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<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Amartía: "Go spy on our enemies."

Keriss: "Okay!"

Proceeds to mate with a hain and have a baby instead.

Hey.... I have no excuse. Come back to me in about two months and I'll have an excuse
So who wants to make a dead baby joke?

edit = I am going to go take a cold shower in holy water to rid myself of my sins now. I also hope you enjoy!

A Deadly Lullaby

A relatively remote hain tribe lay within the Venomweald, still actively playing the role of hunter-gatherers. Unfortunate enough for them, they happened upon a sleeping Keriss who sat on her knees. Of course this beast had to be within their territory, now they needed to drive it away. 

Suddenly did they attack the sleeping beast, shouting their war cries and throwing spears to send the beast packing. That was not the case as just as the battle was strating, it ended with all the attacking force crippled and rolling on the ground. Pain had come over them, stricken them to no end. 

"Mortal filth. What makes you all think that I did not sense you? Your stench clogged my nose, your feet were loud" Keriss hissed, getting to her feet. The Demi-God strolled around the mortals, chuckling as they attempted to recover from their pain. So went the normal going of Keriss as she brought only pain and misery to those around her. Her attention changed when she noticed a mortal getting to his feet, confusion following her. 

"I will not let you kill my people, monster!," the hain said, his voice wracked with pain. Against the will of Keriss this hain stood, an admirable feat for a mortal. 

"You show an admirable amount of resolve for a mortal, as you can see my powers tend to bring most to their knees. I must ask, what is your name, mortal?" Keriss inquired, a small, arrogant smile coming to her face.

"What does it matter, monster? Do you not plan to slughter us to appease yourself? If so then you must fight me first," the hain growled, holding up his spear. 

"Do not be overly dramatic. If I had wanted to kill you and your people, I would have already. Needless to say, you are not the one whom I wish destruction." Keriss stated, her smile only growing more arrogant as she listened to the mortal. The blackness in her eyes receeded, allowing the other mortals to recover. "Again, I must ask. What is your name, mortal? Surely, you do not wish for me to refer to you as mortal for th rest of the time I spend in this place, do you?"

"I am Ki'Tral," the hain began, keeping his spear raised as his allies scrambled to their feet. Some refused to raise their weapons once more, instead retreating back into the forest. Ki'Tral refused to move from his spot, "You will leave this territory and never return."

Suddenly, Keriss was upon the hain, his spear's head having been snapped off and a large hand around his neck. The hain surrounding Keriss watched in terror as their comrad was grappled, helpless to truly help out of fear. The lizard could only laugh maliciously before a more serious face come to her. "I shall stay for as long as I wish. I am above you mortals, born of divine blood. I am Keriss, daughter of Vakarlon and Vulemera."

"A- as, you command," Ki'Tal coughed, falling to his feet as Keriss released the hain. 

"Take me to your people. I am in a pleasant mood and wish to spread my good will by blessing your kind with my divine presence," Keriss commanded arrogantly. The hain proceeded to begin melting back into the forest, Keriss following them.  

It was but a few minutes away, the hain had led Keriss to their people, their home. The Demi-God looked over the small settlement ever so, children ran and played while their mothers or older siblings did some tedious tasks of making clothes or other supply. Soon they all stopped as they felt a certain weight on them, heads turned to see the giant being of Keriss who towered over all hain. 

Silence fell over the forest, no soul daring to move. Moments passed before Keriss put her hands behind her back, taking large steps towards the settlement before stopping in front of a mother hain with two cowering children behind her. The two stared uneasily at each other until the beast that was Keriss began chuckling to herself.

"All of you are truly this speechless? I suppose any divine presence, such as myself, is but a mere foreign concept to you. 'Tis no problem for you, but it makes me uneasy that such simple life has not a temple or shrine to at least one of the dieties, not wishing to involve themselves in the affairs of their creators." 

The hain still did not move, the beast and her words were both unnatural and foreign. 

"Speak!" Keriss commanded, snarling at the hain in front of her, scaring the children who now cried behind their mother. 

"Cease your aggression beast! Unnatural creation of this world!" A hain commanded, enamoured in fine looking clothing and baring a magnificent crown of stone. He spoke with dignification, despite having been appalled that this creature dared show itself to his people.

Moving over to the hain with large strides, Keriss bore a face of anger, insulted by which what this mortal dared call her. "Who might you be, mortal? Judging of your design, you are the leader of these poeple, yes?" the giant on inquired, her eyes staring directly into face of the well-enamoured one.

"Indeed, I am Chief Vel'Krux. These are my people and not those of some beast who does not know the way of our people," the one in front of the beast stated, not daring to let the arrogance in his voice faulter. A large hand soon around his throat, slowly choking him.

The warriors raised their spears once more, but remained frozen in their spots. 

