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<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>


@Lauder Are you ABSOLUTELY sure of that?

No. Not at all. Hel could probably survive as a screaming head

They can live forever. Unless they are killed, that generally makes them stop living.
Look at that rare Lauder post.
Orphan’s Story

The Meeting

Pain hit like a raging ashling, dropping down to her knees the child attempted to endure but every single part of her was paralyzed. ”Come now, child. Endure the pain, do not let it stop you. Try to strike me,” a voice commanded. Orphan forced herself to her feet, this training had been brutal as they made their way through the Ironheart Mountains. Raising her fists, Orphan charged forward towards her adopted mother and jumped up to hit her with her new arm, however, Keriss had easily foresaw the attack and grabbed Orphan’s arm and raised her up only to slam her into the ground.

Keriss’ hand was suddenly filled with small needles and she released the child. Where a hand had been was now a bed of spikes, a sadistic smile came to the mother.

”Your powers are progressing well, Orphan. Now come, again.”

Without protest, Orphan got back up, raised her fists and went again.

Keriss has been gone a few hours now, almost five, so Orphan thought. She had yet to leave the spot where Vestec had taken her mother, just in case she would return, but it was getting late and the sun was setting on the horizon. It would probably be a good idea to find shelter to rest for the night. Making her way to a nearby tree, the child heard a stick snap and she whirled around to face the source of the noise.

She saw nothing but shrubbery, but something was watching her, she knew it. Her ashen arm morphed into a blade and the child waited, before she heard the lease of an arrow. Her cloak cut the arrow in half long before it could make contact, but that didn’t stop massive wolf-like forms to charge out of the brush. They indeed looked like wolves but the stood in their hind legs and had massive hands, Pack-minds.

Orphan dodged out of the way of the wolf that charged her, feeling her blade effortlessly slice through the beast’s leg, severing it from its body. It let out a howl of pain. Others came forward, throwing their spears but and running forth. The spears were all but sticks by the time they reached Orphan and the child ran forward to meet the beasts in battle. She morphed her hand into a mace and jumped up, her hand hitting the wolf upside the head. As it went down, Orphan used him to jump further, her arm becoming long and thin as she wrapped it around another’s throat.

She slammed that wolf into the ground and she heard a yap of pain behind her, one of the pack minds was skewered on a wall of spikes. There were a lot of these thing, and they were surrounding her, no longer so keen to move in to fight.

Then she heard sound, loud rattling followed by strange singing. Apparently it was bad enough that the wolves were sent scurrying away.

Orphan turned towards the location and saw a small frame on the cliff, resembling a bird somewhat. She stood there. The form moved off.

Confused, the child ran forward to find out what the form was and if it was the person who had drove the wolves off. She climbed to the top of the cliff, scaling it quickly with her enhanced strength, one of many perks that had been bestowed upon her by the divine. As she looked down the slope of the cliff she saw a fire at the bottom of it. The same bird form set next to it, along with a tent and several spears with something tied to them near the the blade. She could see the form turn to gaze upon her, but she didn’t move.

“Well? Are you going to come down or am I going to have a find a place where you won’t stare at me like a child?,” the being called to her, speaking the same language as Orphan but with a strange accent to it.

”I am a child.”

The form dropped some food out of shock and stood up, he began to walk towards Orphan, slowly and cautiously. The child waited.

She could see him clearly as he got closer, he was about her size and had a cracked skeleton over him, she thought he was an undead. ”What are you?,”the child asked softly, not having seen a hain before.

“I guess I’m a hain. At least the last time I checked. Could’ve been turned into a talking frog though, stranger things have happened,” The hain said, inspecting Orphan with his eyes and seeing blood running down her ashen arm which she had tried to hide in her cloak. He tilted his head and chirped out a question, “I saw you fight the pack-minds. How were you fighting them off so well?”

”I trained

“By who?”



“I think you mean ‘by whom’.”

“No, that’s not how you use whom. You use ‘whom’ when the answer calls for subject such as ‘him’ or ‘her’.”


“Now I ask again, who trained you.”

The child went into her standard greeting, bowing to the hain in front of her, ”I am Orphan, student of Keriss.” She looked up at the hain, his expression made him look like he had seen a ghost.



