Amartía.

"More or less." Sin huffed, taking a sip of his wine. He wasn't surprised to find the beverage was now sweet, it was actually unnerving. Amartía returned his gaze to Keriss, "So for what reason do you come to my city, kill a dozen citizens, insight my rage, and attempt to carry on a conversation with me afterwards? Do you not know that makes you indebted to me know?"

"Indebted?," Keriss chuckled, amused to think that someone would ever get the chance to make her have debt. "Unfortunately debts do not bind me, I do what I wish or I do what I can to destroy Chaos," Keriss mused, inspecting the goblet carefully. After a moment, she took a small sip. It was a pleasant taste, especially with this being the first wine she has tasted in her lifetime.

"Funny you say that, but your vision is skewed. You murder hundreds. For what? Because you are to purge chaos? Yet you follow its orders." Sin took another sip of his wine. "You are a living oxymoron, you embody pain and suffering, byproducts of Chaos. You purge chaos, only succeeding to create it as you go." Amartía shook his head. "Chaos cannot be purged, maybe suppressed. But you come into my territory, kill my people and force my hand for your selfish wish? You must face reality, your mission will never cease."

"My vision is otherwise, I deliver order into the world upon destroying Chaos. I am order, not Chaos," Keriss said, believing only it what her parents had told her. Chaos could be destroyed, in her wake was only Order for if there is no more chaos to be purged, there is order. That was her pride, that was her purpose.

And Sin would crush it, stomp on the only shred of pride she really had and devour it like a ravenous beast. "You are but a child, your understanding little. Is that what your parents thought you? That you are the harbinger of Order?" Amartía jibbed as he leaned forward in his seat and trained his eyes on Keriss, prodding and searching. "I can see the Chaos that binds you, that's makes you a Divine, the element the defines your very existence, as supposed to the Trickster crap that you mentioned earlier. Vestec is your true father, isn't he?"

Keriss sneered at the notion of Vestec being her true father. "Vakarlon is my father, Vestec may claim he be my father, but he is wrong. Chaos is not within my blood." She dared to take another sip of her wine, her eyes looking into Sin's very own. "I also quest for knowledge, a quest that will only remind me of my mother."

Amartía sighed. "I don't envy you Keriss, your existence is a long and lonely one. Maybe understanding will dawn on you when you truly hit rock bottom." Sin drowned his cup of wine quickly. "But this quest of knowledge is new, what do you seek?"

Keriss eyed her wine once more before looking back at Sin; she knew her existence was a lonely one, having experienced it all her life. "Simple, any form of knowledge. Whether it be how to make a sword to simple mysteries," the lizard explained. Knowledge was one thing that Keriss yearned for, an endless quest bestowed upon her by her mother. 

"Interesting. Do you know of the Divine War?"

"Divine War? Now you have tickled my fancy. Please, tell me," Keriss chuckled before deciding to drown her wine, some wine escaping out of the sides of her mouth. She then leaned forward, prepared to listen to such a story. 

Amartía smiled at the lizards eagerness. "War is coming Keriss. A war based on principle, and sides have been taken. Logos, my benefactor, Order incarnated, has taken to attacking Galbar, attempting to cleanse it of whatever he believes is unclean. The rest of the Divines has gathered together, taken up arms, and have readied themselves for war against me and Logos. This city, Amartía made a sweeping gesture with his hands. "Will most likely be destroyed-fairly soon actually." Amartía mused, frowning at the destruction they thier fight caused.

"Despite the introduction, and the little information provided you, Keriss, your going to have to pick a side."

"The same war Vestec spoke of." Keriss said aloud, looking at the ground in order to decide what must be done, what side she would choose, if she would choose. "Tell me, why would you side with someone attacking your home realm? Why side with a god who has seeming become a tyrant by existence? True order does not do such things to cause chaos. Order does not bring death to a single world just because one thing is undesirable."

Amartía shook his head and chuckled at Keriss' innocence. "You seem to have me mistaken for someone else. I could care less about what Logos believes, all I desire is power and pleasure. I have gained power, and I will continue to do so." Amartía sat forward in his seat, cupping his hands. "You also seem to have a mistaken view of Order, but arguing with you over such trivialities is beneath me.

What truly matters, is your desire, your purpose. You have told me of your campaign to purge the world of Chaos and replace it with Order, is that not what Logos is doing. Is that not your desire?"

