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@Banana I was gonna suggest she starts off fighting whatever's causing the RV to lose power, but whatever works.

Now ya' made be conflicted. I like your idea, I like it a lot.

That'll definitely work! I'll be starting on a post momentarily and the feasting shall begin.
Boy, it gonna take me a good minute to read through all this. I do like how detailed it is though!
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

I stopped considering myself in on the young people's lingo a few years ago, so I'm about as lost as you are.

At least someone is as lost as I. I'll be taking gander over at the OOC now.
Why not kick off not only a brand new week but the first day of spring with a new RP? Take a look at VIGILANCE: Blood and Justice today! We guarantee satisfaction or your money back.

As much as I hate spring due to the amount of pollen it produces, I must say, this looks rather hip and... exhilarating interesting. That's what we young people say, yes? Yes.

I'm glad you like her :P

I might make some form of spirit or maybe a demon, I'm currently thinking what I want to be over :P
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