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Askia snapped her jaw in slight anger at the first guard singling her out, wanting to silence him immediately and show him his true fears. However, she reserved herself though kept her stern gaze on Lucien once his name had been revealed for them all to know. It was a good thing that the female guard had stepped forwards, diffusing the situation by siding with the group of newcomers. Luckily for them, they wouldn't have to explore the town themselves, a bonus that was not as fun as exploring a new land by themselves, but the Kobold would live. Clearing her throat, Askia looked at the female guard before crossing her arms as she thought of a question that might be important for them all.

”Tell me Cythia, why would that brand-” Askia flicked her tail towards Jill, ”-not be a very accepted mark around here?” The Kobold continued to examine the female guard, before swimming up to her and looking the female in the eye. ”Also if you could point me to the nearest bar, that’d be great. Maybe I'll even buy ya a drink, sweetheart,” she flirted, giving off a light giggle before her eyes turned back to her group. However, her gaze did turn back to Cythia. Askia was a rather flirtatious little Kobold, confident and radiant, as was the byproduct of her normal upbeat attitude.

struck by realization

Hain are small = their huts/houses are also small. How the hell did I not realize this earlier?! This also begs the question as to how Keriss managed to fit inside one.

I don't know what you're talking about. There is no such post...



<Snipped quote by Vec>


No don't! @Vec poisoned it with shitty memes!
Itheraen Volunteers

”The infernal bombardment kept going and going, only having been there a day we had to entrench ourselves or die, a cruel reality we accepted in the face of danger. However, we held hope that we could make a breakthrough within the Karumi line, I heard talks of the preparations and the briefings. At least we would not have to wait long for orders, I know I want to end this as soon as possible, a war that was not our own. Maybe that will be the day I earn glory in the eyes of the republic, or the day I lie dead when we attempt to lift the siege. I pray that this plan goes off without a hitch, I don't think I can stomach watching a child get ripped to shreds by a field cannon round.

I knew what I was getting into when I signed up for this expedition, but to see innocence being taken before you is not a pleasant sight and to think that the Karumi may be shelling their own in here as well. At least I know one thing is for sure, we cannot allow another meter of land to fall to the Karumi menace or else we shall face the consequences of it all. Perhaps once the war is over I can see my wife and kids another, but I doubt I will see them for I signed up for a death wish, a consequence of allowing the Karumi menace to get so far into the Seronan lands. This makes me wish we had gotten here sooner, so that I did not need to see kids die in front of me as we got into the city! At least it instills a hate in my heart, a rage to destroy Karum.”

-Serlov Orion, 1900

Serlov Orion as he disembarked for the Seronan Front, Circa 1900


The council debated, this act was supposed to be public months ago but disagreement always arose at some time even during the finalization process. It was a bill that no one could quite agree on, threatening Itheraen industry in order to stave off debt. Sure, the government had sold land they could not colonize, but that money would not last forever, especially with the deficit the country had. Thus, ideas had arisen to the ‘Company Tax’ which allowed the government to tax businesses small or large on a portion of their profits. It was a controversial act, big businesses wanted nothing to do with it and neither would small businesses who barely made enough money to get by themselves. The act also faced cancellation when thoughts of it violating Itheraen rights came into the stand, forcing Alexi and his cabinet to amend it for the twenty-fifth time in a month.

However, the storm seemed to calm as the politicians seemed to have the same enthusiasm over the bill as the president, simply done with the arguments on what the papers say. Agreement came over them, a rare occurrence for such a bill that has caused such strife within the Itheraen government. Thusly, the bill eventually became finalized and released, incorporated into the Itheraen law and with an effective administration to back it. The finalization was a relief to all, life able to continue without much of a hitch, granted arguments over future acts would be inevitable for that was just how democracy worked, everyone had an opinion. Yet, the fledgling republic would continue to grow, with or without the consent of the bills the government passed.

Askia followed the group through the ocean, the water breathing spell not having any true effect on her due to hr mind already allowing that. As well she seemed to be adept at swimming, constantly having to slow herself down or else she would accidentally began passing the others, no one’s fault except for her and her destined mind. She continued to hide her true powers behind her perky smile and happy yellow eyes, neither were false, happy to be out of the damned dingy. Yet, she seemed to be thinking as well, always thinking and comprehending things, things that not many normal people would understand, only other psionics would.

