Goddess of Rain
9 FP - 10 MP
A shortcut through the So’E had been taken, for the Lord of Speech knew it would be his quickest known route to get to the God of Souls quicker. However, things were different, for now to greet him was the island that had been made under the gateway he planned to take it. He was curious as to whether this was Li’Kalla’s doing or not, but he did not care enough to think upon it as he silently forced his body though the gateway like a squid squeezing through small places.
On the other side he popped through the gateway, splashing into the heated lake of So’E. Vakk quickly forced his massive form out of the lake, yet, he decided to stop and look around to see if anything else had changed. From what he could tell, not much. Yet, he caught a glimpse of something on the shoreline of like, it was a box that had now been semi-buried in sand. Vakk’s head craned down to get a closer look and say the familiar symbols of the Box of Orchestration.
A new rage grew. Li’Kalla had left the box there to rot. He had already been stirred into a frenzy by his thoughts not too long ago, this only served to make him uncharacteristically furious.
His roar was powerful and filled with the voiced of others, all screaming the same name.
A tiny squeal could be heard coming from within the Manor overlooking the Lake, along with the shuffling of feet and the locking of doors and windows.
Vakk’s head snapped towards the manor, a tendril wrapped itself around the artifact as he pulled himself to the manor. He knew she was in there, though knowing that she was a shy and easily frightened goddess, he felt it necessary to show what happened when others did not take care of his gifts.
”Li’Kalla! Come out of there, we need to talk.” His voice was stern, ”Your brother demands it.”] His words began to once more intrude into the goddess’ mind.
There was a sound of crashing porcelain and shattering glass. More shuffling of feet, and then silence. For a while, all was silent, then slowly what kept the front doors locked started undoing itself. Lock after lock was unlocked and finally, the doors opened a crack. Through the crack, light shone onto the huddled up form of Li’Kalla. Eyes wide and somehow paler than pale, she was huddled up again the far wall of the foyer, holding a dirty porcelain plate close to her chest while she trembled and muttered.
”N-no, don’t open… Don’t open, don’t come in… Why… ? So many times, why...” Her eyes had been focused on the door and now they shifted to Vakk’s terrifying mouth, and she whimpered like a hurt puppy.
”I-I didn’t do anything, Brother, I swear...”
Vakk’s tendrils invaded the door, slowly creeping along every surface of the manor but all heading to the same location; Li’Kalla. They crept closer and closer to the fearful goddess as he began to speak slowly, ”Then why did I find my gift to you in the sand? Why would you cast away something that I had labored to make just for you? Do you wish to test my patience child?”
The tendrils were all around her now.
”Do you not love me, dear sister?”
”... Y-Yes, of course, but I… I dropped it and then, uh, I had things to do… So I forgot...” Li’Kalla seemed to shrink before Vakk, ”I made an Island…” She said shakily, a glint of hope in her eyes. Perhaps hope that Vakk would compliment her.
Vakk snapped his jaws, he retracted his tendrils as he responded, ”I had noticed. I had made a continent with the one known as ‘Chopstick Eyes’.” The Lord of Speech thought for a moment before he set the gift on the floor in front of Li’Kalla. ”But that is not what we are talking about, Li’Kalla,” he continued, in a softer, yet annoyed voice.
Li’Kalla’s lower lip quivered and she set down the dirty plate she had been holding onto for dear life, before hesitantly picking up the Box of Orchestration, with enough care to hold her hand against the lid in an effort to prevent it from opening.
”... I-Im sorry, I’ll take better care of it...” She said sullenly.
”I am sorry if I have scared you,” Vakk stated, before a smile crept within his thoughts. ”My dear sister, you look so tense, why not listen to the music and put us both at ease?” he suggested.
”Uhm, perhaps an… Another time? I do have a lot of cleanup to do… Yes...” She nervously cast a glance at the piles of dirty plates still all over every surface of the Manor.
”Then why not listen to it while you clean?”
Li’Kalla bit her lip and stood up, then she went to a table, cleared out some space for the Box and set it down. Slowly, she opened the lid a crack and saw the dancing figure inside. ”I-I’d rather no-” When she turned to look at Vakk she saw his fanged mouth smile such an unnatural smile that she couldn’t stop the tiny sob that escaped her lips. She began crying as she opened the Box of Orchestration for the second time and immediately began cleaning up, all while weeping softly.
”Do not cry, my dear,” Vakk allowed a tendril to wipe away some of her tears. ”Just relax and allow the box to play. Just remember that I and I alone will take care of you. I will provide anything you need.”
His sinister smile continue to creep across his face, he then booped her nose, an action he learned from Chopstick.
”Do you believe that I will care for you? Speak honestly.”
Li’Kalla sniffled and tried to force a smile onto her face, ”I… Y-yes, Brother… I-I know you and the rest are doing all they can...” She sobbed one last time and continued cleaning.
”The others?” Vakk asked.
”Father… And our little Brother, and the Knig-” She stopped for a moment, and then she looked around in confusion. Li’Kalla glanced at Vakk and let out a small shaky sigh. ”M-May I ask why you decided to pay me a visit, Brother? If it’s not too bold of me...”
Vakk thought for a moment, he began to gather information and piece together the goddess’ past. He decided that she were some form of nobility and decided to continue, ”I am on my way to another estate and I was in the area. Now tell me, where is father?”
”T-The Architect should be in his home, I think.”
”I figured.”
Vakk thought to himself, but decided to retreat for the time being, his job had been done. ”Do not close the music box, it is the only thing that will calm you, dear sister.”
With that Vakk laughed evilly before he began to fly to meet the Soul God.