"That is what I desire, yes," Keriss said, looking away from Sin to view the destruction that their battle had caused. Her mind wandered to the people of the city that she had slaughtered so eagerly, having had let her bloodlust consume her. However, pondering upon a mortals life was not in her nature. "Fine. So long as Logos does not destroy the entirety of this world, he shall have my support. It is better than working with Vestec," Kerss crossed her arms, gaze returning to Amartía.

Amartía smiled and clapped his hands pertly. "Perfect! I think this is the start our downward spiral into self-destruction or unimaginable power, most likely the latter." he jibbed, his tone was light despite the foreboding words. Amartía rose to his his feet and extended his hand for Keriss to shake. "So we have a deal, you will serve Logos under me, as I am his presiding officer of all things Galbar, so to speak." 

"Do not make me regret my choice, Amartía." Keriss said lightly, her hand beginning to extend to meet Sin's. Her hand stopped just shy before she retracted it, a mischievous smile coming across her face. "I have but one request. Let me punch you."

Sin frowned, an odd request. "Its not often that one actually lands a blow of Sin himself, so I allow you this privilege just this once." Sin took a step back, and gave her an opening. Sanguine energy sparked at his feet silently molding stone.

Keriss' grin only widened that he actually agreed to her request, she rose to her feet and cracked her knuckles. This would mainly be for almost killing her earlier. She wound her fist back and proceeded to throw her punch, all her strength to back her.

Without warning a stone pillar rose to meet her hand, hardening to the point of bronze itself. The monolith quickly reformed, imitating his appearance almost completely before Keriss' fist was stopped cold by the stature of stone. Sin grinned and stepped back, shaking his head despondently. "You feel better now?"

Keriss would have been significantly more satisfied would she have hit her intended target, her eyes narrowed at the cheap imitation in front of her as she slowly drew her hand back. "I hate you. Yet, well played." She cradled her hand, hiding the fact that it was in a bit of pain.

"You will learn to love me soon enough." Sin jibbed as he spread his pristine white wings and flapped them once, taking off into the air. "We have much to discuss Keriss, but not here. With me." he gestured for her to follow him, chucking inwardly at her discrete display before turning away taking off towards  Cipher.


Just after dawn, the Lord of Sin squatted beneath the vaulted ceiling of his solar and squinted through the early morning haze of his city.

Doors to his richly apportioned apartments stood ajar to his right and his left. The entrance to his balcony was open, and through it, he saw dark reds, oranges, and purples splashed across the bottom of a thickening band of cloud to the west.

The clothing at his fingertips was drab, thick, woolen. Felt coarse against his skin compared to the silk and cotton to which he was used.

Seated on cube of bronze, was his newly appointed general, Keriss, who indulged herself, eating more than he'd thought possible. The skeletal frame of a roast pig glistening on the table, not a byproduct of the stone, but cooked by it none the less.

Amartía leaned gracefully against the wrought-stone railing and medicated. "As you see, the odds are stacked against us Keriss. We have no idea what the gods will bring against us, we can only assume that they wouldn't physically appear here and use some sort of army." Sin sighed, rubbing his naked chin. "We have an army of mortals, a few hundred Realta, a physics bending stone and a metaphysical shield. How do we arm ourselves against the gods?"

"Indeed, the odds do not favor us. The key would be to keep the enemies at bay for as long as possible. Our shield and this stone, they are certainly a boon. The Realta, they sound useful as well so long as they do not destroy the mortals." Keriss said, a belch soon coming after as her feast had settled within her. "What would this shield protect us from?"

"Whatever mortal force they bring into Xerxes." Amartía sighed, frowning as Keriss' noxious gases reached his nostrils. "My covenant with Logos protects the citizens of Xerxes from his creations, but what worries me is our true objective. The gods are no idiots, well, maybe Vestec but that's besides the point. Holding out against whatever the gods have in-store for us will be no easy task. We need a dark horse, a fallback."

"If all else fails, we abandon the city and flee. Until then, we stockpile what food we can, assuming your people know how to properly gather food." Keriss informed, no longer worried about any mortal entity that may wish to attack the city. "As for the gods, we can do what we do best. Play mind games using this stone you speak of."

Amartía curtly turned to face Keriss, leaning back onto the railing as he kicked a stone up into his hand. Red energy arced of his hand as a loaf of bread formed in his hand from the stone. "Food is no problem." Sin retorted, tossing the grain to Keriss. Amartía let out a loud, exasperated breath; he hated the thought of running away, it was beneath him. "So we resort to to running away? I fear that this war will fall short of expectations. Logos is a powerful god, but up against the rest of pantheon, that's a recipe for disaster." Amartía began to pace. "We may have to cut our loses once we leave, lie low until Logos' failure or victory is assured." 

