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The knight woman was the first to pay concern to the downed gluttony demon, asking if she required assistance. Silently, Kirby raised up her arm to grasp the knight’s shoulder in order to lift herself up, albeit with shaky legs. ”There is a dragon that way,” she began, taking in a breath before continuing, ”It is very powerful, found me this way.” She brought her head up to look at the clad-armored woman who had come to her first, at least there was some kind person. However, Kirby’s face did not show happiness, still sour that she had lost her bag of food.

Then some brute came along, flexing his obscenely large muscles in a rather obnoxious fashion and questioning her. ”Yeah, I guess I hit,” Kirby turned her reptilian head to look at the RV, ”that vehicle rather hard.” Once she regained her stability, she released her grasp on the knight woman and gave the two her gaze. With a sigh, she straightened her back and stretched her arms upwards in an attempt to help her back feel a bit better. ”The name is Kirby by the way,” the demoness stated, a yawn closely following. The yawn revealed a row of serrated teeth which seemed to flex themselves, further more it seemed her upper jaw moved differently as if each half were able to move by themselves.


Likewise! I can't wait to do

Also, @POOHEAD189, how do you do, my blood-brother?
@Lord Wraith

I regret to inform that I will be backing out from making a CS. I do not believe that I will be capable of meeting expectations within this RP. I wish that you continue to have fun though!

Heck yeah! I'll get started one CS soon.
*looks left, then right, then left again*

Is- Is this still open?
@Lord Wraith

Just started working on the CS, so pretty good!
Kirby was in the middle of something, something substantially large and monstrous which may or may not have been beating her ass for the past half hour in a battle of raw strength and epic proportions. There she was on the back of dragon, fighting high in the air and wailing on it with all her strength, granted not very much strength at this point and the two were about five feet off the ground. Exaggerated battles aside, she not in the best spot with the dragon attempting to shake off the small demoness until Kirby ran along its back to hit the beast in its eye. Everything was going according to plan until the dragon suddenly snapped its head up as Kirby jumped up and grabbed her leg, launching her over a hill. It was not her finest moment, sailing through the air of hell, abe to see the landscape pass her at a rapid pace before she came to a sudden halt.

Her back buried itself into a the side of what felt like a metal wall, gravity then took over to pull her onto the ground. ”Son of a protestant whore!” the demoness cried in pain as she rolled on the ground. The dragon was a tough cookie, Kirby would give the beast that, but like all cookies, she would eat them. She pushed herself up, getting to her knees and looking back to see what she had hit. It was an RV of some sort and on its side was now a sizeable dent to signify where Kirby had landed. Something felt missing though, she patted herself down until she realized that her backpack was gone; all that glorious food now missing and able to expire. The thought tormented her.

She pushed herself up and got to her feet, anger now very present upon her face as she only wished the worst of deaths upon the beast that caused her food to go missing. Kirby cracked her knuckles and took one step before collapsing onto her knees again, the strain of the fight had taken its toll and she physically felt like she was dying. ”Damnit, you overexerted yourself, Kirby. Keep going and you’ll shatter your own soul unless you find food,” she told herself, deeply breathing in and out.

@Lord Wraith, I have seen a disturbing lack of lycanthropes. Welp, I think I have my character idea!

A Skype group? God, it's been forever since I used that , I suppose I could always chat there!
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