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Daaaaaammmn that sucks

Nickie watched Tariq as he left, not bothering to stand and wait around, she moved back to room to do some last minute packing of some clothing that would have been a good idea to take along with her on the case. The lady did not have much time and barely looked at what she packed, but she was not looking to be fashionable or matching by any means, just to survive the case. Coming back down in time to hear the group’s cover, she nodded to herself in order to remember that piece of key information that may be a good cover for a later situation. Finally they had arrived, the oaken door had swung open and she hurried herself out as she wished to see California for her first time.

The young witch’s eyes glowed as she marvelled at the sight of California, taking in the fresh air and a smile erupting onto her face. Had she kept her eyes closed, Nickie may have forgotten that they were on a mission of the utmost importance. Sadly, her dreams of being an actual tourist would have to wait as, again, this was a very important mission for them as it had to do with dead bodies or something. However, she could not help but to think of what she could do while they were in the state.

Talking brought Nickie back to reality, snapping her head to Bunny who seemed to cling onto Florian for some rather odd reason, only a glare towards the girl was given. Those bright blue orbs of Nickie’s wandered up Florian’s arm before she looked at his eyes, quickly she blinked and forced herself to look away rather than think of the possibility that he was infatuated with her. The young witch let out a sigh as she did so, crossing her arms and looking away from the wizarding group. Again, she looked towards the wilderness, a smile on her face as she watched the bloody boring scene before letting out one comment and one comment only.

”This should be pretty fun.”

Ah, more people to join the Korean might!
Double Post!

I added Keriss and some basics to the Wiki! I'll be working on her over time.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

No....just Amartía.


Hide your children when Amartía comes. Cause he coming,

And Keriss!
I'll be adding Keriss into the Wiki soon!
@LokiLeo789 I mean, if you demi-gods need a nice place to talk I'd recommend the Pictaraika, especially Em'Ef, which is basically a modern city, except phantomlike and with any techlogy being merely an illusion.

It might corrupt your soul and make you addicted to impossible feelings, but there is free " "ice" "cream" "

What is the "iced cream" you speak of?
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