"Indeed. However, running should be a last resort if possible," Keriss explained, aiding along in the idea that they fight for as long as they can. A sigh came to her as she looked deeper into this. There was no good outcome for them. "But let us face  facts, we make almost no difference within this conflict. Sure, we can attempt to trick the gods, defy them, but in the end our deaths would be assured in a conflict."

"Which is why I wonder how come our natural urge to self-persevere hasn't kicked in yet." Sin dawdled, his head shaking as he went through all possible scenarios in his mind, none good. "We know what the most likely outcome will be, our deaths at the hands of our brethren. But we cannot simply resign ourselves to such a fate, fight as we will, but treachery is also a possibility." Sin urged. He laughed inwardly at how easily they spoke of fighting and betraying almighty primordial beings.

"That is a possibility, not an honorable one, but an option nonetheless," Keriss yawned, crossing her arms as they discussed their tactics. The choice if strategy was ultimately Sin's, her role was simply to advise him and execute his orders. The lizard began picking between her teeth with her claws, a bored look on her face. 

Amartía scoffed at the idea of honor, he had none, he hated the word even. Treachery was always an option, even if it meant the death of an entire city, it was worth it. "Your mode of thinking will one day get you killed Keriss, but none the less, I have another idea. Tell me, did your father not send you her, Vestec no?" Sin mocked purposely.

Keriss growled at that notion once more, hating any mention that Vestec may be the father of herself. "Yes, Vestec did send me here. He wished for me to slaughter the entire populous of Xerxes. As both of us know, that did not happen," Keriss stated, not yet following what Sin would insinuate with his idea. 

Amartía grinned at that notion. "Yes you indeed did fail, miserably, and you ran back to daddy with your tail between you legs, preaching of revenge and joining thier cause, learning of thier game, thier plans, and causing the 'pain' you known best for!" Sin mused, the plan formulating as he went. "You play your part as the trickster. Doing what you can from the inside."

A maniacle grin grew across Keriss' face as Amartía told her of his plan, a trickster-like plan, a plan for her true father. "What a wonderfully devious plan. I agree with this course of action," the lizard chuckled, standing whilist taking a bite of the summoned bread that Amartía had tossed to her.

"So, Amartía began, cracking his knuckles, "Must I break a few bones to make it look believable?"

Keriss chuckled evilly, cracking her own knuckles in response. "Only if I can return the favor," Keriss mocked, knowing full well this would end badly, but did she care? Not at all.

Sin let out a disappointed sigh. "You have no sense of style, at least play the part. Amartía lifted himself of the railing and made his way over to Keriss. "I believe its time to put our plan into action, immediately." Amartía turned and pointed at toward the mountains. "If you had failed to beat me, you should have long since reported back. Infiltrate and play your part. I think you should be able to handle the rest."

"Do not worry, the job will be done and it will be done well, you have my word on that." Keriss crossed her arms, walking past Sin to stop at the railing. "Word of advice, you decor is dull. Needs more skulls and blood," with that peice of advice off her chest she proceeded to leap over the railing, taking flight towards the mountains.

Amartía raised an eyebrow as Keriss disappeared into the horizon. "Not enough skulls?" murmured, his interest peaked. Sin rubbed his chin and left the balcony, slightly offended Keriss' words. "We will have enough of that soon enough."
@Double Capybara

Its obviously Niciel, right?
I shall cast in my interest as well!

Empire of Vornehm

The people have spoken! The people have pleaded to the Emperor that Vornehm should become a colonial power so that the motherland have no need to import raw materials, increase the economy. The Emperor has long set his eyes on Serrenthia and with the people supporting him, he would have no choice but to actually send a exploration team out to find new lands. Those lands shall become bulwarks of the Vornehm Empire and the Old Faith alike.

"My people, long have we sat on the sidelines while other nations proceeded to colonize the world and spread their influence. It is imperative that we follow along this path with our brethren of nations! That is why I ask of thee, who dare wish to partake upon this treacherous journey into unknown lands? Who wish to go and find new lands for the Motherland? Who wish for glory forever in the hearts of our people?," the Emperor questioned the populous at a gathering with the Vornheim square. He stood upon the balcony of the palace, looking down on the crowd of his loyal subjects.

Much chatter came to engulf the crowd, feign dares and mockery of one's will to go to these new lands, yet no one approached his majesty. That was until a man of Noble stature stepped forward, a cane in hand with a beard as magnificent as his looks. The crowd grew silent until in a deep tone of voice, the nobleman announced, "I, Horst Heindl, shall partake upon this journey, this quest! I shall do so with my own money, the government need not spend a single piece of shelting for me! I only pray for my majesty's blessing. Will thou bestowth that blessing upon me?"