Yet, her concentration would not last as a coral city came into view, plus many mermen guards who demanded that they state their case or die. Luckily, she was not the first to answer, instead it was “Koran” who seemed to be doing another exaggerated performance, one Askia happily clapped to yet again. However, that did not stop her from looking over at the guards, judging them for how they acted to a group who did not even remotely look harmful. Then again, wandering around with a beholder would throw people off the deep end… pun intended. Although that would not stop her from speaking her peace, ”Hey, hey, hey. Don’t go pointing that thing at people,” gesturing to the trident, ”You might hurt someone!”

Askia paused for a moment, not thinking of what she was going to say but thinking of a way out of the situation, ”Also, don’t you think it’s a bit rude to threaten someone with death just by showing up? Not a very good business practice for tourism, if I say so myself.” With that, the tall kobold crossed her arms and stuck her snout in the air, showing obvious signs of annoyance over the rudeness of the guards.


The volunteers marched, only pausing at brief intervals of a few hours when night came around, towards the land they were going to fight tooth and nail to protect. To the Seronan lands where the Karumi War of Aggression raged, protecting the balance of power in the region by aiding the Seronan people. As the volunteer army marched the came upon many refugees going to Itheraen cities to avoid the war on their home, the people whose homes were destroyed. All twenty-eight-thousand of them all racing against the clock to get to the foreign lands that they would fight for, for freedom and against such aggressions as displayed by Karum. It was their duty to fight, their duty to save lives, their duty to show strength in the face of evil.

They sang Itheraen warsongs all along the way, keeping their spirits high, believing themselves to be a force to change the tide of the war. The Volunteer Corp already knew what their first job was going to be, to retake Wietr and thus a chant arose from their gut, a chant of promise to retake all Seronan land.Their voices reached the heavens, their columns moving as one to the promised land, no longer considering this some little war, it was a crusade. A crusade to destroy the evil produced by this kind of aggression, to destroy the evils of one man who forced his men into a needless combat, the Tsar Michel. Their bayonets were fixed to his home, to his heart, the Itheraen propaganda filling them with a nationalistic spirit, the spirit of strength which would cause the Karumi army to shatter. An army under equipped and in poor condition, an army suitable not even for even the ancient times.

One chant was the most popular however, often booming through the air. “Karum will fall.”

Have a post! With help from @LokiLeo789
The Orphan

A roaring sound around a young head started the night with horrifying screams and rushed noises filling in the rest. It was a night raid, the watch hadn’t seen it coming nor any of the clansmen who were supposed to be keeping watch, now with slit throats to relieve them of their duties. Bandits had always been a menace to this small town on the edge of Amartía’s little empire, ‘deserters to the cause’ loyalists called them. Yet, these bandits grew more and more aggressive with each passing moon, more desperate, and then this happens.

“Lilith, get the baby!,” a wheezing voice coughed out, earning loud footfalls to the ground within a couple’s small hut.

A small nest made for one human baby, a baby now with an arm engulfed in flames. Her lungs worked loudly, pain wracking her arm, the worst pain that she would ever feel in her life. A woman shouted, seeing her child’s arm, reacting in a barbaric fashion by grasping her husband’s axe to lob of the arm of the child. It was a desperate attempt to save the child, yet abnormally fatal wound regardless for a child only a few months old.

Nonetheless, the mother had made the best decision she could in the situation. Now was the time to flee, the mother’s feet moving quickly across a ground riddled in blood and fire. Shouts, screams, and savage war cries surrounded the village, working to almost drown out the roar of the blazing fires. The raid seemed to be in no sides’ advantage, only bringing death instead of bounty or defense as the mother noticed a clansmen spear a bandit and a bandit beat a man with a rock. Everything was pure chaos.

The mother, frantically ran to a crowd of other fleeing people before her shoulder got caught by an arrow head, sending her tumbling to the ground as she clung to her child in an effort to protect her. A soldier ran by, spear in hand, to help the lady to her feet. An arrow then pierced her back, she knew it was a fatal blow and so she shoved the screaming child into the arms of the soldier, giving only one order, “Run.” That was the last she would speak, the last she would see her child.

The soldier ran, keeping the poor babe close to his chest as the survivors fled the small hamlet. This was the start of a hero’s tale.

