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Samgolan Patriotic Party

Xirsi was he second to take initiative on this round, wanting to get his word in before the others began bickering once more, “Firstly, the best temporary solution would be to employ those who do not have a job to aid in the reconstruction and improvement of our roadways, secondly, I feel we should subsidize smaller businesses and allow them to grow. This will increase competition and growth within our own market, with this growth will come job opportunities. Furthermore, the expansion of our armed forces will increase employment opportunities. That is the best way, I see, to solving our unemployment.”
Samgolan Patriotic Party

“You say you and your fellow veterans are ten times better than someone who had to live through the Civil War, just as your people had to. I would laugh if what you said did not appall me. It seems that you cannot hold a simple debate without degrading yourself to insulting someone. I mean the most respect that you must hold your tongue before demeaning yourself to such embarrassing lengths. Though, I will say, Mr. Mahol, we can agree that neither of us want to see an American puppet state, however, I do not believe that any of the candidates here have anything but the best wishes for our great nation. Mr. Bassong may have had an American upbringing, he was born Samgolan so his words still matter!”
Samgolan Patriotic Party

Xirsi has allowed the others their time to squabble until he eventually had his opportunity to speak upon what issues he found most important for the nation. He cleared his throat to gain the attention he wanted, before speaking clearly and loudly, “I find that our military is one of the most important things that we must solve, otherwise we may never be able to properly deal with the some of the militias or some other power may threaten our independence, our new way of life. I plan to improve the technology of our force, expand how many men stand within it, and make sure that the corruption that had originally resurfaced within it never occur again.”

He took a breath before continuing on, “However, we cannot achieve this without first dealing with our own corrupt government. We must arrest any who dare bribe, any who dare threaten the stability of our new democracy. As was stated before by the leader of Liberal Democrats have stated, we must first solve the problems within our own government before anything else. I agree with him on what we must do to combat this threat and that is where I will leave it for the time being.”
Samgolan Patriotic Party


Xirsi thought to himself for a moment, wanting to give a proper answer about how he felt would best deal with these militias.

“How would I deal with the national militias? Well, I can certainly tell you with how I would deal with the radicals that attacked our fellow Samgolan brothers and sisters, I would use them as training for the military. However, those who have yet to commit such atrocities will be spared from the military I hope to expand upon to deal with such threats in the future, allowing more jobs for those who seek them and a chance for those who want to serve their country right to do some good. Going back to my point though, I will deal with these militias by force if they do not disband themselves.”

His speech was calm, he showed no inclination of anger or eagerness, but held a reserved nature that would be necessary for people to know that he was taking this seriously and not some anger management room.
I will say that I am very interested in this, especially now that I’m getting back into the Dragon Ball series. I like the idea of playing a Majin, I only make them in the Xenoverse games, I don’t know why.... help.
@Lauder For a second I thought panda had misunderstood my previous post and put his wip CS in the Characters Thread >.< whew.

But yeah, you know what - she's like a combination of Belvast and Chroma. There's a real innocence about her, and then all that I'm a Hero! stuff. Chromvast. Chromahameha.


It's still fine >.>



it's all cyclone's fault. it's always cyclone's fault.

You mean the love of horses? I think that’s what I remember the most from them, the fucking horses.

@Lauder, love that character mang. You can be sure she'll never have any shortage of work!

I thank you! She is gonna be one of the busiest of the divine, I’m sure.

@Lauder if their stories aren't connected, it's best to make them separate posts. Surprising fact: shorter posts are easier to read. But I can't really talk >.<

must I show you the Cykholabs?
I’m just wondering if I should post my new character in the same post as Keriss or make a new one.
The Samgolan Patriotic Party

After his speech in Modiali, Xirsi travelled back to Kamidye in preparation for the debate that was scheduled to happen between and the man was determined to raise the rather low support the party had overall. Upon his arrival in Kamidye he had time to release a speech upon a topic that the party had found important, the industrialization of the nation. He had it all planned out, in fact it had been planned for a few weeks, but he wasn’t confident in whether to present it or not. Though, his some of his closest people say that it may very well bring some much needed support before the debate were to happen.

As he walked onto the small platform to deliver the speech, once more did his most radical of people cheered before a word was said. Xirsi continued to be confused on why they didn’t save their applause for afterwards, but it was flattering.

“Hello people of Kamidye, I am here today to discuss the opportunity we have, as a nation, to industrialize and urbanize. I am in full support of this urbanization as it will help become a competitive force with the world market, it will allow an increase in employment, and overall increase our GDP. With that said, I promise that by allowing this industrialization, I will lower our nation’s unemployment crisis. I will not rest until I can say that we as a nation, have the lowest unemployment rate in comparison to other nations.”

“In this world, industrialized nations are among the most successful. Examples of this are the United States, China, Germany. They are testaments to what industrialization can bring to an economy, it brings about a higher employment and better economy, more money for even the poorest of people. No matter what, industrialization is the way to the future the way to a Samgolan future! Praise Samgola and have a good night, my brothers and sisters.”

With that speech, promising to lower unemployment, Xirsi retired to the building he was staying in to prepare for the debate, primarily planning for any questions that may present themselves even the most ridiculous or the most loaded questions that could be fired from the machine gun that was the populous.

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