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<Snipped quote by Kho>

Alefpria confirmed for socialist state.

There is no socialism! Only capitalism!
<Snipped quote by Lauder>
If Ted Mosby was Sam and Dean's father.


You see kids, this is why you don't bring negativity to those places. Ghosts hate that. Also, don't say you're gonna tear the house down while in it, stupid muggles.

Nickie listened to Emory’s plan of splitting the group, never a good idea to do from what she could gather from the muggle cartoon “Scooby-Doo.” Then again, they were not exactly the run-of-the-mill muggles either so they would surely fare better than a group of teenagers and a dog. She went along with it, following Emory ever silently as she kept her distance from Florian and being very mindful of that distance. The girl’s eyes looked over the mansion as they approached it, it surely seemed normal from the outside and not supernatural but they were not there to judge the house on its looks alone.

Then they met the family, a family of what seemed like rich folk and, technically, being of the working immigrant class, she immediately disliked them and their pretentious nature as she listened to the father speak. She turned her back to the rest of the tour group and began exploring the room, finding everything seemed a bit normal with everything in place. ”Got to give to that butler, keeps the place clean,” she mumbled to herself as she found the place pretty clean.

Then the suggestion from Emory, ”Let’s ditch, do a little exploring of our own,” and with that her normal cheeky grin coming to her face as she silently nodded in agreement. Nickie walked after Emory and Zara, following them closely before finding themselves in the séance room and was immediately accompanied by the feeling of dread.

”Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that,” Nickie stated, turning around to check their backs. Then she could hear the mother and her absurdly loud voice go through the house. ”Well, doesn't sound like the family is in good spirits,” she giggled, finding the families strife enjoyable as she knew rich families were not exactly the greatest, primarily from hearing the fact from other irish immigrants.
Oh shit. A death.


pls give me a promotion as i need to feed my nonexistent family

You haven't read the original Frankenstein? Dude, it's a great read! It puts a whole new spin on the creature! Also surprised you haven't read any short stories from Lovecraft or the novella of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. There a some good puns within Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as well.

Quick question. Who is your favourite author?

Interesting question, it would either be H.P. Lovecraft, Mary Shelly, or Robert Louis Stevenson.

Boy, I am liking Zara
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