---10 YEARS LATER---

The orphan sat against a wooden construct, staring at the ground in a rather depressed manner as was normal for her in recent times. No one to care for her, no one to remotely attempt to comfort her in these troubling times. She could see other kids playing a game, though she knew what would happen if she attempted to join in on their fun. As always, she would be outcasted, rejected, abandoned by all of the town.

She attempted to shift her arm into a more comfortable spot, only to be reminded that she had no left arm, only a shoulder with a stump. Only Fate would know how she had survived the night that would forever ruin her future. Her eyes went down to that stump and saw the burn scars, her mind only remembering fire and pain, suffering. Quickly, she turned away, dark locks falling in front of her face before her grass green eyes shut. Fear taking control of her mind, her breathing deepened.

It was not something a child should have to bare, but unfortunately it was forever her burden, forever her curse. The child may have lived with the handicap for all her life, but she had never once grown used to it, a curse. What was worse was that she did not understand why she had to lose her arm, why not one of the others who deserved? She had developed a pessimistic view of the world, nothing would ever go her away.

Then everything seemed to stop, or at least her mind seemed to focus on one thing, a silence growing over the town. Her eyes opened and looked up to see a large figure approaching her, a darkened, feminine figure of scale and pain. The being stood in front of the child, uncertain, yellow eyes on what would have been a distinguished face.

”What is your name, child,” the beast stated, crouching down to the child, still towering over the ten year old’s frame.

”Orphan, at least that’s what I am” the child stated, tucking herself into a ball by bringing her knees to her face. Who are you?,” Orphan asked in return, her eyes studying the beast in front of her,

”My name is Keriss, a child of the gods. I am here to help you, forgotten child,” the beast said before tapping the child’s forehead with her thumb. A small black mark was left, her hand went to touch where Keriss had poked her, but Keriss’ hand stopped the child. Soon, the child felt something tickling the stub of where her other arm used to be, gaining curiosity from the small child who desperately looked down to see little bits of ash cling to her and form into something along the stub. After a moment, an arm had formed, and the orphan could feel for the first time since she could remember. [color=green]”I know you have been in pain. I know you have been forgotten. I understand you. I shall return soon, for now enjoy yourself.”

Within the blink of an eye, Keriss was gone and within her wake she left a small gray cloak for Orphan. With her new arm, Orphan grasped the cloak and brought it close, her mind raced with thoughts but she felt something. Her green eyes went up to see that a crowd had gathered around her, looking upon her.

Orphan stood, sliding her back against the wood construct behind her, gazing back at the crowd before putting the cloak on. She felt something emanating from her very soul, a feeling that she did not often feel, the feeling of pure happiness. Yet it was not meant to be as the crowd began conversing in a hushed tone, debating on what to do with Orphan.

“We cannot keep her around! “

“She is chosen, we must throw a feast!”

“Is she real?”

Meaningless questions and demands arose around her, she did not know what to do, but she did not want to be around when they decided what to do. Orphan went to raise her hands to her ears, wanting to block all the noise, she wanted to escape. Then, her body began to feel as if it had begun to creep, her eyes opened to see the sky. Confused, the girl looked around to see herself accelerating into the air, the ground very quickly moving away. What was more confusing, as well as panicking, was that she was surrounded by a thin layer of ash.

Orphan let out a shrill scream, and with the scream the layer of ash disappeared and she began to descend. She began to scream continuously as the ground and the village began to approach her at rapid speeds. She covered the view and closed her eyes only to feel that wind seemed to have slowed around her, earning her curiosity. As she opened her orbs, the child saw that the layer of ash had returned and slowed her fall, 'twas a strange thing. Unable to tell if it was the cloak the Demi-goddess left behind or some new found powers, Orphan looked around before she was gently set on the ground, just outside of town.

Shock and confusion ran throughout the girl, breath quickening as she look around her before running away from the village, wanting to have a quiet place to think. So she ran and ran, minutes passed before tripped and fell onto the ground her face buried into the dirt. Orphan refused to move, she needed to think about what was happening. She had an arm, something she never had for a long time and a cloak which had almost killed her but saved her. It was all caused by that woman who had come to her just minutes earlier, Keriss. Her name was definitely not one she knew of, especially when it came to divine beings, though she did not know much on the subject apart from the God-King that ruled over her home.