Emperor Reiter looked down upon the nobleman, a smile coming to his face as this event unfolded in front of him. "You have the blessing of the motherland herself, Hiendl! Go and make haste for there is little time! Best of luck, noble one of the Empire!"

With the matter concluded the nobleman turned and the crowd proceeded to swarm him, shaking his hand and patting him on the back and escorting him to his home. There Hiendl would begin his preparations, charting courses and reading reference material, as much as need in order to make this expedition a successful one. He would win the sight of the Emperor, his family will become only the noblest, second to the Emperor's family itself!

- National Decision - Foreign Expedition to Serrenthia
- Increase Relations [+3 Relations with Marnland]
- Increase Relations [+3 Relations with Osland]
- Naval Ship Assignment - None as of now
- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities
-Economics [High = -3 Economic Rating/Year]
-Industry [Normal = -2 Economic Rating/Year]
Hey, hey, hey. Gonna punch myself a chaos god!
<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

Isn't that more like Jvan's crystal tree thing minus the spooky skeleton?



Keriss is the name of an actress

By Vestec, you really mean Keriss slaughtering everything within the city?
Keriss, Demi-God of Suffering

Vestec, God of Chaos

Another field of corpses, more death to Chaos and the undead alike and the sweet sound of a suffering imp as it curled into a ball, feeling nothing but the pain that it had brought to some mortals. Keriss stood over the imp, simply gazing at it as the poor being suffered for simply existing. Without a word, Keriss kicked its head into the earth of the Venomweald, killing it.

The Demi-God sighed before turned her back the majority of the graveyard before beginning to walk forward, into more trees and hunt more chaos. How long has it been since she had started this crusade, since she was born? Days? Weeks? Years? She lost count, not that she cared. This was her job, her purpose of making sure that her parents were proud of her. It was true torture, yet blissful because she was making her enemies suffer.

“Mother, father. I am doing my duty.”

Keriss walked.

”Mother, father. Answer me.”

Keriss walked.

”Mother, father...”

Keriss stopped, gazing into the air and simply pondering as to why she has not gotten an answer from Vakarlon or Vulemera. It was strange, the two used to be so lively before they had suddenly disappeared. Perhaps the others gods would know what happened to them, perhaps they would be able to solve this puzzle. The gods. The gods didn't truly care for her, why should she try and contact them?

There was silence, almost as if all the wildlife had suddenly ceased to exist, leaving Keriss to her thoughts. Standing in a solemn field of silence, not a field for she was surrounded by trees. Was she going mad? The Demi-God shook her head, attempting to clear her mind.

”I need a break from this,” she sighed before her hands grabbed the horns on either side of her head, comforting herself.

“There’s no real way to put this gently, daughter, so I’ll just say it.” Vestec spoke quietly, standing in front of Keriss. “Your mother and the one claiming to be your father are dead.” He waited, eyeing her for a sudden attack.

Keriss’ eyes widen at the sound of the voice, instinctively, she opened her eyes and attempted to overcome this person’s will in order to cause suffering. At the same time she processed what had been said and found it to be a jest, she could tell with these sort of things because her father was a trickster after all.

After a few moments of seeing that this man was unaffected by her abilities, she went in to grab the man by the throat. She would put this being into its place before long.

Vestec faded through her grasping hand, a chaotic swirl of colors. “It’s alright to be angry, daughter. Finding out that the ones who raised you are dead, and have been lying to you your entire life would make anyone angry. But you must recover soon. There is work to be done. Agents of Chaos to destroy, far stronger than any you have ever faced.” He looked over at the dead Cursed around them and chuckled softly.

Keriss roared in frustration, this was now properly annoying her due to her inability to actually do harm to the man. However, she did momentarily stop trying to kill the man.”Who are you? You are not my father. You must be some creation of Vestec!”

Vestec tilted his head surprise before suddenly tsking in annoyance. “Did Vulamera teach you nothing?” He spewed pure Chaos energy into the air, giggling as the multicolored energy soared into the air, simultaneously hissing, boiling, and roaring. Suddenly cutting it off, he gave a sweeping bow. “I am Vestec, daughter. And I am your father, even if I was not the one present at your birth.”

For a moment, fear has shown itself in her eyes upon seeing the Chaos energy. She suppressed that feeling. Though, at the mere mention of Vestec thinking he was her father was enough to cause Keriss to shutter from heretical disgust. ”You are not my father. Vakarlon is my father, and I was born to kill you and your creations,” Keriss growled, baring her teeth to show aggression towards the one who had been told was her enemy.