"And I am Keriss, born of the gods. Know your place and know it well. I do not take orders from mortals." she growled, releasing the chief who fell to his knees and began coughing violently. Looking around, she saw only the terrified expressions of the hain people. "Continue with your lives, I shall not intervene."

The people slowly began going back to their normal routines, hurrying their actions to attempt to have the time to get away from the beast who dared invade their home. The warriors began melting back into the forest, soon Keriss spoke once more.

"Ki'Tral, you will be staying with me."

"Why?" voice filled with disgust

"I desire to learn the ways of your people. You may see me as a brute, but I am a brute who desires more and more knowledge by the day. Thusly, we will be spending much time together as I wish to know every little detail of your little gathering here." Keriss chuckled, earning a sour look from Kri before he slowly made his way over to the beast. She sat, he sat in front of her.

"You desire knowledge? Well let us start with the history of my people first."

Hours past, soon followed by days which turned to weeks, with Keriss being taught the history of this hain tribe and their way of life. She had come to respect it, along with the other members of the tribe. Likewise, the hain had grown accustomed to the presence of Keriss.

Tonight was a special night, a night where the people of the tribe celebrated children turning to adults. Keriss was attending, not to become a full member but instead to watch this process of boys turning to men. She lied thrice over to Kri'Tral, claiming that it was a pointless endevour to attend before she finally told the truth to him. The two had grown close over the weeks, good friends.

The two were currently returning from a small trip to go sight seeing, mainly showing Keriss where important events took place and the likes

"Come Keriss, it is almost time to watch the ceremony." Kri'Tral stated enthusiasticly, moving quickly through the forest. Leagues ahead of his brute of friend who lacked the agility of a hain. 

"If these blasted trees were not in the way then, perhaps, I could keep up with you." Keriss growled, not as enthused as her small friend. It took much willpower to not stop and destroy every last tree which seemed to want to keep her from attending this ceremony. 

The hain warrior could only lightly laugh to himself as he stopped to let the brute catch up. Facing the way to the settlement, he could see the light of the fire and hear the laughter of others.

"Damn you hain for being so nimble," Keriss panted, finally coming up behind her friend. Her figure gigantic when next to him. Looking down, she gave a small smile to the oter warrior. "Shall we?"

"After you," Kri'Tal said, motioning for Keriss to go to see the camp. Eyes still watching the settlement's lights, excitement showing by his facial expression.

Keriss walked forward, a large crowd of hain gathered at the center fire with another group dancing around the fire. Pleasant voices filled the air as others sand their songs, made music with crude yet simplistic in nature. Her head cocked, never before had she actually seen this sight; a sight of pure happiness and people not treating her like an outsider. It was exciting to say the least. 

Kri'Tral followed shortly behind, running ahead of Keriss to join a group of his friends, leaving Keriss to her own devices. 

The Demi-God walked up to the crowd, watching the dancers with no problem of sight as she towered above the crowd. How strange of a sight this was to the warlike creature that was Keriss, perplexed and entranced. 

After what seemed like an eternity of dancing and singing, the crowd came to a sudden stand still. Immediately, all were down on their knees and Keriss followed, albeit slower than the others. The dancers join the crowd, a group of adolescent hain rushing up to replace them. 

Soon, the chief joined the ceremony. 

"My brothers, sisters, obnoxious Demi-gods..." a small ripple of laughter ran through the crowd, "...it has come time for more of our youth to join the ranks of us more grown and experienced. These boys and girls shall join in keeping our community alive, our community pulsing with an everlasting life."

Vel'Krux turned to pick up a large stick off the ground, a staff to the smaller hain. He waved the staff around, chanting some form of encantation as a few other hain prepared bowls with some form of broth. Without warning, Vel'Krux slammed the staff into the ground. Slowly did his gaze come back to those in which were becoming adults. 

"You are now one of us, youngl- no, brothers! Now we partake in the drink to all merriment and to our new brothers and sisters!"

Bowls were passed to around to all, even to Keriss who was not officially member of the community. 

"To our brothers and sisters!" The crowd shouted before they all began drinking the broth in their bowls. 

Keriss looked down at the substance, it was milky and a light shade of green; an awful smell consumed her upon scenting.  A hesitant look came to the Demi-God,  was she going to let some foul smelling brew claim victory over her? Of course not, she raised the bowl to her mouth and began gulping it down. 

Suddenly she blacked out. 

Light suddenly filled the eyes of the Demi-god, a yawn came to her as she looked around to discover she was in some sort of hut. She spotted Kri'Tral sitting on the opposite side of the hut, sharpenning a spear. A feeling came to her side, something that felt soft and comfortabe. Her eyes wandered down to discover she was laying on a comfortable mound of soft plants. what was stranger was that something had a presence within it. 

