Event Name: The Butcher of Steel
Location: The agri-world of Atis, Segmentum Solar
Date: 5.159-5.202.873.M30
Parties Involved:
The Steel Sentinels
Atis Population
The Moon Blades
The Butcher of Steel, otherwise referred to as the Battle of Atis, is the event that refers to the mass casualties of the Astartes legion, the Steel Sentinels, inflicted by Dark Eldar forces referred to as the Moon Blades. The results of this event is what forced the Steel Sentinels to use neophytes as front line fighters, as well as the destruction of the presence of Moon Blade influence and the destruction of 88.3% of the planetary surface, subsequently destroying the atmosphere of the planet.
Atis is currently undergoing terraforming efforts to restore the ruined environment.
The prelude to the Battle of Atis was a deal of the planetary governor, whose name shall not be named in this transcript due to the shame he brings upon the Imperium’s name, making a deal with the Dark Eldar Kabal of the Moon Blades in order to expand his sphere of influence. The price of this would be that the governor lure an Astartes legion to them in order to cull their numbers. The governor agreed to these terms and sent for a legion requesting aid for a rebellion that had spiralled out of control of the Atis PDF forces.
The Steel Sentinels was the legion to respond to this hail, sending a bulk of their forces in an effort to quickly suppress what was assumed to be a large scale rebellion. Upon the initial landing upon the planet, there did not seem to be any rebellion and all seemed to be quiet as citizens went about their daily lives and many were confused when questioned. When the Primarch of the legion, Usriel Andredth, met with the governor for an audience, an assassination attempt had been made on his life and Dark Eldar forces began a coordinated assault across all Steel Sentinel forces on the planet. The assassination attempt upon the primarch had failed, resulting in the death of the governor and the dark eldar.
“My Primarch, we have received multiple reports of fighting all across the planet by dark eldar forces. Several of the chapters are reporting casualties and have been surrounded,” a marine reported to Usriel who walked through the hulk of his ship after returning from the assassination attempt. The blood of the eldar still clung to his power fist and the heat from his pistol continued to burn on his free hand. Anger and contempt would be seen swelling upon his face from the betrayal of the governor and the presence of xenos forces on an Imperial world. He looked to the marine, his voice flowing from his helmet.
”Tell all chapters to evacuate their positions and return to the nearest major city,” he ordered before walking forward, moving to the bridge of his ship. He looked upon the frantic mortals who were attempting to move through the requests of the Imperial auxilia, their casualties being far worse than what the Steel Sentinels had already received. He let loose an angered breath and the sensors within the bridge flickered for a moment, the machine spirits sensing the anger of the primarch. The mortals and astartes alike looked around before staring at the primarch, their eyes moving to the blood upon his fist.
”What is the status of the Atis Planetary Defense Forces?” the primarch asked.
Silence fell in the room before a human spoke up, “D-dark, my lord. We have received no contact from them.”
”Then they are either dead or traitors. Notify all personnel that any militants not within the legion are to be regarded as hostile until further notice. Begin planetary bombardment on concentrated xenos forces as requested by Steel Sentinel command,” his voice stated in unnatural calmness.
“What of the civilians?” the human asked.
”Evacuate the major cities. We will not send this message planet-wide in order to keep the Dark Eldar from knowing where to move. Otherwise, they are expendable casualties if in the line of bombardment.”
“Understood, my lord.” the human answered before bowing his head and moving to relay orders to those under him.
Usriel looked out the bridge to see the planet below, shortly after, he saw the first round fire from the ship.
Recovered from helmet feed
“We are taking heavy casualties! Requesting immediate orbital bombardment upon our coordinates, danger close!” A voice rang through the vox, a neophyte taking cover behind a wall as Dark Eldar moved around him and what was left of his scout squad. He peeked around a corner and released three rounds from his plasma rifle, felling a dark eldar who was not agile enough to dodge out of the way. He looked to a squadmate next to him before calling out, “We need to get to better cover, Jabril!”
Jabril looked back for a moment before ducking his head down as enemy fire went around his own corner. “There is nowhere else to move! We must hold until the Eagle’s death, brothers!” He blindfired around his cover, before looking back to see their sergeant for guidance.
The space marine remained silent for a moment, looking at his aspirants and knowing that they would die if they attempted to leave cover and that they would die if they waited for orbital support. His mind went over the possibilities before an option came to his mind, the voice of the demi-god going to them, “You will fight your way out, continue moving east and you will rally with friendly forces. I will draw them away from you.”
The scouts looked at the space marine with confusion, looking to one another before Jabril would speak, “Our duty is with you, Sergeant. It is our sworn oath to the Emperor!”
“And you will continue your duty to the Emperor. You will not disobey my orders. Many of my brothers are already dead, and it is you, our future generation who must continue the battle in the name of the Imperial Eagle,” the astartes stated before taking off the purity seal and handing it to Jubril. The marine then turned and ran out of his cover, firing his rifle at the Dark Eldar forces. His rifle heated the air around it, heat venting from every shot of plasma that came out of the barrel. He shot down dark eldar as they attempted to rush at him with their accursed blades.
