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Mass Effect: First Contact

”You’ll only see a turian’s back when he is dead”

The Rachni Wars

The wars were a devastation to the Galaxy as the Council knew it until the Salarians uplifted the Krogan to turn the tide of the war. Gradually the threat was driven back, destroyed; a shell of what they had once used to be, all their power lost. The Rachni were contained, left to their own little slice of the galaxy as their relay, the mass relay known as Relay 314, and the Council found all actions to reactivate this relay as illegal and declared that the Rachni menace was extinct. With that, the Turians safeguarded this relay to prevent activation attempts by any means that they deemed necessary. The end of the Rachni Wars came about 300 CE.

Come around four centuries later the Krogan Rebellion spring up, the species finally being declared war on for annexing Council space in the Krogan expansion period. The wars lasted centuries. Fighting in a losing battle, salarians develop a solution to the problem of the high breeding rate of the Krogan which allowed them to fight without pause, the famed Genophage. This development, deployed by the newcomers known as the turians, essentially lowered the infant survival rate to tenths of a percent. It turned the tide of the war, suddenly the Krogan numbers had been drastically reduced and the war swiftly ended. Fostering a new hate for all against them within the rebellions, the krogans remained quiet while allowing the Council to do what they wanted and essentially never being able to return to their former power.

Centuries later, exploration came about, but not by any Council races and not by a species that was particularly known about either. This new race, the Human race, expanded at an unprecedented rate and never had seen any intelligent species, no first contact. Reactivating relays, exploring, being humans. That was until they came about the famed relay, Relay 314. Of course, they had no clue about council laws and thought themselves alone in space. Then, Turian warships struck the exploration group, destroying all but one ship that escaped amongst the Chaos. This was the start of what the humans called “the First Contact War.”

Soon enough, the war turned from a naval war to a ground war as Turians besieged the human colony of Shanxi. Turian forces then began landing on the colonial planet as warships seized air control and bombarded the planet. This is where you come in. A merc, a soldier, a medic, maybe even a scientist come to study these new people? Only you know for sure and it is up for you to decide what happens. However, whatever comes next will be caused by whatever you decide.

What will happen next?

Welcome to the official OOC of Mass Effect:First Contact and what a lovely time it has been seeing that people are actually interested in one of my threads! I am happy to accept people as we go along, but keep in mind, there is no guarantee there will be an immediate spot for you to just jump in if you join late but we can work something out.

Da Rules
  • Normal rules apply here; no meta/power gaming, yada yada yada
  • For posts, I generally want 2-3 paragraphs minimum. I generally do not nitpick at slight errors, but make sure formating is good and there are no other glaring issues.
  • I ask that if you do not have time to commit, turn around now. I will not sugar coat this, I have done it many times before so trust me, I know the feeling. I will give you two chances to respond to me if you go inactive without warning but if you do respond to me, your character will be shipped to inactivity for a week and after that, IC death.
  • I want a post from people at least once a week, that is all I ask in that regard.
  • If you have a plot idea or character arc, talk to me in the PMs and we can see if it will fit into the narrative one way or another.
  • There will be some dark themes later in the story, if you get triggered easily then deal with it, we will primarily deal with themes such as war atrocities, violence (duh), racism, but nothing in the sexual regards.
  • My word is law, deal with. Now grovel you filthy peasants!
  • Do not be afraid to ask if you need lore clarification, I tend to answer partly accurately. Another note, this takes place before the events of the original Mass Effect Trilogy.

Bulletin Board

  • GeneralNox's Character is accepted
  • Added Bulletin Board
  • Add Genophage to Intro
  • Jb's character accepted
  • Editted rules to include what sort of dark themes we will be going over.

Happy hunting!
@POOHEAD189@Plank Sinatra@JBRam2002@GeneralNox@DepressedSoviet

CS is now up in the OP while I work on the OOC! Do not submit them to me just yet when you finish, do that when the OOC is up!

Another quick question...would I be able to control a second, well, secondary character? My head-scientist Turian isn't going to be combat focused at all, so I was thinking of a hired Krogan or Batarian that serves as a body guard?

I do not see why not, if you intend on doing a second sheet for the body guard or if @JBRam2002 still wants to go along that little path you guys have going. Whatever you want!
@Lauder This has my interest. Are you expecting this to stay casual, or go more towards advanced?
Firstly, glad to have your interest! Secondly, I don't mind how much you write, but I would definitely like more than one or two paragraphs in a post if you can manage that!

Question 2: Are you going to allow non-Turian races?
Yes, I am very much fine with non-Turian races! A Batarian Vanguard-esque character sounds like an interesting character, in my opinion! The only race that I'm definitely not allowing to be played for now are humans, because well, the war and all.


I'm glad you have gave interest! Here is a wiki link. I would recommend looking up information of the First Contact War, the Rachni Wars, and the Krogan Rebellions. Also feel free to look up any races you wish but I would recommend sticking with Asari, Salarian, or Turian, if you do not have specific knowledge on races.
I pray that you have the time then!

@Plank Sinatra
Much appreciated, I tip my... I don't have a hat so I can't tip it to you.

Interesting choice! I guarantee that everyone in the scientific community is going to love him!

I am the very model of a scientist salarian, I've studied species turian, asari, and batarian. I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because i am an expert (which i know is a tautology). My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a scientist salarian.
Mass Effect: First Contact

The Rachni Wars.

The wars were a devastation to the Galaxy as the Council knew it until the Salarians uplifted the Krogan to turn the tide of the war. Gradually the threat was driven back, destroyed; a shell of what they had once used to be, all their power lost. The Rachni were contained, left to their own little slice of the galaxy as their relay, the mass relay known as Relay 314, and the Council found all actions to reactivate this relay as illegal and declared that the Rachni menace was extinct. With that, the Turians safeguarded this relay to prevent activation attempts by any means that they deemed necessary. The end of the Rachni Wars came about 300 CE.

Centuries later, exploration came about, but not by any Council races and not by a species that was particularly known about either. This new race, the Human race, expanded at an unprecedented rate and never had seen any intelligent species, no first contact. Reactivating relays, exploring, being humans. That was until they came about the famed relay, Relay 314. Of course, they had no clue about council laws and thought themselves alone in space. Then, Turian warships struck the exploration group, destroying all but one ship that escaped amongst the Chaos. This was the start of what the humans called “the First Contact War.”

Soon enough, the war turned from a naval war to a ground war as Turians besieged the human colony of Shanxi. Turian forces then began landing on the colonial planet as warships seized air control and bombarded the planet. This is where you come in. A merc, a soldier, a medic, maybe even a scientist come to study these new people? Only you know for sure and it is up for you to decide what happens. However, whatever comes next will be caused by whatever you decide.

What will happen next?

Welcome to Mass Effect: First Contact! As you could guess this roleplay would be set in the Mass Effect universe and in the First Contact War between the humans and the turians. Primarily, the beginning will focus on the Battle of Shanxi but here is the catch; we shall be playing from the Turian point of view, we are the bad guys to the humans. I'm looking for about 4-6, casual to semi-advanced people to join me on the this quest! If you have questions, feel free to ask me!

Happy hunting!


I can't wait to see what I'm gonna have to improve
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