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I can also sleep backwards.

Now THAT is a feat.
Y'know, after some debating. I think I'll go ahead and dive right into this if you'll have me!

Who needs positivity? The warhammer universe operates just fine without it
<Snipped quote by Antarctic Termite>

Except for an actual afterlife yeah. But don't worry! Vestec has that covered for a quarter of the dead souls.

I feel bad for those souls now. Anything Vestec makes is... madness.

Civilization Name: The Aristocracy of Auntadria
Species Name: Aundrians
Member of the Galactic Conclave?: YES
Name of Galactic Conclave Representative: Nuraaza Pehrnes (Female, Young)
Basic Description of Civilization:

Ever since the days the Aundrian have achieved FTL capabilities, the people have become a maritime power and stayed independent due to this trade. Come the ‘Aundrian Unification War’ the government was ruled by an Aristocracy which reinforced ideas of trade and economy into the people. They proceeded to become very good diplomats, a trait which was carried from their years upon years of trading with other civilizations. In fact, the reason they joined the Conclave was much less for protection more than it was a definite avenue of trade. To support this trade, the Aundrians began to be seen as a highly industrialized power, more industrialized than most other nations would think at that.

However, this does not come without flaws as the nation does not have a strong military, nothing compared to what the current Conclave nations have. Furthermore, they operate under a caste system which determines the status of whomever is born in what class. Another issue that they dare not boast, is their weak bodies which not only limits their fighting capabilities but means colonization is harder as it may put a large strain upon their bodies.
@Plank Sinatra@Thecrash20

'Tis a shame, I looked forward to seeing what kind of characters y'all drew up. However, who am I to decide life? I wish both of thee good tidings and thank you for your interest!
Uga chaka uga uga uga Chaka uga Chaka uga uga uga Chaka


We are currently waiting for @Thecrash20 and @Plank Sinatra. If the retract their interest I'll see if I can get another person onboard or I'll make a character myself so that we may begin.
So how is everyone doing today?
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