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Only the most awkward of awkward, my dear lad!
In response to the latest IC post

in other words, great work!

I think I'll call it the New Korean Peninsula!
Earth was a fleeting sphere behind the Korean transport, civilians looking out as they approached the colonial ship meant to whisk them all away to the new world known as Gaia. It was a rather small and unimpressive in its stationary orbit above the planet, but it only grew in magnificence as the colonists drew closer to what was the one ship their esteemed King cared about. Of course, their lord also cared about the lives of the citizens on board as they were the last hope of Korea ever becoming known as a superpower. It was a thought that lurked in many Korean’s minds that day, especially the colonists who saw this as a chance to please their lord, unless their assigned governor did not run the colony into the ground first, a small chance that may happen as the king had gone through extensive requirements to choose the person that would lead New Korea to glory.

Within minutes, the colonists were aboard the ship,     the New Seoul; the ship that would be acting as the home for the colonists before transforming into the capital of the entire colony. One such colonist Oh Ji-Tae watched as the ship lurched forwards, before disappearing should one have been watching from the outside. Then, it came to a stop, orbiting now what was Gaia with its pristine surface, ready for the colonists.

They all knew that they needed to be sure not to destroy their new home, lest they see another Earth, but at the same time, the planet was undoubtedly busting with raw materials that Korea strived for. The ship began moving into the atmosphere, activating thrusters to began slowing down the ship’s velocity. Ji-Tae gripped the sides of his seat as he felt gravity pulling him down towards the planet, luckily for everyone, the straps held, albeit loosely fitting at that. Yet, with careful flying the ship made it’s bumpy landing, scraping into the ground, leaving a trail of destruction in the rocky ground. It slowed to a halt, finding the colonists inside frightened for their lives.

No one was hurt, except for an old man who suffered a broken arm after his straps gave way on the landing. The intercoms of the colony ship came to life, “Welcome to New Seoul of planet Gaia,” the voice of the governor stated, a cheerful tone. The colonists unstrapped themselves and cheered, happy that they had not died upon the landing.

Now it was time for the fun to begin.
@Lady Selune

I love the smell of napalm in the morning!
I'll begin writing a post after school! I'll finally be giving this the attention it deserves!

But I like the skinny werewolf abomination! i will admit though it was freaky as all hell
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