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And here we saw the lauder attempting to make an emotional post and failing in all regards.
There are moments the words don’t reach.
There is suffering too terrible to name.
You hold your memories as tight as you can
And push away the unimaginable.

Kri’Tral moved to a different hain settlement and learns to live with the unimaginable. Those who see him alone in the forest of the Venomweald have pity, for he is dealing with the unimaginable. He sat there alone, his eyes closed with tears flowing down the sides of his face. The hain held his hands to the sides of his head.

“Ip, you would have liked uphill. It’s quiet uphill,” the hain male told himself is a fragmented voice, grieving the loss of his child as well most of the tribe due to Keriss’ destruction. Kri’Tral parked on a large stone, cool to the touch in the air that surrounded him, the air of suffering. “He deserved not this fate. If I could trade his life for mine, would that be enough?,” he continued. Wiping away his tears, he attempted to regain himself as he always attempted to do to no avail. That unimaginable had come to him, how could he have trusted an outsider enough? Blaming himself, his gaze shifted down.

If you see him walking through the streets,
Walking alone,
No one by his side,
Have pity,
For he is working through the unimaginable.

The stone, that was his only companion now, the only object that would no longer bring out the aching sadness within him. Though, it seemed the very nature itself was determined for him to stay down. The sound of a bird flapping caught his attention, flying to its nest, a home. A wished he were that bird. Another bird, larger, landed having brought back some insect. Another sound, chicks which desired the worm. Kri’Tral looked away, the tears returning. That hain got to his feet and proceeded to move onwards.

His head was spinning, battling to control his emotion and attempting to live with the unimaginable. “Look at where I am, look at where I’ve come. Is that enough,” stated he, gripping his arms together, his gaze towards the ground. “Do you uphill, it’s quiet uphill,’ he sighed rhythmically, now looking to the sky as if speaking to someone else. More tears continued to flood down his face. Kri understood what the newly found silence meant for him. That silence only stared at him with a sorrow-filled gaze.

“There is no replacing what I’ve lost, but I am not afraid,” chirped the hain, closing his eyes as he walked forward. “There is a grace too powerful to name,” another rhythmic tone filled the air as he began climbing up a small hill. That hill was his destination, where maybe the suffering would lessen.

His voice has gone hoarse,
He passes everyday,
They say he walks the length of a city.

How could one do such as to destroy an innocent child? There was a constant questioned that floated upon that hill. There the hill would reveal stones. Many stones had been built around the top of the hill, each of varying heights. A pattern formed as Kri’Tral reached the top of the hall, the pattern of the stones coming to the tallest pillar.

In front of that pillar did he collapse to his knees. “Do they know the challenges I am facing? I know who is at fault,” he stated to stones. “Ip, do you like it uphill? It’s quiet uphill,” he repeated before his jaw clenched shut and tears ran down his beak, attempting to do the unimaginable. Finally, he let out a sorrow filled screech at the top of his voice. That very cry is what the silence pitied.

Can you imagine the unimaginable?
I need to fight me an Ogru. Assert my dominance so that I may share what is best in life.
<Snipped quote by BBeast>

These aren't mutually exclusive- The Arks are androgynous, but they do reproduce sexually. The male/female roles are just stylistic. In other words, it takes two to tango, but it doesn't matter who's tangoing. There's no significant risk of inbreeding, either, though subsequent generations probably won't be as grand.

Can't believe my autocorrect accepts 'tangoing' as a word but there you (tan)go.

@poog the pig

Don't worry mate. The Keriss solo team will win the day indefinitely
Our team is full of Skullduggery?

Here I see my team:

Keriss, Keriss, and Keriss' depression
>Toun and Teknall conspiring to take the God-Killer from Lifprasil

This won't go very well, I would think.

That's like, his favorite play-thing.

It would obviously serve Keriss a lot better... Lif needs to give it to Keriss for, eh, safe keeping.

Vornehm troops never arrived to aid Turkistan though.
<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

Oh, I see. Thanks for the info.

In other news, I finally got myself to write on my post...four days before my vacation ends...and I had planned to have Termite help out at some point. I'll try to finish it before I go back to my routine, then work something out with Termite if he's available.

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