“Oh is he?” Vestec replied, giggling. “Tell me, daughter, what part of trickery causes suffering? Pain? Destruction? Perhaps, perhaps if you used deceit and tactics to cause all this destruction, I would believe you. But all this…” He gestured to the corpses and devastation all around them. “This is all terribly violent. And since I doubt your dear mother told you, I’ll tell you myself. Violence is apart of me. He wounded Vulamera in their last meeting, and he got some of his essence inside of her. I was able to remove most of it, but at the cost of leaving some of my essence in her, resulting in your half-brother Lifprasil. More on him later.”

He was walking around Keriss, gesturing occasionally as he walked. “Your birth provide Vulamera with a perfect chance to experiment on the idea that you could use Chaos to fight Chaos, without accidentally creating a bigger threat. So you needed a ‘father’ that wasn’t me. Someone who would help her push you towards fighting Chaos. Enter Vakarion.”

Vestec paused, looking at her. “Are you following so far?”

Keriss clenched her fists, listening to Vestec tell her who her true father was, angering her to no ends. She would not fall to his attempts to corrupt her, yet this would be a chance to get as much information as possible out of Vestec, her enemy. A silent nod in reply was given to the chaos god, permitting him to continue with his heretical speech.

“Vakarion was the perfect candidate. Unlike all the other Gods, he would have no qualms about deceiving you about your birth, and would have no problems helping her trick you into believing that he was your father. He didn’t even need much convincing to agree, as he owed your mother anyway. So Vulamera delayed your birth for a while longer until both she and Vakarion were ready. When they were, she stopped resisting. You were born and the rest you know. They declared your purpose is to destroy Chaos and it’s followers wherever it was, in an attempt to curb it. A job you’ve done admirably.”

Vestec was suddenly in front of her. “What they didn’t count on was their deaths and the arrival of Order to cause more chaos than I ever have. Vulamera looked too deeply into the Codex and was driven insane. Vakarlon offered himself up to Jvan, foolishly, and I only know that he is dead, not what became of him. Logos and his Realta have arrived and are burning innocents by the hundreds. You may not believe I am your father, daughter, but I have a mission for you and a gift. Provided you’re willing to accept a gift from your enemy to combat your enemy.”

Keriss thought this over for a moment, mainly processing the facts that her parents were dead which would explain their silence. Unfortunately with Vestec being the only god she has met other than her parents, she may have to just trust his word. However, this may be one of his chaotic tricks to corrupt the demi-goddess. Her eyes pierced into Vestec, wanting to deny him yet he has made too much sense of it all, her parents silence. ”Very well, father, what is this mission that you have said you have brought to me. And if what you say is true then speak quickly for time is of the essence!,” Keriss said in a low, unamused tone, crossing her arms.

Vestec threw his hands wide. “It’s simple daughter! We will end this threat in the city of Xerxes. Your half brother Amartia has set up camp there, and thrown in his lot with Logos. It’s a festering pit of Chaos and soon it will be bathed with blood. Be there. Kill everything that remotely looks like Chaos and be home for dinner. Simple! If it all ends well I’ll even give you a group of friends to murder all the chaos around you.”

“And how do I know you are not simply tricking me into trying to kill those who are innocent at this ‘Xerxes?,” Keriss’ eyes narrowing ever more, a trait of skepticism that she had gotten from her mother. How must it be that this Chaos God has come to the slayer of Chaos to kill more Chaos? Rather chaotic, rather chaotic indeed.

Vestec tilted his head in minor confusion. “Because when you get there you will go into such a homicidal rage at the sight of all the chaos you’ll realize there isn’t any innocents. Amartia killed them earlier.” “Of course, you can just sit here, kill random monsters, and then learn how people did your job for you while you did nothing to affect the world at all. And not get a bunch of friends to kill chaos with you.” Vestec giggled. “Satisfied yet?”

Keriss growled for a few moments, thinking of what to do before giving Vestec his answer. “Fine. I shall go to Xerxes and slaughter all Chaos I find, but if I kill an innocent out of bloodlust then you better believe I will go after you personally.”

“Fair enough daugther.” Vestec gave a sweeping bow. “See you there!” In a poof of multicolored smoke, he was gone.

With Vestec gone, Keriss kicked one of the corpses for she had made a deal with her enemy. However, that was the god who she could trust right now with the others, to what she could assume, to not truly care about herself. The slayer of chaos spread her wings and took flight to the city that she was supposed to destroy.

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