After a moment of composing herself, the girl got to her feet and let out a long sigh as she moved the blackened cloak around her form. She looked around, the village was no longer bothering her and that was a good thing, but the silence was unnerving. Orphan continued to turn, studying her surroundings before a black wispy shape caught her attention, a stream of ash moved through the trees, seeming to circle her. Before long it seemed to charge her, the girl backing up before turning to run once more. Though, the stream was already in her path and it formed a feminine shape, Keriss.

”I am disappointed you did not stand your ground,” the woman stated, looking down upon Orphan with a neutral expression. Crossing her arms, Keriss flicked her tail back and forth, studying the forgotten child. [color=green]”Though I am surprised that you managed to activate the cloak’s power so quickly. Were you under stress or felt unsafe?,” asked Keriss in a curious tone, beginning to circle the child, hands clasped behind her back. As she continued to survey the small one.

”Y-yes” Orphan answered, straightening her back as Keriss studied her.

”Interesting. The cloak is meant to keep you safe and will shield you from harm and allow you to fly away from any threat that you may come across. Perhaps I should train you on how to control it, bind it to your will,” Keriss mused, before stopping in front of the child once more. The demi-goddess’ form seemed intimidating and the nervous expression that came upon Orphan’s face showed it. ”Why do you have that look on your face?,’ the ashen one questioned, eyes narrowing.

”I, ugh, don’t know,” Orphan stated, her gazing going down to her feet, not wanting to be judged by the woman. She was scared and confused, her mind unable to fully grasp what was going on, but not wanting to question it in fear of being chastised. Movement from Keriss earned some of her attention as the demi-goddess stood directly in front of the child.

”Look at me.” Orphan did not look up. ”Look at me!,” she growled, the child finally looking up out of fear. ”I do not wish to scare you, or harm you. However, failure to listen will result in punishment. I will teach you how to survive and defend yourself. Understand?”

The child nodded, holding back tears of fright as Keriss’ demeanor completely frighten her. Luckily the woman turned away before instructing Orphan, ”I will not tolerate weakness.” A moment of silence came upon the two. ”I shall take you to Xerxes, there I shall be able to watch over you better.”

And so the child was whisked away from her old life and into the tortuous new one that Keriss had in store for her.

Upon arriving at the ruined city, Orphan was immediately beset by the buffeting winds of the storm and the difficulties of breathing with all the ash fluttering about. Luckily, the cloak compensated and formed a face wrap around the child’s nose and mouth. It was definitely a strange sight to the girl, especially the ruined building of the Cipher. Orphan gazed upon the outline in awe, her eyes widening at the marvel that was the building. Though she was not able to gaze upon it long before Keriss ushered Orphan forward, out of the storm and into the ruins.

Once inside, she was greeted by a sweet and savory aroma, one to which brought about memories of pleasurable countenance. Orphan stopped for a moment to take it in, a light smile coming to her masked face before Keriss ushered her forward. The child looked up to the demi-goddess, a mask of neutrality clear on her face. She looked forwards once more, gravitating towards Keriss, sticking close to her in this foreign land.

Soon, they entered a massive hall shaped like a rectangular box that faced east and west. Seven windows lined the northern wall of the vast chamber, reaching from floor to high ceiling and standing nearly an arm span in width, filled with glass as clear as crystal and strong as stone. Another seven, identical in size and proportion, lined the southern wall; the two marching in a line to the west where two massive metallic doors formed the chamber’s western wall.

Thick carpets covered most of the cold metallic floor, hiding the polished marble beneath layers of beautifully dyed wool and silk, except for a broad pathway that stretched from the massive doors, chiseled from rich silver granite inlaid with golden motifs of the sun, to the hand-carved throne.

The throne, carved out of precious black oak fitted so seamlessly together it appeared as a single piece of wood, was made to fit a giant with its great proportions, raised onto a slight dais to overlook the vastness of the carpeted throne room. Most visible was the throne’s high back, cushioned in thick pads of stuffed leather dyed royal crimson and stitched with silver triangles

To complete the regal structure, the over large arms and deeply set seat were also covered with padded leather dyed a dark blue, worked with eyed-triangles. The four curved legs set beneath were thick and sturdy, carved to resemble the paws of a lion, the most powerful and largest of the species. It's suggestion made clear that it's owner's power was absolute.

