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The ships sat in the dock yard, overlooking the sea that sat in front of Itherae, the Inner Sea, the only sea that ancient Itheraens have sailed. A bountiful sea that gave life to the sparse Itheraen population, a way of trade and a source of food, a magnificent sea with deep cultural roots to the Republic. A calm and tame ocean when the heavens wanted or a violent and malevolent beast when the heavens were angered. The Inner Sea basked with radiance, great and powerful, malevolent and benevolent.

Yet, the republic has turned a blind eye to the navy that would allow them to dominate the area, instead focusing on the land. Finding that the armies of the nations around it to be more important than its own cultural roots, a reasonable decision given the nations that surrounded the sparsely populated republic. However, the Inner Sea yearned for an Itheraen touch, beckoning for them to return to their maritime roots once more. Though, Alexi ignored the call, it just was not the time for Itheraen naval domination, instead for strength of the Itheraen people.

Askia watched the Kor warrior do her work, smiling as the woman seemed to do roll out the red carpet for the stranded two. Clapping her hands as praise for such a great performance and even throwing in a whistle. Being a fledgling performer herself, the Kobold always appreciated seeing another person’s eccentricities put to work. ”Now that was a show, don't you think Hana?,” Askia asked her companion, before standing, having to hop down from her seat. Without another word, her body began to ascend as she equipped her lute and began to strum the chords.

It wasn't any fantastic music for the kobold’s entrance, but it would suffice for her purpose as she arose from the small boat she had been stuck on for a while. Plus, given the entrance they were given it only seemed necessary to express herself in such a fashion. Askia lowered herself onto the ship’s deck to notice all the different being aboard,her strumming faltering before ending. The Kobold bowed, flourishing her tail to the side, and introduced herself in an enthusiastic voice, “I am Askia, Kobold extraordinaire, at your service.” Her head poked up with a toothy grin, her glowing yellow eyes looking over everyone.

A new company has arrived to the forces of the Itheraen army, opted by many to the officers within the armed forces, the Logistics Company has been introduced to help organize and keep track of the supplies and munitions of their respective divisions. While some say it adds unneeded bureaucracy to the army, it will play a key role in furthering the abilities of the army and being sure that every piece of equipment is present and accounted for. Of course it will create a higher demand for soldiers to supplement this new addition to the army but that will come in time as the plans for this new addition come into play.

Currently, division leaders are announcing this addition to the rest of their respective units as to prepare them for the change that is about to come. One such division leader is Anastasius Soulis, a gruff old man who expects only the best out of the men that follow him, as well as expecting them to be prepared at all times. “Alright men, a new segment of our armed forces is being added! It is a logistics company and its purpose is to make sure that you boys get the necessary supplies you need for the missions, no more, no less. That does not mean you get to slack off on the care of your weapon! Your weapons will stay in the same condition that you received it in,” he stated, men being sure to listen well as he would not repeat himself.

“Now, I want you all to remember that this logistics company will not care if you had too little to eat or not enough rum to give you a buzz! They care only about what is necessary for you all! Dismissed!” the company leader ordered before going off to file his reports on the status of his men, no time for rest or games, only time to be preparing for any sudden changes. That was his line of thinking and he instilled it in the rest of his division as well, orders could come from anywhere at any time and it was their duty to execute them to the letter.


“Sir, we cannot denounce the Triple I, that would be against what Itherae stands for!,” Menoeceus Zacharias, Minister of Economics cried after the Tyro-Redanian diplomat left to return to his chambers. He firmly stood for support of the rebellious movement, still holding a grudge against the man who had slaughtered eleven of the Itheraen populace months ago when others have moved on. The man failed to see the repercussions of not giving into the Tyro-Redanian demands, a complete shut out of their northern neighbors; allowing a new threat to the country’s independence to quickly rise quickly.