She cleared away some of the mound with her hands to discover an egg within it. Shock came to her face. "What the fuck?" Keriss asked herself, using some language she picked up from Tauga. 

"Oh, you speak. For a moment, I thought you were still in your little trance." Kri'Tral spoke, walking over to Keriss hugging her. 

Keriss gave a dumb founded look before pushing the hain off of her. [color=green]"What do you think you are doing?" She questioned, eyes narrowing. 

"Hmm? Do you not remember the night in which we became one? I know I do not remember it, all I know is that it happened," Kri'Tral answered cryptically, giving Keriss a small smile at her sudden outburst of confusion and anger. He then went on to give the full story, "Afterthat night, you acted strangely, like a trance, where you went about gathering plants and other material which encompasses the egg that you layed immediately after. I was the only one who could get close to you. You acted so visiously towards the others that they considered that they would have to kill you. Hint, they didn't."

"How long was I like that?" Keriss inquired

"At least two days before laying the egg and it has been ten afterwards."

Keriss could not believe what she was hearing, the fact that she had mated with a mortal brought sickness to her. The Demi-God rushed from the tent before spewing bile onto the ground. 

"Father forgive me. This wasn't supposed to happen." Keriss ws ashamed of herself, ashamed that something like this were to happen to her. 

Kri'Tral casually walked after the Demi-God, facial expression unfazed by anything that Keriss had done. "Trust me when I say I did not want this either, Keriss. However, I have come to terms with it."

"I am trying to process this, you dolt. I need time to think, alone." Keriss growled, turning her head towards Kri'Tral. Taking a few moments to return to her full height and looking down upon the hain. 

"I shall let you think, but do it with the egg. I cannot stay for I have to hunt."

"Go." Keriss snarled before walking past him and back to the hut to be with this egg which seemed to belong to hersef, not wishisng to believe it. She inspected the egg, scented it, everything to ensure that this did not belong to someone else and that this were not some joke.

She sat in a meditative postition, closing her eyes to calm herself so that she may think. 

There was no time to think for her, as a subtle sound caught her attention. Opening here eyes, she looked at the origin of the sound, the dreaded egg. A crack appeared on the surface, it moved, it did everything to show that something was hatching.and that being's mother could only look on in disgust. 

The cracks grew and grew until a small peek poke threw, a shrill screech sounded and soon the entire being made it's way out of the egg and into the nest that Keriss had constructed. A being covered in scales, not porceline plates, a beak, not a snout, and beady eyes. 

Keriss' large hand went forward to obtain her child, she inspected it. and narrowed her eyes. She was disgusted to no end, anger began boiling as she looked at the child which only screeched. If she were to care for this child, she would have to forfeit her quest to kill Chaos, an occupation closer to her than any other. However, she would make a new warrior to fight by her side, loyal to the death just as Keriss was towars her parents. 

"Child of mine, you were not meant to be born. If you had been born in another circumstance then perhaps I would care for you. I have a duty to my heritage, an honor that cannot be forfeit." the Demi-God said in a surpressed tone, wishing not to display anger. She put a thumb under its throat, still held in one hand. A small pop soon sounded as Keriss killed the child. "You will bare no burden"

Anger filled the soul of the Demi-God, angered by what she had done and angered she had been forced to take the life of a being of pure innocence. The anger only grew as she looked at the corpse of the child before the air around her seemed to compress. The very air seeming to grow in anger. 

With a mighty roar of anguish the air shot out and destroyed the hut, going around to destroy everything. Earth shattered, trees crumbled and dissolved, hain evaporated. Nothing was safe from the destruction, the settlement in it's entirety had been erased. 

Keriss cared not for the destruction, she was oblivious to it. The child was her focus, the child who should never had come into this world in the first place.

She pitied herself and soon began flying, flying away from it all and trying to forget as much as she possibly could. 

Fun fact: Jvan's Holy Site was once iterated to be a large, wandering hellbeast.

That looks badass, I want one
Wooo, 12,000 characters on this post and I am only about half-way done... yay
Well, ever since Vulamera put up a non-perfect sphere in the sky as a prop for the entire counterargument to Toun's attitude, he's just been assuming that changes to celestial bodies are attempts to screw with him.

Yep, that's the Vulemera I know and... somewhat love.


@Antarctic Termite
Tauga is my favorite hain of all time. She gets the Keriss Seal of Awesome!
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Edgy music isn't my thing. I just need a massive fortress of Bronze, Obsidian, blood and skulls.

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Don't know about an edgy band, but everything else yeah; you helping.

How about instead of an edgy band... it is an edgy death-metal band!
Anyone wanna help me design a cool super base?

*le gasps* I DO! FUCK YEAH! THERE ARE GONNA BE SKULLS AND.... FLAMES.. maybe an edgy band... skulls?
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