She was now stuck in front of what she assumed was an overly lavished palace. Endless shades and facets of color littered the palace and yet, it all made it breathtakingly beautiful, noteworthy, perfect. At that last thought her mind and body tensed. Nothing was ever perfect. Perfection was a distraction that pulled many to infinite traps. They would not pull her to her own doom any time soon.


A voice, just as heavenly and beautiful and ever colorful as the world she now resided in. She was immediately on guard. Perfection was a lie.

"Keriss, you didn't tell me we where having guests. Come now child. Surely you can relax in my presence."

There was an aura of contentment around him, it told her to be lax, to accept what was to come. Though she refused to relax, remembering Keriss warning on showing weakness and relaxing in a foreign environment might be one of them especially one seeming this perfect. Instead, Orphan moved herself to be standing behind Keriss, peeking her head out to look for the source of the voice.

"Drop the facade, brother," Keriss said with her standard attitude towards the voice, annoyance.

The beautiful demigod seemed to pout."Come sister, can't I have my fun? It's been so long since we've had mortal guests and you've been getting distant of late."

”No, you are not having your fun with Orphan. I have simply come to introduce you two as I am taking her under my win,” Keriss stated, crossing her arms as she looked down at Orphan.

The demigod chuckled. "Please, we're siblings Keriss, and siblings share things." Keriss only grunted. ”Orphan, this would be Amartía, my brother.”

The girl's eyes widened at the notion that this was Amartía, the God-Emperor of her homeland. Though she was unaware of how to properly introduce herself to royalty, let alone a demi-god, she did a curt bow showing her arms, tugging up the bottom of her cloak. This earned a slight sigh of disappointment from Keriss, who simply shook her head. Thus, Orphan looked up at the reptilian one wondering if she had done something wrong. She tucked herself back into her original position gazing at Amartía.

The Vice demigod laughed. Really laughed, the voice made the girl shiver at it's cold bite and warm tones. She tensed ready for anything. The beautiful demigod chuckled more, then stopped and gazed into the young girl's eyes, speaking to Keriss all the while.

"You truly are a marvel aren't you little one? Sister, I'm quite impressed. I never thought you'd find yourself such cute little friend. While your naming skills are lacking, I'm sure she'll flourish under your tillage. The God-Emperor paused."My only fear is…."

Both Keriss and Orphan waited for him to finish his statement, giving an expression of having a raised eyebrow if Keriss possessed one to raise. "Go on enlighten me on what your fear is. I bet it's an irrational one,” Keriss mused, wanting to hear whatever it was that Amartía’s little fear would be while Orphan simply listened to the two.

The demigod shook his head in what seemed to be disappointment. "...that you'll go on to raise her so she'll end up just like you. Soulless and suffering, and it seems she's already received a lifetime of that." Amartía said in a gentle, soothing voice. It sounded as if he was genuine.

”You say that as if it is a bad thing. Besides, pain builds character. I will make her strong,” Keriss stated, looking down to the child before back to her brother. "And look where that got you." Amartia remarked smoothly, gesturing towards their surroundings. ”Say goodbye, Orphan, I shall show you to where you will be staying for a bit,” the demi-goddess said before turning and walking towards one of the hallways of the Cipher. Though the child hesitated, not wanting to leave but not wanting to upset Keriss either. Her eyes went to Amartía for a moment, seeming to wonder what to do.

The demigod of Excess thus gave her a smile so genuinely sweet that unexpected warmth rushed through her. "Go on, me and Keriss need to speak in private. Feel free to explore the grounds while you're here." Amartia cooed, shooing her away with his hand.

Thus the little girl went and followed her new guardian through the halls of the building and into a large room with a singular, large bed in place. It's decor was no where close to the level of perfection that the throne room had, very lacking in most aspects of comfort or hospitality. Granted, it was still a lot better of a situation than what she was used to and she couldn't help but have a small smile at the sight of somewhere remotely comfortable to rest.

”This is where you shall rest, if you need anything do not be afraid to call for me as I shall be close. Just do not go to Amartía. Now go and sleep for you shall have training tomorrow,” Keriss commanded, before the door shut behind Orphan. While it was not the best arrangement, it could be a lot worse. However, the child was not tired nor was it night when they had arrived in Xerxes, odds are she would go exploring once she situated herself.

