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I would like to know if I might be able to join as well!

Who else is on the outside with me?
All this talk of languages and I'm just like... playing EU4. God I have not been in the mood of writing lately ;-;
The jester’s lightning soared through Garnesh's body and he gave out a pained cry as he dropped to his knees. He turned his head towards the jester, a bloodcurdling glare sinking in on her as a primal snarl formed on the barbarian’s lips. Slowly, he got to his feet before lumbering over to Koan, the beholder already in her face but he was angered, enraged even. Like an animal, he snapped his jaw at the jester before a large meaty hand surrounded the poor woman’s neck. It was a tight grip but not enough to properly choke her, despite that he wanted to at the moment.

Then his gaze shifted over to the poor wizard who had been paralyzed and unparalyzed, damaged and over all not looking so great. ”Below decks, now,” he ordered the wizard, before lowering his arm and walking to the stairs, dragging the poor jester along with him.

Once properly below decks he tossed the fool onto the ground and stared at her, it seemed an eternity had passed before he spoke. ”What were you thinking? Do you want to get us all killed?!,” he hissed, snapping his jaws together once more as he stood over his crew mate in a threatening manner. The enchanted axe was still in his hand, still activated with small acidic droplets falling to the floor. With a dragonic hiss, the acidic nature of the axe seemed to have disappeared in an instant, not taking his eyes off of her.

He opened his mouth once more as he put a foot on the woman’s gut, a light green glow emanating from the back of his throat as he threatened to spit acid on her. Yet, he did not, the glow fading away as he withdrew his head and foot from her body. Garnesh would not allow himself to kill someone that was a part of his crew, even if he wanted to. The barbarian knew she had not meant to shoot him in the back with lightning, after all she was not exactly always in the right mind.

”Gain control of yourself or else I will control you myself,” the dragonborn hissed, taking a step back.

@Gordian Nought

The old star fighter had been floating for ages, unaware to the galactic politics that surrounded it, lost to it all. Yet, one droid rationed power, hoping that one day someone would have found him within that metal tomb which confined him. Luckily, it seemed that day had finally come as he detected someone attempting to hail the ship, he would smile if he had the capability to. The droid had kept the communications of the ship online for just such an occasion and he began to do what he could to speak with those who attempted to contact him. His hand stopped for a moment, his mind calculating the chances of this being a republic trap and a second later he pressed opened communications.

“This is, unit TB-239,” he began with a deeply monotone voice, “CIS T-series command droid, I request that you aid me in getting to the nearest space station.” It had been years since he had last spoken to anything other than the ship drive, and that was not even talking as much as it was simply coxing the ship in what appeared to be a hibernation. While there was not a lot of power inside of it, there was enough for the engines to get to a nearby space station since no other auxiliary power was needed.

“According to estimated times, I have been adrift for over twenty years,” the droid droned on as the engines hummed to life slowly. It was like an old man attempting to get out of bed, drifting in and out of sleep before ultimately the being awoke. He was putting a lot of trust into these organics to not destroy the ship, but it was his only shot of getting out of the cramped starfighter. The droid’s eyes peeked outside of the cockpit, seeing fighters similar to those that the wretched clones had used, yet not exact. Yet, the sight still unsettled the droid.

He would reroute some power to weapons if he could afford to, but sadly, he just did not have the power to do so. Hopefully these were just some pirates who wished nothing more than to scavenge his ship and the probability was still there, but he sighted no other insignia other than unfamiliar ones which only added to the probability. TB had a bad feeling about all of this and he could not even properly feel emotion, only calculations and results.

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