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Only a lot.

It was stated by Emory that he would be apparating the house, sounds incredibly difficult if you ask me.
And thar be a post laddies, time to play with @Zahir's character for no reason

interacting with

Listening intently to Emory, the girl waited until he was finished until she got moving with the usual spring in her step. It was a lovely thought to be heading back to the states, and especially to a place that she had never really been before. Most of her childhood had been in New York and Llvermorny, not having the chance to truly travel around and explore the states even if she did have to memorize them, along with their stereotypes. The thoughts, exited her her mind as she walked into her room. There she grabbed her essentials; her stubborn wand and some Floo powder for an emergency, that was about it as she did not have much else in the way of essentials. With that, she was all ready to go as far as essentials went, of course she could pack up some booze, but those were only for after the job was done.

Returning to the map room, she noticed Tariq sitting in a dark corner of the room which she only shrugged off for the time. Nickie began her normal of duties of dancing while listening to some electro-swing, entertaining herself for a few seconds before her phone decided to go on the fritz as per the norm. ”Bloody hell, not now!,” she cried as she retrieved the phone from her pocket, futilely fiddling with it. A sigh escaped her mouth before her hand held her wand up to her face, ”Did you cause this? Jealous that I am not giving you attention?” The interrogation of the wand only resulted in silence, but Nickie knew, or rather imagined what it was saying.

With a huff of disappointment, Nickie seated herself and proceeded to essentially pout at the fact that her music had essentially been ripped away from her. Though she did know of one way to entertain herself, a cheeky smile coming to her face. ”Wingardium Leviosa,” Nickie stated, swishing and flicking her wand in the direction of Tariq, most specifically his hat. The fedora could be seen lifting from the man’s head and continuing to go upwards then towards Nickie herself. The girl could hardly contain her laughter as she felt the need to steal the man’s hat, only for her own entertainment of course. After all, how could she not want a fedora, it was the most hipster looking hat after all, and listening to electro-swing made her feel like a dirty hipster.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Which were taken from the worms in Dune.

Huh. Ya learn something new every day.
@Aonly9470 The wildlife are much like those on earth in temperament. Some are vicious, some are herbivores that don't want trouble, some are herbivores that do want trouble. There are some unique and very dangerous creatures however, such as dune-like siege worms.

Every time I imagine those worms I keep thinking of the siege worms for Civilization: Beyond Earth
<Snipped quote by Xilaw>

Exactly. Life expectancy for a Regulator is very short, hence why many refuse to actually work within the office.


"Die Well" that's certainly... uplifting
<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

She'd try to fix him. She'd recognize the same pain in herself and try to rectify it, since she doesn't know how to fix herself.

badly whispers "That's never gonna happen."
Righty then so, we only have Heretic to post an intro, so in that case I will have my next post up tomorrow with a bit of exposition and then we can move on to the interactions and the cases themselves!

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