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Well you're wrong.


Answer it damnit! That's why I asked!
@Lauder Ilunabar is making lap dogs in her next post, part of the whole Glamour expansion pack going on west of the Pictaraika. But I don't think she would gift one of those to a baby killer.

Hey, does this look like the face of a killer to you?

@Antarctic Termite

Even a large super death-murder murder puppy with wings and all the uber-badass features?!
@Antarctic Termite

I am both scared and insanely interested to see what kind of puppy Jvan would craft.


Perhaps Keriss wouldn't have daddy issues if you got her a puppy. She wants a puppy for her birthday, make it happen.

I thought so, made me doubt myself for a moment.

Don't worry we all make mistakes.


Very much so. It only adds to the fact that he has seen a whole lot and his general attitude on existence, granted I'm sure anyone would feel the same way after being alive for hundreds of years. Though, he doesn't feel that old anymore at the very least, so there is that.

Edit: Actually come to think of it, New Vegas is set 204 years after the Great War, yeah? Technically he would only be trapped at about 35. Unless I'm doing my math wrong of course.
@Double Capybara

One does not need to interact with Keriss to realize she is perfection! Also I will take the lizard cloak thing as a compliment due to Keriss' beauty is so great that even a god would want to wear her!

@Double Capybara

Ilunabar put herself on her own Christmas gift list and not Keriss?! Wow. I would expect this from Amartía but clearly Ilunabar doesn't recognize the perfection that is the Pain Train.

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