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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

A galaxy in distress, it’s the height of the Clone Wars, the Separatist faction and the Republic are clashing heads all around the galaxy and the Jedi are proving as useful as ever, achieving victory after victory. However, the Clone Wars is not the only thing that the galaxy is concerned about. Warlords, gangs run rampant, cartels smuggle goods everywhere, weakening the Republic and the Separatists alike in their efforts to destroy each other. Everyone is powerless to stop these growing factions. Will there be a new hope for the galaxy?

Hello and welcome to my Star Wars Saga roleplay! This is a tale of toppling criminal gangs and the likes so hopefully my short opening crawl has managed to peak your interest, at least slightly. Anyways, before you ask, yes there is a core rule book for this which I will happily provide right here!

But yes, onto the boring part, RULES!
  • No godmodding or metagaming, yada yada yada! You get the point.
  • I would love if your post consisted of more than “I shot a guy and I liked it.” GIVE ME SOME EMOTION DAMNIT!
  • This will have stuff called “love” in it. Take any of the, eh, not so innocent stuff out of the guild.
  • There will be a good amount of action. Prepare thine buttocks for that
  • You shall all start at level one, ya hear?! You will have 20 points to spend on your abilities, starting from the normal ten in each stat, you may add and subtract points as you wish. Otherwise known as The Purchase Method

Now that that is out of the way, I shall tell you the limits of what you can and cannot be; there are no limits! Feel free to be what you want to be! Your starting money is provided by the respective class that you want to play. Money is always a struggle, ain't it? As for where our sheets will be hosted, it shall be Myth Weavers and make sure to use the Star Wars Saga sheet and not the regular Star Wars one, I got confuzed before.

The ice wolf was of top priority to be destroyed, but then the chanting of the serpents reached him and it annoyed him with their incessant chanting of the word “Svent,” a word that he knew all too well. He began to waltz over to the railing, javelin in hand as he did so with anger and annoyance clear in his facial expression. Then, he began to curse at them in dragonic “<Stop that chanting and leave, or I will rip out your intestines through your mouths!>>” He now stood next to the Captain, though he did not pay any attention to her; the barbarian was too dull to focus on more than one thing at the moment. Garnesh readied a javelin in his hand and threw it at the closest serpent that he could see, it was a hit. Again did he toss a javelin, once again did it find its mark as it was carried by his immense strength, the strength of gods in his eyes. A smile went across his face as he saw that the javelins had wounded the annoying creatures, but he wanted more blood to ooze from the creatures. He was bloodthirsty.


<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

Just goes to show my superior taste.

Waifus are superior tastes? I guess I have no taste then.
It seems the notification decided to not to go to me. But anyways.

The raining fish did little to effect Garnesh in his daily activities, he had begun to pick them up off the deck while the fish hat continued to fall slapped against him, harmless and more annoying than anything really. That was before the Captain shouted for them to be ready for a battle, instantly raising his head to Sea the monsters that began to gun their way to the ship. Maybe all this fish was not so good for them.

The first to act, Garnesh the Bloodthirsty quickly assessed the situation as he saw the serpents move through the water spout before the strange wolf of ice and water came tumbling out of the sea above them. He found the wolf to be the largest threat and proceeded to deal with such a threat in one of the only ways that he knew how, throwing spears at the damned thing. He reached behind him, grasping the first javelin to come to hand and recklessly throwing it, a savage smile came to his face when he saw that the javelin was going to make contact with the creature, and it did as the creature swatted it away. He reached back to grab another javelin, using some patience to wait a moment before letting the javelin loose into the air. He could tell that it was a hit, smiling as he awaited to see if the creature would die. It didn't.

”Damnit!” The dragonborn roared in annoyance, glaring at the wolffish creature that seemed to now mock him.


You can't scold me for not having parents around to love and support me!
I hate exams!~

And anotha one gone, another one gone~

Anotha one torn to shreds~


I'm fine with this.
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