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With artillery rounds being in short supply, the Itheraen National Government accepted a deal proposed by Kalpia, with 2 million units artillery ammunition for the exchange of $4.5 million. This would allow the war to continue field operations for a good while without fear of lack of ammunition. Alexei Georgas himself approved of the deal and made arrangements for the money to be sent to the Kalpian superpower.
<Snipped quote by BBeast>

The defence has spoken. Does the prosecution have a response? Is putting potentially life endangering spoilers in a hider a sufficiently precautionary measure to warrant acquitting the defendant?




The I-DF, a marvelous advance in Itheraen engineering and design, simply could not be halted to refine the small problems that it had, likely due to the approaching menace that was the Tyrian army. Thus the gun was ordered into immediate production, wanting enough to supplement all of its divisions and to also replace every older model field gun that it had. With its ability of outranging the enemy while also being able to hit the intended target, it was a weapon that was simply needed. Yet, there was simply not enough factories to go around and so the Congressional Committee pulled together and first ordered the Basilisk Powder Company’s Diopolis factory to work on ammunition for the I-DF along with two addition military factories to be built in Napaze as well as the temporary conversion of a factory, that was until recently under control of the Vilini Luxury Goods company, into a military factory under the control of the Basilisk Powder Company.

While the action is controversial, conflicting with rights within the Itheraen Constitution Article 7 (the national government may not revoke or displace economic order, including manufactories), the president had released a statement that, “It was a needed change to ensure that the men on the front may better prevent the Tyrian menace from invading the Birthland.” Furthermore, 100,000 of the Armon were called upon to serve for the army, while not breaking the constitution, the act was generally frowned upon and begrudgingly accepted by the populace.

Meanwhile within the nation, the war gains more support from Nationalist Party as Horace Aortas states, “This grand War will showcase the effectiveness of the Itheraen military once more, just like the war games months before!” While not supported at large, the party members work hard to be among some of the first to be picked out by the drafting that had been previously mentioned. Horace Aortas could be seen working to get more funding for the war, petitioning for the supportive wealthy class in Itherae to be taxed an addition 3%, a legion the socialists jumped on with glee. The Aortas Petition was passed with over 400,000 signatures, primarily of the lower income, raising the wealthy tax from 5% to 8%. Though with little enforcement, the petition was inevitably forgotten about.

Horace Aortas, 1887

In Itherae, food was in demand due to the influx of Seronan refugees and interests within trade were on the rise. While some neighboring kingdoms were considered, the eyes of the republic shifted to the Tsardom of Radena, with them, presumably, producing a large surplus of food. Food that could be put to good use on the home front. Thusly, an envoy, Pelus Viokyl, was sent to the large country with a simple and straight forwards offer. The Republic would propose to pay $10,000,000 for 3,500,000 tons of food supply to help counteract the small deficit that the republic was undergoing. It was what Itherae could offer at the time, and they were happy to begin establishing some form of relations with the much larger state.

Meanwhile a response was given to the Zellonians who offered to train the lackluster Itheraen navy, something they were able to accept. The Itheraen government was able to offer $1,000,000 to have the Zellonian officers come and train their own inexperienced captains on how to better use the ships and tactics of the sea.

While the Tyro-Redanian Empire gave them three days, the Itheraen Congressional Committee voted with President Alexei Georgas there to see what they were going to do in this situation, while originally support to go to war waned, the Empire of Violette had already sent a response warning the Tyrians. That was when support for the movement began to spark once more within the Committee. With that no response was formally sent to the tyrannical northerners, instead an order of full mobilization on the border was given, all military personnel was to move under the express command of Commander Krystupasr Theodoros.

The Itheraens were preparing for war, should the Tyrian’s want war then they can surely have it for no Itheraen would be left behind and subjugated by the evils of a man who falsely claimed he loved his people. They readied their guns, fixed their bayonets, and marched off to war, ready for the fight of their lives. No country would bully them, no one would oppress them, no one would dare to keep them away from one another. A rigorous propaganda campaign was active throughout the Republic, calling for the people’s support to reunify the land, to put a stop to Itheraen oppression.

Later that day, the president gave his address, praising the Empire of Violette for seeing the Itheraen’s actions as just. He stated “The Tyro-Redanian Empire may have machine guns, but they don't have spirit nor will, and should war come, they will feel full Itheraen wrath.”

Itheraen soldiers marching, 1900

“It is on this day, the tenth of August, 1900, that the Itheraen government extends a hand of welcome to Itheraens in the Tyria-Redanian Empire by granting them full rights and pay travel fees as well as give them money to start life here in the Republic!,” stated an official notice sent to Itheraens within the bordering Empire, distributed volunteering officials from Dio. It was a small flier handed from stands in Itheraen majority districts of Tannersburg and Markenburg, enticing them to move to Itherae and rejoin their true brethren. While it may be a subject that had the potential of earning the ire of the Empire, it was very evident that the national government of Itherae had little care of how the reaction would be. However, of course, those who claimed to want to move would see these Itheraen officials with documentation that they are of the Itheraen minority in Tyria.

This would offer them a chance to escape the oppression of the Imperial Security Bureau and the evils presented by Felix Von Drach. It was a chance of a new beginning a new and better life on where they had a say on what represented them if they should join the Republic. As Alexei Georgas had previously stated, “This was a time of strength,” and force the Itheraens to show strength they must stick together. It was an Itheraen tradition to always help another Itheraen in need, and this was a way of the National Government to show their support for the Itheraens trapped within the borders of the tyrannical empire. The minority must be showed that the Wolframs could not shackle them.

Meanwhile, as Seronan refugees arrived, the government sent administrators to assign cards to the refugees and to read them their basic rights. While it was not the same as full rights an Itheraen, it gave them rights to be in a Seronan Refugee Living Center for free, the right to have two meals a day while in these shelters, and the rights to own property and uphold a job in the Itheraen Rephulic should they stay. Though it was unknown if any plans to improve rights to the Seronan refugees were underway at the time, it has been stated that the national government was welcoming to these people and would protect them while they remained.

Seronan children being tended to in a Seronan Refugee Living Center, circa 1900





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