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@Holy Soldier badabing badaboom lets get this party started!

This seems fun! I'll get to making a CS once I get around to drawing my character!
The Kingdom of Itherae

It had been a very abnormal day, a few weeks ago, with the Tyrian-Itheraen war stalling for winter and the Veletian dogs retreating with their tails between their legs. Yet, that was not what made that day strange, the fourth day of the new year, it was when members of the esteemed Emperor-King’s court had knocked on the door of her father’s estate, ordering the summons of an “Athena Koilla,” her name. All of it had been so mind boggling that she could hardly remember having tea with them, yet she did for when they had told her that she was to be crowned queen of Itherae.

Apparently she was the last nobility of the old Itheraen monarchies after the unification wars, all the other families having disappeared from losing it all while her family simply watched as their lands were inherited by the Tyro-Redanian Empire. Even stranger, that the men who had come to fetch her included the son of the King-Emperor himself, Magnus von Wolfram, who she was immediately betrothed to as to ensure Tyrian support for her new throne. Funnily, there was no choice in the matter but to go along with it all, rejecting an offer to be a queen would be ridiculous, so ridiculous her father might have fallen dead in his chair from grief. Unfortunately, she was never a fan of the formal garments that she would be put in on her way from the estate to Markenburg, a short hour ride by carriage.

Athena herself got to meet Adalar von Wolfram as well as Alexei Georgas president of the former Itheraen Republic. There they explained the situation of the peace treaty, Itherae having to pay for the destruction as well as adhere to the Ultimatum that had been sent to the Georgas Administration months ago. Immediately, she had looked over the rest of the terms, calculating as well as to know what in the blood-soaked hell she was going to be signing. Granted, she had the option to simply not sign the parchment, but that would run the risk of the war continuing and more people simply dying over a war that meant nothing in the grand scope of the world. However, she did sign it, and so began her life as queen of Itherae and no longer a noble girl who would sit at home and await to be married off to some suitor who came came knocking at the door.

The ride to Itherae however was dreadful, having to ride to Dio and see the war torn land that was the border, finding droves of corpses that were slowly being loaded up and seeing Tyrian troops riding from Ficardo. Luckily that was only the terrible part of the trip, confiding within her fiancé a few short times, asking what might be expected from her as a queen since she had little experience in administration. Yet, she couldn't help but feel an excitement rising within her gut, such a sudden change within her life was certain to be a cause of it. What awaited her for when she arrived? What would she do? What did the future hold? None of those questions, she could answer.

It was already the next day when she had reached the capital, the sun rising and the early hustle and bustle of getting to work engulfed the city. However, a large number of people had also gathered at the train station, not to travel, but to catch a glimpse at their new ruler, the person that Wolfram had installed. With a hiss, the train the stopped after rumbling into the station. The door opened and the first person out was Alexei Georgas, stopping only to give a solemn look to the crowd before walking through it. The people allowed the man to pass through, silence following him all the way until he had left the building. Then, she walked out, Athena Koilla with six guards coming to flank her sides.

She watched as the crowd conversed with itself, then she was ushered forward, officials not wanting to waste any time on getting the new queen situated. Then she heard a shout from the audience, “What of our freedom of the vote!” One statement causing a tide of differing views to argue amongst one another, luckily she was out before she could see whatever came next. A carriage riding her to the capitol building where the Itheraen Congressional Committee, or rather to be renamed to the ‘Majesty’s Royal Council’ within the following month, awaited her arrival, and when she did, they investigated her, asked her trivial questions and wrote things down. Furthermore, it was announced to the public on January 20th, 1900 that the people would be able to vote to elect candidates into the Majesty's Royal Council every four years and that the first election would take place on June 2nd.

Soon they produced a paper, a paper that proved her legality as an Itheraen citizen and thus permitting her to rule over Itherae. While it did not seem to matter to her, it would be useful for the public if they questioned her legitimacy as a true citizen of the nation. The rest of the month would her being taught proper ethics in Itherae, all of which she caught onto quickly due to being raised as an Itheraen by her father, as well as the laws, which seemed to favor the rich with no laws on worker safety being addressed nor any laws to stop companies from paying off council members to turn a blind eye to the neglect they showed their workers.

