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“Thank you for waiting gentlemen, I hope the travel here has not been too hard on you. I can imagine that you are still coping with the losses,” Alexi stated, walking into the meeting chamber within the Itheraen capitol building with his Cabinet following him. The men seated themselves, with a secretary bringing in freshly brewed tea, still steaming. “How are you lads doing?,” the president asked the ten men who wore Tyro-Redanian clothing and not the ones of their heritage.

“We thank you for seeing us, first off. But that man, that monster has killed our friends! Our family!” One of the members, Thaddius Korbas, stated, clearly angered over the situations that had happened not even a few weeks ago. The other men looking distraught, some of them having to look away as they did have close relations with those prominent members of the Triple I. “We need your help! If this man should be allowed to continue to roam the streets then how can we ever feel safe? How can our families ever see the light of day again without having to fear through the night?”

The President and his cabinet looked to each other, hoping one of them knew of what to do in this situation, but they hadn’t a clue. This was the one of the worst crimes to happen to the Itheraen people as a whole, a sign of their weakness of wanting to stick together. “Thadeus, what we are prepared to propose, is that you find a safe place. We will do what we can to protect you and the Triple I without this turning into an international incident,”Ajax Macris stated, standing from his chair.

“Yes, and we are prepared to offer you a large sum of money so that you may feel safe once more, so that you may continue the movement. Those eleven men were martyrs, dying for a cause that was justified. Spread that word around, we shall see how the monster Felix von Drach will feel when he shall see that the cause will grow stronger,”Menoeceus Zacharias laughed, wondering the face of the agent when he saw how disastrous of a backfire his actions would have cause.

“Indeed. We shall help you, but keep your movement non-violent. We wish you well lads. Keep the Tripe I alive,” Alexi stated and a smile would come to his face when all the members of the Triple I would salute him, praising his actions and promising to free themselves from the oppression of the Empire.

The decision to fund the Triple I had been made.

*Fans face* Take it to PMs, you two.

But then you would miss the hot fire-whip action. And you wouldn't want to miss that now would you ;P
@Lauder *reaches for firewhip*

whip me

Y'know after a while of neglecting this place, I thought to myself, 'Wow, dude seriously stop being lazy and write something' which my mind then forgot approximately two seconds later after Supernatural came on. Then, I proceeded to ignore this place even more and another thought came to me, 'lol wow this guy is hacking' as I was playing Halo 5 and getting destroyed before a sudden shock came to me 'SHHHHHHHIIIIIITTT I forgot to do shit for the thing!'

None of the above is true, I am just a scumbag. Time to start writing once more for the single greatest character in this RP!
Republic of Itherae

Discussion of the Oil Advancement Act

“My dear, Council, we have reached that time of the year once more where we convene to discuss any new laws or acts,” the proud voice of Alexi Georgas rang out across the small meeting chamber of the Itheraen capitol building. The room was rectangular in design with the speaker, currently the president, standing in the center while all elected officials from each of the towns sat at tables around him. “It has come to my attention after our agreement with the Tyro-Redanians a few months ago, some of our oil for a bit more chromium, that we have vast amounts of oil that we have no use for,” Alexi continued, turning to each of the members with a neutral face, “We must find a way to innovate, improve the situation of our oil before it all goes to waste.”

Murmurs ran throughout the chambers. Sixteen voices filling the room as the representatives discussed what the president might be getting on about.

“I propose that we pass an act to incentivize the bright minds of our nation to find a way to avoid the waste of our oil, let the people feel that they might accomplish something to better help the rest of their fellow countrymen!”

Sounds of agreement ran through the people, then a few of disagreement, those who have bought their way into their position by bribing the electors of their towns. “Why should we allow the peasants to do anything but provide us with tax and labor? If they feel that they can accomplish important tasks with the help of the government then where does that leave us upper crust? With a decreased labor force, that’s what! We cannot have them all go and attempt to create without creating an instability within the economy,” the voice of Cosmo Minas, representative of Diopolis, countered. One of said people who had bought his way into the positions by flaunting money and promises.

“Frankly, Mister Minas, I believe this might increase our markets if this act would be utilized correctly. It is my belief that allowing people to create will increase our economy. An example for you, the creation of the axe led to production of timber, but where would we be with just timber? Homeless. That is why people have created uses for the timber, creating houses, carpentry, and carriages,” Alexi responded, his voice drowning out any murmurs that might have incurred after Cosmos’ disapproval.

The representatives made sounds of agreement afterwards, Alexi taking a cigar out of the inside coat of his pocket and lighting it with a match. The president took a few puffs of the cigar before continuing on, “So what do we say fellows, keep the status quo or try to improve our situation? If you side with Mister Minas than raise your hand,” only two hands stood firmly by the side of Cosmo. “Now if you agree with me, yell ‘I’ to the heavens themselves!,” Alexi proclaimed loudly, ten representatives yelling out in agreement while those who remained neutral or in disagreement remained quiet.

“Good now that we have that covered, we shall start on a draft tomorrow. For now, let's open up the wine!,” the President laughed with gusto, needless to say that went unopposed by all.

Hey there, would like to let you know of my interest in doing an Adventure Time or Steven Universe RP or even a Greek gods/goddess thing. Whatever you are interested in doing!
Republic of Itherae

It was a cold day, approximately one PM, the remnants of winter having one last fun before the warmth of spring came to do the world well. Things had been moving quite slow through the government as of late, boring the president as he had nothing of note to actually do. Alexi Georgas, President of Itherea, simply sat at his desk in the capitol building, a large building modeled after the design of ancient Itherean architecture with pillars supporting the front and central chambers and one singular roof going over the top of the building. Tapping his fingers on the alpine desk, Alexi thought of what he could to better his country. Of course, he wouldn't know, being stuck inside of the capital building and all.

