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And post up!

Aurix could see through Esvelle, all the rage that was being hidden behind a front that many humans did to seem more appealing to their allies. Such a thing she could understand as she has developed her laugh to put her allies at ease when in stressful situations, though how much it actually helps is to be debated. However, Aurix was not the smartest being, and so knowing why other beings felt the need to hide such feelings was beyond her, especially for being a creature that had a different mindset than most others. Her eyes narrowed upon Esvelle all the same, she could see through many things all the same, including the facade that the noble put up.

“You do not like your brother,” Aurix said, her voice holding nothing but an emotionless observation as she leaned forward. “You need him,” she continued, her eyes running around the form of Esvelle as if she was absorbing the hidden rage before continuing, “He is needed for your own survival.”

Aurix’s eyes then seemed to focus as Esvelle’s chest as if she were staring straight into the soul of the human in a rather absent-minded fashion. The lizardfolk cocked her head to the side before she blinked and looked to her allies, realizing that she had not been paying much attention to the words that they had been saying. She leaned back in her chair as her mind began to focus on the table as a whole rather than just studying Esvelle and the clear anger that she held for her brother. Her massive frame shifted to get more comfortable in the seat before looking to Jhimas and Ardour.

“And there is fear. Maybe of what happens if we do not return with him?”

Aurix understood these emotions, recognizing what Esvelle had been feeling despite being unfamiliar with them herself.
Wasn’t able to get a post up tonight, but I am completely free tomorrow!
Hopefully I’ll be able to find more things to refine within the CS, flesh out Hann’s personality a bit more.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get a post out tonight!

Went through the background and fleshed out Hann as a person a bit! I hope it's a good edit and shows how Hann had become detached from her own emotions.


The group had gone through the darkened door, most of them eager to get a start on their brand new adventure within the tower. Tokuda was certainly a bit hesitant to move through the door, being one of the the last through the door as it slowly closed behind them. He held himself, his fingers wrapping around the edges of his armor as he gave a paranoid look around before the new mysterious man caught their attention. It was a moment of great fear in Tokuda, who stood there frozen as the mysterious figure summoned blades in both of his hands. His breathing quickened as he merely watched the figure began moving towards the group and the hopes of not having to fight something were dashed.

Tokuda absentmindedly summoned his shield,the great towering shield his Tokuda as he held it up to defend himself despite being at the back of the group. Yet, despite holding the shield in front of him, Tokuda found that he could stare straight through it rather than having to merely cower in the unknown. He saw the figure calmly approaching them and he braced himself for a sudden attack, but instead it just kept approaching them. His eyes glowed as he absorbed the situation, thinking of what would be the best place for him to interject himself. There was enough time to think, especially since the figure was merely walking towards them.

Then, he saw as the others began to move forward and commit to their roles within the party, Akiko taunting the hooded figure, Umi attempting to grapple the figure, and the others going defensive. With Umi attempting to keep the figure in one area, Tokuda pushed himself to rush forward to be of some help though still very much hiding behind his towering shield. Tokuda positioned himself between the figure and everyone else; Akiko, Rose, and Kanbaru. He kept his eyes on the figure, and though he had rushed forward, it seemed that Tokuda was still cowardly enough to shake behind his shield.
Wow, back to back finishing of characters. The odds are truly not that astounding but I wanted to point it out anyways.
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