Queen Athena

Thus, come February 2nd, Queen Athena passed a her first law, the Worker Safety Regulation Law. This law was designed with the obvious intent to keep the workers in safe working conditions and to have the utmost precaution when it came to workplace injuries. Such it went as follows; “should a worker be injured at his or her workplace due to environmental hazards that could have been avoided, said company will pay any medical bill for that worker. Additionally, a monthly regulation check will be sent to ensure that the workplace environment is safe for workers. This law shall primarily affect factories and manufacturers. Failure to follow protocol and factories are deemed hazardous and unfit for working operations, the government has every legal right to order the closing of the factory until it is within compliance of the law.”

While the law is going through the legislation to be made official, factory owners were given a 30-day period where the safety regulations were detailed and outlined. Furthermore the date of which inspection would be given at the top the notice, in red ink.
The Republic of Itherae

Itherae surrenders!

With the withdrawal of the lackluster Veletian support, the Congressional Committee has voted to surrender to the nation to the Tyrian power. As such, President Alexei Georgas had requested that peace negotiations got underway as soon as possible between the two warring factions. However, not much else was released to the public and nor would the congress release the president’s whereabouts for many hours before confirming that after the peace talks Alexei will sentence himself to a hanging, as per Itherae traditions where if a war is lost then the leader would normally commit suicide. He would say goodbye to his family, his children, his advisors, and his people before departing from Itherae to Tannersburg by train.

Additionally all soldiers along the border were recalled back to the homeland, with the demobilization of the military, this assured Itheraen surrender. They all knew that without Veletian support, the war was doomed to fail. What's worse is that all the lives of those Itheraen soldiers were all for naught, tails between legs and pride squandered. Now granted, the soldiers were all happy to be returning home to see their families, simply wanting to mourn for the loss of their brothers in arms.


Yes, I would like to place an order for the largest monolith of all time.
I sense tension. Lets clear that up


The Job

“Move,” a quiet voice whispered, the sound of foots hitting stone muffled by snow as winter came to stay in the northern reaches of the Empire. Six men moved through the streets and alleys of Tarnsburg, moving towards their objective with as much silence as they could. Each wore heavy clothing, helping to block out the freezing temperatures of the night. Tydeus was one of the agents the Triple I had sent to attack to factory, knowing full well there was no guard or civilian who would be put in the middle of the night while winter checked in. His blackened locks showed under a small cap, yet any other facial features other than his dark brown eyes shown due to the scarf wrapped firmly around his head.

Their target was in sight as they rounded the corner, the Styrworks factory which had fueled the Tyrian war machine against their brothers in Itherae. It must be taken down, a message must be sent that no one was safe by a promise that a rogue wolf had made to his blind followers. Tydeus took the lead checking if the area was clear before signaling for his compatriots to follow him, before attempting to open the door. He took out a lock picking kit before setting to work, though he was making good progress, a much larger man ushered Tydeus to the side before kicking the door. It had barely budged, but the larger man did it once more, then twice, then a third before the door caved in.

The six rushed inside and rushed to get the supplies they had brought into position, the place would go up like a bonfire. “This is too easy,” another agent chimed in, the other laughing in delight as they quickly finished their work. “Well boys, you know what they say, if you can't kill the wolf, wound him,” the same agent stated before lighting a match and setting fire to the place. They ran out and turned to watch the building quickly turn into a malfunctioning oven, no artillery pieces would be made here.

They all laughed and hollered their success to the world before running off into the night, back to the outpost in which they had come. “I can't believe how smoothly that went,” one laughed to Tydeus, Giles, nudging the him.

“Yeah, hard to believe, but I bet the public’s reaction will be much better,” Tydeus said nonchalantly, opening the door to the shared bunk room. He sat on his bed, getting his boots off and unwrapping himself of the heavy clothing. “You know, the tavern isn't far from here, we could go grab a pint for our victory,” he said to the others.

“No, we need to stay and wait for another attack, we can celebrate when we are free, Ty,” Giles said, stretching. “Besides, we wouldn't want to spoil the public’s fun, let them get over the shock of it first!,” the large man laughed before laying in his own bed. He had fallen asleep almost instantaneously, dreams of freedom coming to his mind.