“The demi-goddess of pain, Keriss?”

”Whom other?”

“Stop using whom like that.”

”I’ll try.”

The Hain crouched down and stared at the ground, he didn’t know what to do in this situation other than to let memories come back to him. Terrible memories of a terrible time that he wanted to forget. Yet, it seemed like his last would catch up with him on this night as Keriss protégée stood before him.

”What’s your name?”

“Kri’Tral,” he answered hollowly, still staring at the ground.

”Nice to meet you. Do you live around here?”

Kri’Tral looked up at Orphan before standing back up, allowing her to distract him from the memories that had previously been overwhelming him. “No. I’ve been traveling… Want something to eat?”

”Sure. I’m tired too. Fighting those things made me tired.”

So the two walked back to the small camp in silence then proceeded to eat in silence followed by more uneasy silence.
Do I have to start as a kid?

Keriss, generally, spawned the way she is now. She didn’t have a childhood. So I suppose it’s up to you.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Drama. Drama everywhere.

You have no idea.
@Lauder I don't understand, isn't Kril'Tal meant to have survived Keriss' killing spree? This post seems to suggest Keriss killed him, but this earlier post suggests he survived. Or does Keriss believe she killed him, not knowing he's alive?

The hain did survive and Keriss does not know. Granted we haven’t been updated on how he has been since his depression. I think a post soon will provide some insight.
The Samgolan Patriotic Party

The war was over and all the other political parties had begun their attempts to unite the people and become the new leading power in the country. However, not all the parties had been active once the civil war had come to a close, the Samgolan Patriotic Party, a largely liberal nationalist party which promoted Samgola becoming a competitive power in the world market and thoughts of democracy and the inalienable rights that all Samgolans had, had not immediately been present in the political game. Instead they had chosen to await for all their members to gather in Kamidye in order to elect a representative to the party, being delayed in trying contact old important members who had gone into hiding from the militias that had formed.

Yet, the party election had taken place, and a Samgolan-raised, Christian had been elected as the voice of the party and as the running candidate of their new democratic system. His name was Xirsi F. Sahra, a fifty-three year old veteran from the civil war, constantly had been seen in political activity even before the civil war, but had been much less eager in his work than he is now.

Xirsi F. Sahra

However, the party’s following was small and as some would say radical, Xirsi would instead say, “overly optimistic to get started in making a proper Samgola.” After an interview into the the party’s delay in arriving on the political scene, Xirsi answered, “We had many delays, our brothers had to come from every corner of the country, some couldn’t come out of fear of being targeted by the Islamic militias that walk our countryside. So, when the deadline for members to arrive, we held our election and I won. That is all there is to it.”

Later, it was found that Xirsi had travelled to Modiali with his crew, wanting to establish themselves with the states of the nearby capital where they believed it was more likely for their party to gain support. It was announced later after his arrival that he would be holding a speech rally.

Upon his arrival to the stage, his more radical of supported clapped and hollered there praises even before the speech began, no doubt probably driving away some of the more casual viewers of the politics there. “My brothers and sisters, I am here to talk about massacre that has occurred in Kolodam, by the militias that were supposed to protect their fellow Samgolans. This is an affront to the very foundations of what we as a people should stand for. Islamic, Christian, what does it matter? When people like those who attacked Kolodam are let loose, it does nothing but further divide us as a people. “

“They wish to radicalize those who support them and kill all those who should oppose them, and the Samgolan Dawn defends these, quote, misunderstood people, end quote. What is it that is defensible about those who have committed this heinous act? These militias are showing that they believe themselves above the law, destroying the very foundation of our currently delicate system. Should they continue to be this way then every radical like them will continue to slaughter fellow Samgolan’s.”

“Brothers, sisters, we must band together in this time of conflict within our great nation. We must show that we are Samgolan, even if religion divides us, I promise that I will lower the amount of these militias in the nation to prevent another senseless slaughter like this one. Do not support those who would defend the cause of this, the Samgolan Dawn, we must become one people should our new system of government survive and the Dawn wishes to take away religious freedoms. The militia attack is not a cry for help, but an attack against our great nation!”

I wasn’t aware this was a thing.

Why was I not aware of this? Might as well make a thing I suppose.
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