“What problems are there to solve?,” Alexi asked himself before a knock came upon the door to his office, a sigh came to the man. “Come in! Come in!,” the president ordered, standing up from his chair to greet whoever had decided to bother him.

In came a young woman, his secretary, came in holding a sizeable stack of papers. Alexi moved around the desk to help the poor woman by taking the papers and shifting them over to his desk. He looked down upon it, he already knew what a large portion of it was, Basile Milas, Minister of the Army, had come complaining to him once again about the size of military while being surrounded by great powers. “Why must this man constantly plague me with this?,” Alexi asked to no one in particular.

“Perhaps it is just his concern for his country,” the woman answered, straightening out the folds in her dress as the president turned to address her, causing her back to straighten like a soldier to her commander.

He looked upon the long haired brunette, shaking his head and giving a singular chuckle to her response. “I suppose. I'm not going to bother to read this right now. I need to find problems within the community, hopefully make people happier in the process,” the president commented going back around to sit in his chair. With a sigh, the man leaned back and rubbed his temple.

“Why not ask the people themselves?,” the woman asked.


“Why not ask the people themselves?,” she repeated, looking directly at the president who seemed to be nodding as he considered the option. His chair turned to gaze out of the window, looking upon the urban city of Itherea, interlocking his fingers as he continued to think upon the subject.

“Very well! Print out some papers to request the people to send me some letters about any notable problems within the country,” Alexi ordered, turning back to the secretary with a smile on his face. At least it would give him something to do for the time being. “Oh, and could you summon mister Milas for me. I'm going to talk to him.”

The secretary nodded before leaving.

Basile Milas, a rather large and imposing man, one who was large in a rather unattractive way as well, strode into the office of the president with passion in his large green eyes. It was a rather routine thing whenever he wanted to speak about the condition of their military, though he was proud of the training and discipline of their men. “Mister president, I wish to talk-,” silenced by the raising of Alexi’s hand.

“I know very well what you wish to talk about,” Alexi stated, staring the man in the eye before gazing down at the stack of papers once more, “I would like you to know that I will allow you to gather more field cannons before I get to anything else in your rather large list.” The president took a piece of a paper and a pen, writing on it, and handing it to Milas. It was an order for additional field cannons, and while it was not much, it did a lot to brighten Milas’ mood.

“Who do you wish for me to order them from?,” inquired the minister of war.

“I would suggest the National Arms Manufactory,” answered the president with a small smile, turning away from the large man. That concluded their meeting for the time being, it was a small start to improving the military but it was a start nonetheless.

Alessandro Logos, a diplomat to the Tyro-Redanian people, currently travelled along the train line between Tannerburg and Dio, the train line that might open up a rather lucrative trade deal between the two nations. He was planning on what to say to the Tyro-Redanian’s when he arrived. Perhaps he would open up with the fact the two already had an existing railroad line between them? That seemed to be the best option, yes. Maybe he could tell them of the vast resources that the Republic actually had. Regardless, Alessandro was simply hoping to have trade open between the Empire and the Republic and not come back empty handed.

With some wine in one hand and a plate of cheese in front of him, he began planning out his words. Delicate planning indeed.

Jid-Jahara was not doing much of anything in the time she spent outside of the city, simply watching and waiting in a very patient fashion. She was about to start meditating when suddenly her peace had been disturbed by shouting and demonic screeching coming from the barricade, earning her curiosity. The argonian ran forwards to the barricade, keeping her staff at the ready in case there would be a fight. The sight came to her within an instant, half a dozen clannfear seemed be overwhelming the city guard. It was strange seeing such demonic creatures on this plane of existence, but she hadn’t the time or the motivation to question the situation. Her eyes flicked between the pack of beasts as they focused their attention on the cloaked shaman, both sides analyzing each other for weaknesses. It would certainly be an interesting skirmish as both sides simply stared at each other for a few moments.

In an instant, a ball of fire erupted from being the clannfear and from the flames came a newly conjured Flame Atronach, hurling small bolts of fire at the nearest clannfear that it could find. All the while Jid-Jahara, hand still raised, sent out arcs of lightning, connecting with another clannfear and inflicting heavy damage on it. After she finished her attack, she readied her staff in case they attempted to rush at her, yet instead they seemed more eager to go after the Atronach. It was fine with the shaman as it meant more time to ready herself for the upcoming battle.

Her eyes flicked around, until she noticed the corpse of a fallen guard in her peripheral, slowly moving herself in that direction. She watched as her atronach got swarmed, but it did its job of being a distraction. Jid-Jahara stood in front of the corpse, continuing to watch as the flame atronach began to hurl fireballs every which way as the poor thing simply got swarmed from all sides. Good thing was, the clannfear that did attack it were essentially biting at fire and hence harming themselves, but it did not take long for the atronach to die. Exploding in the face of the demonic beings, the atronach finally went down as expected.

It was overall a good thing, the clannfear all sustaining damage, while light it was enough to kill that one that had been shocked by Jid-Jahara. She watched as they begun to recover themselves and turn in confusion as the explosion disoriented them, giving the argonian time to reach down and touch the corpse, magic transferring temporary life into the body. The guard stood, silent and ready to attack as Jid-Jahara moved behind him in order to shield herself.

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