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The ceasefire washed over the situation, bring an uneasy peace with it as both sides seemed to just stare each other down. It seemed that no matter what the fight would start up again and Garnesh wanted to be ready for just the occasion. The dragonborn eyed the three beings, the wolf and the two drakes, keeping his axe ready to strike should they even remotely try anything suspicious. The barbarian would not allow them to kill any of his allies, he would be sure of that. Then, a thought occurred to him as he looked over his enemies. “Can I have my javelins back?,” he questioned, seeing as how his weapons protruded from the hide of the beasts.

For him, it was a legitimate question as he simply did not wish to lose what were clearly his and not theirs. He had ignored what the jester had done, being used to her abilities and the likes. Though, Garnesh still did listen, though one line about feeling virgin men did catch his attention with a more than confused look. The barbarian shook off the confusion and refocused on the task at hand, needing to get his javelins back and he knew of one way to get them back, killing the beasts. Granted, it was break the ceasefire, but he wanted what was his back since they were his and he like his stuff because they reminded him of himself.

The barbarian’s ego was showing.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

You better not be talking about me.

Noooooooo. What would give you that impression?

Then I demand one all about Keriss beating the crap out of her little sister!

I demand a production all about why birds are lame animals!

Here is the discord for all OOC discussion. I think I will close interest to new players.
Hey, do you allow Droid characters?

Why yes I do! Interested in taking a gander at this campaign here?
The fish rained, many bounced harmlessly off of Garnesh, until a massive one netted the head of the dragonborn downwards into the railing. It had hurt and he swore that he could have heard some cracking in his skull, not particularly the pleasant kind either. Then a splitting howl filled the air and the barbarian only grit his teeth as he turned to view the trapped wolf. A ceasefire had been called by the short one. A damned ceasefire was the last thing that Garnesh truly wanted, only wanting to do battle and show his superiority over these pathetic creatures.

He took out his great axe, turning back to the serpents. ”Uvelucal,” Garnesh hissed in dragonic, the axe began dully glowing as acidic droplets began to form on the edge of the great axe. The dragonborn readied himself for whatever the drakes wanted to do, ready to strike should they dare to attack. ”Just give me the word, captain, then I shall kill the drakes with ease,” the dragonborn commented to the woman next to him, a snarl forming on his face.

I would rather not have ten thousand jedi in one party
That was a nice post.
Ye! Glad you two are onboard!
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