“With all due respect, Mister Zacharias, we must, lest we face invasion from the north and have them engulf all the Itheraen population. We are few, they are of millions upon millions. We cannot face such a threat from any of the great powers,” Alexi Georgas stated, with a nod from approval from the Minister of the Army. The president sighed before looking at his cabinet, “Men, I fear we have no choice but to agree to the Tyro-Redanian demands. We cannot risk them becoming unhappy and attacking us. No doubt, this will foster good relations between us.” Nods of solemn approval came from the others, agreeing that this would be the best course of action.

“Then let us make it official,” the president continued, “Gather the people.”

An hour or so later with a crowd gathered, Alexi stood over them once more, this time without any threats of war. “My fellow Itheraens, you have elected me to represent our interests and keep the flame of democracy alive. Hence, officially, Itherae shall denounce any insurgent movements such as the Triple I. It may come to shock many of you, but this is for the best interests of the nation. Make the news spread and may the heavens bless you all!” With that said, Alexi allowed the crowd to converse with itself, wondering how exactly to react to this announcement. On one hand it did not affect them, on the other it affect their brothers and sisters who sought independence from the Tyro-Redanians.


There was warmth in the air, even at night along the hills of Itherae, soldiers moved about in more a patrol than any sort of desperate movement to invade. In fact, this was more of a vacation away from their home towns, granted with a more strict schedule since some of the boys decided to go AWOL. Though, that didn't stop Damen Loris from having a good time with some of the others. They huddled around a small table playing cards, smoking, drinking; just doing what they liked to do.

That was when the General walked into their tent, stress on his face from having to deal with the burden of the government shamelessly attacking him for managing to lose nearly four thousand men due to their own incompetence. “Hello lads,” the general greeted before taking a seat with them all, pouring himself a shot of whiskey, “Deal me in. I need a game.” It was the start of a great night for them all, continuing to drink and laugh with one another.

“So, General, what's the news from back home. Other than the government busting your bollocks, that is,” Damen asked nonchalantly, looking at the others with a neutral face as he desperately concealed his excitement of having a good hand. To be specific, he had a royal flush, a definite when for the young man.

“Well, the government seems to be exciting the people for a war against our neighbors over there. Heavens forbid, they actually declare war. That would be utter madness,” the general commented before raising the amount of money in the pot, “I raise twenty.”

“They are seriously considering a war? I know that Karum has been militarizing, but to be fair the Seronans had this coming to them. No doubt Oslad will end up dealing with this mess but why should we get involved? Not like they have been bother us much,” another soldier commented getting murmurs of agreement from the others as he folded his hand, seeing as how it was absolute rubbish.

Two others went all in.

“Trust the president boys, we elected him for a reason. I wouldn't want to go to war for no reason either, but surely the government is just gettin’ itself the support of the people without doing much,” Damen stated, a light smile coming to his face at the notion of the government just saber rattling as much as Karum was. “By the by, royal flush. I win!” The others let out groans of defeat while Damen laughed and took his winnings. Yet, the night was young, he might just lose it all.

Ima toss my interest in! I am dying for a Mass Effect RP

Alexi Georgas has had a long few days, what with reports of the army of Karum becoming larger and larger to stand up to Oslad and Seronans, what with 180,000 active soldiers. There were already a few nations with rather large armies bordering Itherae, but they could not allow another. So there he stood, over a crowd of people, his people. It had been ten long minutes of silence as he looked over his script once more, a sullen expression on his face.

“As of late, we of the Republic of Itherae have been lightly militarizing ourselves. As I have stated before, this is not a time for nationalism or defense, but rather a time for strength. We must show strength in the face of a growing threat, we must stand together to maintain the balance of the region. Oslad and Zellonia are already at war and let us hope that another mustn't start. However, if the Karumi refuse to stop their militarization then I am afraid that we will have no choice but to force them to stop,” Alexi stated, with the crowd letting out mixed feelings on the proclamation. Some would praise him, others would urge him to rethink what he has done, but the deed was already done.

“I want you all to remember, that us few Itherae must stick together. We are all one people here, and we shall not suffer to have the Karumi threaten our unity!,” Alexi ended before retreating back inside of the capitol building and allowing the crowd to converse with itself. For now, it was time to prepare.
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