Avatar of Lauder


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@Antarctic Termite


i like those drawing m8 :D
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Actually, I edit rather minimally outside of collabs.

No proofreading. We die like men.


@Antarctic Termite

You not editing? Blasphemy! Who are you and what have you done to the Termite!?
Have a good night gift


A crustacean of the unspeakable horror. The one being of divine monstrosity
A body of grey stand near, boasting vengenance, after slaying unholy shell.
Reminded of duty is the grey, purpose found.
An army of winged terror stand behind, roaring in tongues unknown.
Those of the faceless, the formless rally behind the body.
Blood of the mortal, changed by unholy, sacrificed.
I feel, flecks of grey, see tendrils of sand.
Another roar from the army, those of the faceless charge.
Led by the children of faceless bedlam.
That of grey stand firm.
A wall of darkness follows the grey. Only eyes of glowing amber remain.
I hear howling, snarling of only the most hellish kind.
I hear fighting of the most violent conceived.
I see the faceless children, intentions melded.
I feel a great pain as it approaches.
The scene falls to be revealed anew.
No breath comes to me. A lightness fills my being.
Before I fade I see the grey one, mediating on rock of white. Perhaps of slumbering thoughts, it lies.

whoever solves it first gets a cookie baked with a thousand screaming souls

I think he wants to kill you brah!

@Lady Amalthea

Another day at the very least.
@Lady Amalthea

Might I has additional time?

That is still a badass picture and I look at my own artwork ;-;

How do you- Y'know I'm not gonna question it. Not gonna do it.

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

WHAT? Over my dead body!


@Double Capybara

You know, I think I want a capybara fur coat. I think that would be lovely.
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