Yet, Tydeus could not sleep, being a man born in Tyro-Redania, he did not know what to do with his life once the war ended. If the Republic lost then he would likely be found and executed for treason, yet if they won then he may be separated from his Tyrian wife who was residing in Aetoria. That was his dilemma, a fact he would have to cope with, keeping his second life hidden from her for as long as he could. The only reason he had joined the Triple I was to be apart of something where he wouldn't be treated any different from another man. It was hard to say, but after the murder of one of his close friends over year ago, it was hard to be in favor of the Empire.

Slowly he drifted into a dreamless slumber, wanting nothing more than to have the best of both worlds.


Hopes were high after the First Battle of Aegoria, the men waited for orders to assault the enemy lines and crush them just as the had in the war games that had occurred months earlier. Yet, orders for an offensive had never come, rather they were continued to be told to be on the defensive, never to counter attack or move from position. While it was infuriating to some, they bit their tongue and followed the orders of their higher ups, none would defect or dare cause an uproar. Then it happened again, a heavy bombardment hit them, and it was much harder than the last, men dying in droves as shells fell from the sky.

Hours past and men grouped together in the best spots to avoid artillery fire, other simply spreading out to lower the chances of getting hit by a rogue shell. It was a hell, bit they would endure for they what was fighting back the enemy. Then the artillery stopped and the true fighting began, Itheraens firing upon the approaching Tyrian offenders, gunning them down as their boots hit the ground. It was the bloodiest sight, kilometers of bodies lining the soil until the enemy had truly had the chance to engage them. One Itheraen footman recalls his role in the battle as, ”...the bloodiest thing I have ever seen, men falling in droves. I killed at least ten of them with my rifle, the ammo began running scarce. I, unfortunately, was in the Farnau Plateau.”

The skirmish at the plateau is likely to be remembered by both sides as the most brutal conflict in the war, men fighting each other with blades or improvised weapons. Yet, while the Itheraens had superior training, the Tyrian army had numbers, overwhelming the Itheraen position yet sustaining heavy casualties from that alone before properly dislodging the dug in soldiers. A Tyrian would later state, ”I remember watching my brother get stabbed by an Itheraen bayonet, I remember an enemy’s head being bashed in with a rock. I don't want to remember these things, I don't want to remember the war. Yet, I wear the scars for I was one of the lucky ones who received medical attention after having my arm cut off by an Itheraen sword.”

This is why the Second Battle of Aegoria was remembered as the most brutal conflict in the Continent as not even the Zellonian-Oslad War saw this kind of savagery. It is likely to be a conflict that will be largely be seen as something that was not an act of man, but animals, animals who were fighting tooth and nail to kill the other. Many men on both sides will be remembered for their heroic sacrifices to their respective nations over a pointless war.

“It has come to my attention that the tragedy at the Second battle of Aegoria, not just for the losses of my fellow Itheraens, but also the loss of the Tyrians and the Redanians. While we may not have time for mourning these men, I would like to release a statement. As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged, and it is in such a twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of darkness. There are many cases of this oppression within the Tyro-Redanian Empire, the Itheraens and the right of freedom, the Voskiyan right to religious freedoms, and even the Redanian right to lead themselves. It is the wolf that oppressed these rights, forcing them, not representing the will of the people but the will of himself and his own gains. It is the Wolfram who does this and more! It is the Wolfram who encourages Itheraens to hate against their brothers and sisters of the Republic.

Hate is not a way for us to live as people, the Wolfram wants this hate, so that we may not see his selfish actions. Hate is why this war happened and it is damned well apparent that the Wolfram hates the Itheraen, hates the Voskiyan, and even hates his brothers of Redania. Why are we to follow hate? Why are the most powerful men the one with the most hatred? I was elected to represent the people and their will and the Itheraen will is that the Wolfram seeks to destroy and cause hate so that he may do his vile deeds! Thus I implore you, brothers and sisters, brothers against oppression, sisters against hate, protest the Wolfram and his administration! Protest their attacks on Itherae so no other man must die! So that no other family must fall apart! I call onto the other nations of the world and their peoples, I call upon the peoples of Tyro-Redania! Bring an end to this war!”

President Alexei Georgas’ address to the world, circa 1900
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