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Again the woman became confused, having expected Tariq to agree to her little proposition rather than just flat out give her the hat. ”Oh, you were serious about that,” Nickie mumbled confusion becoming evident on her face as she stood there, blinking at him for a few moments. After an awkward silence, she retracted her hand, holding both close to her body as she attempted to regain her thoughts once more. Tariq seemed to go against every thought and plan that Nickie had formulated with her little charade, causing her more and more confusion by the second.She looked away from Tariq, unknowing what to do next and becoming the a bit socially awkward. Her arm retreated over to the other at her side, beginning to rub it up in down as she thought of what to do.

Mhm… we only have a couple of minutes to go,” he broke the what seemed an eternity of silence for her. Then Tariq began to circle her, causing her to tense up as she felt as if her parents were inspecting her for in flaw in her attire, any form a wrinkle that may cause her to get in trouble. A fragment of her fear coming through of her not so troubled past, bestowing that small amount of fear onto her a causing her heart to race. I don’t recall… but what case are you on again,” Tariq had asked after stopping in front her. Seeing the glare that he gave her, Nickie only returned it with what appeared to be a dull expression.

”The Winchester Case, in California,” Nickie answered, knowing full well that she would be on a separate case than Tariq. ”Why do you ask?,” the girl inquired, wondering why Tariq would bother with the question. She flicked her head to the side, swishing the bang that normally covered her right eye to the side. Of course it did not stay there for long, the piece of hair falling back down to its original position.

Also, Is it bad that when I saw the Winchester case and the words Texas, I immediately thought you were going by the stereotype of Texans and guns?

granted I know now my dreams have been crushed in that regard

I'm still a bit sad the case for the gun people is not in Texas, would have Nickie making all forms of quips!
Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood memelord
.... And a Crowley ref earns you tomorrows points, too.

You just earned my entire daily allotment of brownie points for use of that gif. Kudos to you.



Interacting with

The girl had remained slumped in that position, fiddling with her wand by simply trying to balance it on her hand and minor succeeding for a few seconds. Then she had noticed Tariq had re-entered the room in a new outfit all together, had he really gone off to change outfits because she did not return the hat. Nickie thought to herself, wondering why he had to change an entire outfit due to the lack of a simple fedora. Regardless, she watched the man stand in the corner for a few moments before looking away the moment that he had begun walking towards her, not entirely enthused.

"I'm sorry for being so...distant with you." Those words drew her gaze to rest on the man, an awkward way to begin an apology, but she could forgive him for that. Nickie continued to listen to him speak, "I just...I'm not use to the way you are.." A slight Hmpf could be heard as she processed the irritating sentence, crossing her arms over her chest as he continued. Once Tariq finished, Nickie sighed a bit before thinking of a response to the man who obviously seemed somewhat sincere due to his pure awkwardness.

”Apology accepted,” Nickie said bluntly, a small smile coming to her face as she stood up, still having to look up at Tariq. She took off the fedora and looked it over, a feigned expression of sadness as she moved to place atop Tariq’s head. However, the movement quickly diverted to place the hat of Nickie’s head once more. Giggling could be heard as she walked passed Tariq stopping at the table. ”Don’t worry too much about it, ruskie,” she said turning to face the man once more, ”I lived in New York with a bunch of Irish immigrants, you literally could not be more rude if you tried.”

Then the lights flickered, only for a few moments, she knew what that meant; the house was on the move towards the United States. It was honestly impressive that an entire house could be apparated, figuring it must be hard on good ole’ Emory. She stood for a few moments in silence, before hearing the arrival time ”I’ll keep the hat safe for ya, then I’ll give it back after our cases,” Nickie strolled up to Tariq before holding out a hand, ”Whatcha say?” Her standard cheeky smile was now prominent on her pale face once more as she did all this. Legitimately, Nickie did feel better that Tariq had come to apologize, even if it still meant that she would not give the hat back quite yet. Then again, what could be expected from the whimsical muggle-born.
Jeebus chrust, HOW DO I KEEP MISSING SO MUCH. ;~;

Jesus Christ, it seems school is beating me over the head with what feels like a metric asslaod of textbooks
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