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Fun Fact of the Ray: Nickie can't operate under confusion, but she can operate perfectly under pressure if she knows what she is doing. Confusion in this case if the unexpected happens or she doesn't reach the desired outcome.

Nickie only continued to smirk, guessing that Tariq would actually go ahead and try to swipe the fedora back from her. Her brows furrowed in a responsive confusion, unexpecting the sounds ”You can keep it.” It honestly confused her to the point in that she blankly stared at him as he left the room, the tune in her head being completely dismantled. Her master plan had practically been abandoned, confusion wracking her mind, destroying logic itself as he left. If he had played her game, she would have given in back in due time but this was something that made her begin rethink her plan and forced her to wonder, where she had gone wrong in her execution.

Blinking a few times, the blue-haired girl shook her head in an attempt to throw away the confusement and regain her normal state of mind. Nickie never did good when she got confused, shutting down in order to think rather than act on her gut entirely. Luckily, her care-free nature could save her as she shrugged off the reaction and lifted up the fedora to where it properly sat atop her dyed hair. ”Don't worry buddy, I’ll take care of ya until I can give you back,” Nickie stated to the stolen hat, sliding downwards in the chair as boredom quickly began to overtake her.

Wow, she actually danced to the tune inside Nickie's head. I will say, I didn't expect that. Kudos

Well damb, he's a sour puss. Ruinin' Nickie's fun.

I like him!

Come to da Map Room, we gots da dank memes

Interacting with

Nickie did not even bat an eye towards Tariq when he began to walk towards her, knowing full well what would happen given she had just stolen his hat. Her cheeky smile only remained firm on her face as he heard him begin walking over, adjusting the fedora to cover her eyes. She heard him, ”Give me hat back. Please… Boy did he sound like he meant business, too bad Nickie did not truly care as he had fallen for her mischievous play and everything was according to plan. The girl made a sound like she was thinking it offer, a feigned expression as everyone would know what she would say.

”Nah, I think I like it more. I think it fits my style, dontcha think?,” she asked in a rhetorical fashion, giggling a very small bit. Nickie could clearly hear the annoyance in his voice, but it barely fazed her as she leaned back into the chair. It was great to be pulling shenanigans as everyone was just dark and dreary most times, knowing the job really caused it but she was doing her best to remain optimistic. In her two years of being at the ORO, she had never been known to not be the way she has been ever since she had found out she had been a wizard, a static character. Hence, why she would play jokes and not bother to change even if reprimanded. Of course it was all fine and dandy as she never got any real complaints from her attempts to lighten up the place.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

This is very accurate.


"Give it back"

Nickie "Lol wut?"
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