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That neolithic religion based on a central wise man figure look seems to be the base which most of us players used so far in the RP, with a very widespread use.

Keriss after this damned battle:


A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!

Damn. My chance to usurp the title of GM (Great Me) has passed. There is no hope now.
@Lauder Why sir! I take offence! You are an English muffin! An American cookie too! You are a...a...Turkish kebab! A Japanese sushi! Why, you Chinese rice ball! You saucy bowl of curry! And I'll have a falafel sandwich with that too.

I hope you made yourself hungry whilst typing that
@Lauder Vous osez m'appeler une baguette?!!

Poetry, poetry, poetry...

O how I dispiseth thee;
Yet subtly tempting me;
But the temptation is fleeting;
Sadly I would never be writing;
Fucking poetry;
How I dispiseth thee.

I don't really write poetry, but I do know it can be highly philosophical at times. Sadly, poetry just isn't one of my likings and so I have actually never written anything poetic in my life. Yay.
Halliq Neban

“Alright boys, we have a new operation coming up,” Sergeant Paltoy began, reading her briefing off a holo-pad. A groan ran through most of the squad, earning a look of disappointment from the squad leader who said nothing to lift their moods. “We will be storming an Imperial vessel, a Venator-class star destroyer Majestic. As we are part of the First Platoon, we will be inserting and making our way through the ship towards the bow. It sounds simple enough.”

Halliq raised his hand, attention coming to him from Paltoy. “Yes, Halliq?”

“I am no expert when it comes to vessels, but surely we can consider this a close quarters operations?,” the kaleesh asked, while Paltoy nodded confirming slight doubts that Halliq had. He lowered his hand, feeling that his squadmates’ eyes were burrowing into him. Sighing, he looked to his left to see Corporal Dalmuth, a dark-skinned human, staring right at him. Humans were exceedingly strange creatures which he continually failed to understand.

“Anyways, once we deploy, we will split into two groups. Our assault group will consist of myself, Valante, and Neban. The second group, the support group, shall be consisting of Dalmuth, Soltana, and Ortez. We will clear out any resistance we come into contact with, however, be prepared to pull back if needed,” Paltoy continued briefing, continuing to earn a few mutters and groans from the others. “That is all for now, go get some rest. Wake up at 4AM, then we shall be fine for deploying at 5AM, dismissed.”

The squad scattered to their bunks, Halliq watching them for a moment before following them to their quarters. He watched them shuffle into their beds, staying close behind his bothan friend, Guillermo.

“I suppose that not everyone is happy with being assigned a new mission,” Halliq asked, setting his vibrosword on a ledge near his bunk. He kept his mask on as he hoisted himself onto the top bunk.

“Nah, we’ve had bad luck lately,” the bothan remarked, slipping into the bottom bunk.

“Well, I, for one, am rather excited to kill some Imperial tyrants,” Halliq chuckled to himself before he slowly began drifting off to sleep.

Sure they are! Sure they are-

@Antarctic Termite

Shower thoughts are best thoughts and I love the idea of making cryptic as all fuck prophesies. It's just-

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