Taking off her cloak, Orphan walked to her bed and put the gray object there before walking around the dull room, tracing the wall with her own gray arm. Her face was a curious one as she strolled around the room, wandering and wandering around until she had lapped the room at least five times. Perhaps she could make it better with time, unaware of the coming battle.

Keriss strolled back to Amartía’s throne room, arms behind her back and her standard face of neutrality showing. She stopped at the entrance of the throne room, perfectly content with where she was standing, unwilling to move closer towards her brother. ”You wished to speak with me, brother?” The demi-goddess stated in a form, emotionless voice as her eyes studied the form of her brother. Her tail swished from side to side, showing how much she would be paying attention to the conversation that she did not want to be a part of.

A sigh fluttered on the winds like a butterfly decorated with a perfidy amount of colours. It carried with it the weight of exasperation and disappointment, seemingly common emotions for the demigod when in close interaction with her. "Keriss, what do you think you're doing?" he breathed.

The demi-goddess remained silent for a moment, arms crossing as she began to run her upper arm and sighing. The subject was not one she was completely comfortable with, thus not one she wished to converse with, especially with the like of Amartía. After a few moments of her silence, she answered in a light, cracked voice, ”It is none of your concern, Amartía.” Keriss looked down for a moment, unpleasant memories coming to mind as she attempted to find a way to get of the subject.

Amartía remained silent. Yet his eyes beguiled a veil of genuine concern.

”Go on, Keriss. Tell him how you murdered a newborn,” a voice said, ringing in her mind, though Keriss refused to acknowledge it. Though, the hallucination knew it had struck a nerve when Keriss forced her eyes shut, attempting to think clearly. ”Next you are going to say that you did not want to kill him. You know the truth, Keriss. You killed him because you did not want anything to do with him. You could have let him go, let Kri’Tal live, but you chose to kill them all,” the illusion mused, mocking the insecure demi-goddess who now fell to her knees and gripped the side of her head.

”You wanted them dead, desired it! You are nothing but a killer, Keriss! A destroyer! What would your parents have thought?,” with the last quip, the voice knew it had broken Keriss for she started sobbing. To Amartía it would have looked as if Keriss had just broken down and cried, though it was much more than that, at least to the pained demi-goddess.

”I didn't want to kill him! I didn't want to kill my child, my son! Yet, this feeling- it came over me. I couldn't control myself,” sobbed Keriss who buried her eyes in her hand, desperately attempting to bring herself back into one being. It was too now avail as tears from all the pent up guilt flowed out at once, a dark time finally showing its marks on the divine mother. ”I thought she could replace him. I thought maybe it would make my pain go away, something to alleviate the guilt!,” she continued in a cracked voice, her answer coming, nothing but honesty and regret.

Amartía was suddenly next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close to his bosom. The arms that held her were soft, yet strong. The hug was a simple enough gesture - affection, perhaps the fragile beginnings of familial love. Yet, a love like this was to be cherished. All the while the gesture shocked Keriss, her eyes widening and arms falling to her side over feeling Amartía doing something to attempt to comfort her. She did not return the gesture, merely gazing at her brother and listening to him, tears continuing to flow with the occasional slight whimper. "Ah Keriss, this must be difficult. One can only imagine the pain you feel. Yet, you must think, was it all within your control?" he said gently. ”I don't know anymore,” the pained one answered, not entirely knowing the course of her actions at the time, but she knew what she had done.

"Keriss, you have an eternity to spend in this universe. A universe stuffed full of untapped sensation and pleasure. What you feel is yet another facet of that treasure trove of experience. So Keriss, you must embrace it. Embrace your guilt and face it. Cry with all you have. Experience this." he continued, gesturing towards her. Thus, she did allowing her feelings to run free, allowing tears to come as her brother embraced her. Her guilt and sadness all coming out at once, experiencing the very feelings that she had attempted to conceal for all her time since then.

After several minutes passed, Keriss seemed to calm down, not having anymore tears to shed nor the feeling to allow her to continue lamenting. It took her longer to shift out of Amartía’s embrace, looking down with a now expressionless face before eventually acknowledging her brother. ”I thank you brother, comforting me in a time of need,” Keriss said in a tired voice, ”But now I wish to be alone.” With that final note, Keriss’ form shifted into ash and slowing moving out of the Cipher, back towards the dark caves under Xerxes so that she may think. Yet, for this, she would be ever grateful.

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