"My countrymen, my fellow Melizeans. Today I am here to announce that I, Diego Alejandro Saavedra, will be campaigning to become the president of our great nation! I believe that through my experience first hand as an infantryman, as an officer, and as a politician, I will be able to bring across reforms to bring our nation fully into the spotlight of the modern day world! I will end our dependency on tourism as a source for the economy. I will make our state into the strength that it was meant to be and cast away these shackles that continue to decay our state! Know that Diego Alejandro Saavedra will make Melizea into a country to be once more proud of! For Melizea!"
- April 2nd, 2020, Diego Saavedra
Diego Alejandro Saavedra, having been a politician within Melizea for nearly four years had decided to run for the office of president of Melizea in April of 2020. He had promised to bring about reforms to the nations schooling and to make Melizea into something more than a failed patrol state, while other vague promises had been made, it was stated that he was acting as many others would have in the opening portion of the Melizean election cycle. However, there was not much that Diego could do other than propose promises to the people, though, the people were not his sole target as he knew the Melizean system was far from being truly democratic. Instead, Diego would do what many would do in the coming election, vie for control of the prominent political figures so that they would agree to put him in charge of being president.
At the time, it was uncertain how the other prominent figures of Melizea would take to an unstable militant, known for harsh punishments as an officer within the army and known to push his men in order to meet goals that did not seem realistic to achieve. However, given his place within the society, with the unofficial backing of the Saavedra Cartel, who had remained largely silent during the opening of the 2020 elections, Diego had the money and means in order to properly run for presidency. However, it was no guarantee within the ever shifting geopolitical landscape of Melizea, the presidency would very easily be able to swap hands through bribery or other promises between other nominees. That was what campaigning within Melizea simply was like, a world of bribery and corruption to become the leader of a military junta in the guise of a republic.
- April 2nd, 2020, Diego Saavedra
Diego Alejandro Saavedra, having been a politician within Melizea for nearly four years had decided to run for the office of president of Melizea in April of 2020. He had promised to bring about reforms to the nations schooling and to make Melizea into something more than a failed patrol state, while other vague promises had been made, it was stated that he was acting as many others would have in the opening portion of the Melizean election cycle. However, there was not much that Diego could do other than propose promises to the people, though, the people were not his sole target as he knew the Melizean system was far from being truly democratic. Instead, Diego would do what many would do in the coming election, vie for control of the prominent political figures so that they would agree to put him in charge of being president.
At the time, it was uncertain how the other prominent figures of Melizea would take to an unstable militant, known for harsh punishments as an officer within the army and known to push his men in order to meet goals that did not seem realistic to achieve. However, given his place within the society, with the unofficial backing of the Saavedra Cartel, who had remained largely silent during the opening of the 2020 elections, Diego had the money and means in order to properly run for presidency. However, it was no guarantee within the ever shifting geopolitical landscape of Melizea, the presidency would very easily be able to swap hands through bribery or other promises between other nominees. That was what campaigning within Melizea simply was like, a world of bribery and corruption to become the leader of a military junta in the guise of a republic.