He threw his plasma rifle at a group before shooting it with his pistol, producing a magnificent explosion that enveloped some of the eldar. The marine’s free-hand went for his knife, as he shot down another and slashed at another, decapting the xeno in an instant. However, he merely would not be able to keep up with the multitude of them attacking at once, their blades finding ways in between his armor, slowly but surely bringing him down as he fought tooth and nail. However, his task was complete as he saw that the neophytes had gotten away and soon he would fall to his knees.
The xenos surrounded him, he could almost hear them chuckling to one another before he spoke through his vox, “Jabril, where are you?”
“We are moving with light resistance, sir.” the voice came back.
[video feed cuts at time of orbital bombardment.]
Atis was inevitably abandoned by the Steel Sentinels as the decision was made that it merely was not practical enough to fight the Eldar by conventional means in city fighting or in the rural environment where the xenos leadership was found. Ultimately, Primarch Usriel ordered a complete planetary bombardment of the planet, destroying much of the planetary infrastructure and reducing the few major cities to ruins before reducing the rural areas into molten rock. While this resulted in the presumed annihilation of remaining xenos forces upon the planet, it came at a cost of 52 million imperial citizens, an estimated 45 million of which was due to orbital bombardment, and 80,000 Astartes personnel.
After the bombardment’s conclusion, it was confirmed that there was no dark eldar presence on the planet. The actions of the Steel Sentinels have rendered themselves humbled and humiliated by the actions of the Dark Eldar, however, it reinforced the ideals of ruthlessness and efficiency that would grip the legion to this day.
Log End.
Location: The agri-world of Atis, Segmentum Solar
Date: 5.159-5.202.873.M30
Parties Involved:
The Steel Sentinels
Atis Population
The Moon Blades
The Butcher of Steel, otherwise referred to as the Battle of Atis, is the event that refers to the mass casualties of the Astartes legion, the Steel Sentinels, inflicted by Dark Eldar forces referred to as the Moon Blades. The results of this event is what forced the Steel Sentinels to use neophytes as front line fighters, as well as the destruction of the presence of Moon Blade influence and the destruction of 88.3% of the planetary surface, subsequently destroying the atmosphere of the planet.
Atis is currently undergoing terraforming efforts to restore the ruined environment.
The prelude to the Battle of Atis was a deal of the planetary governor, whose name shall not be named in this transcript due to the shame he brings upon the Imperium’s name, making a deal with the Dark Eldar Kabal of the Moon Blades in order to expand his sphere of influence. The price of this would be that the governor lure an Astartes legion to them in order to cull their numbers. The governor agreed to these terms and sent for a legion requesting aid for a rebellion that had spiralled out of control of the Atis PDF forces.
The Steel Sentinels was the legion to respond to this hail, sending a bulk of their forces in an effort to quickly suppress what was assumed to be a large scale rebellion. Upon the initial landing upon the planet, there did not seem to be any rebellion and all seemed to be quiet as citizens went about their daily lives and many were confused when questioned. When the Primarch of the legion, Usriel Andredth, met with the governor for an audience, an assassination attempt had been made on his life and Dark Eldar forces began a coordinated assault across all Steel Sentinel forces on the planet. The assassination attempt upon the primarch had failed, resulting in the death of the governor and the dark eldar.
“My Primarch, we have received multiple reports of fighting all across the planet by dark eldar forces. Several of the chapters are reporting casualties and have been surrounded,” a marine reported to Usriel who walked through the hulk of his ship after returning from the assassination attempt. The blood of the eldar still clung to his power fist and the heat from his pistol continued to burn on his free hand. Anger and contempt would be seen swelling upon his face from the betrayal of the governor and the presence of xenos forces on an Imperial world. He looked to the marine, his voice flowing from his helmet.
”Tell all chapters to evacuate their positions and return to the nearest major city,” he ordered before walking forward, moving to the bridge of his ship. He looked upon the frantic mortals who were attempting to move through the requests of the Imperial auxilia, their casualties being far worse than what the Steel Sentinels had already received. He let loose an angered breath and the sensors within the bridge flickered for a moment, the machine spirits sensing the anger of the primarch. The mortals and astartes alike looked around before staring at the primarch, their eyes moving to the blood upon his fist.
”What is the status of the Atis Planetary Defense Forces?” the primarch asked.
Silence fell in the room before a human spoke up, “D-dark, my lord. We have received no contact from them.”
”Then they are either dead or traitors. Notify all personnel that any militants not within the legion are to be regarded as hostile until further notice. Begin planetary bombardment on concentrated xenos forces as requested by Steel Sentinel command,” his voice stated in unnatural calmness.
“What of the civilians?” the human asked.
”Evacuate the major cities. We will not send this message planet-wide in order to keep the Dark Eldar from knowing where to move. Otherwise, they are expendable casualties if in the line of bombardment.”
“Understood, my lord.” the human answered before bowing his head and moving to relay orders to those under him.
Usriel looked out the bridge to see the planet below, shortly after, he saw the first round fire from the ship.
Recovered from helmet feed
“We are taking heavy casualties! Requesting immediate orbital bombardment upon our coordinates, danger close!” A voice rang through the vox, a neophyte taking cover behind a wall as Dark Eldar moved around him and what was left of his scout squad. He peeked around a corner and released three rounds from his plasma rifle, felling a dark eldar who was not agile enough to dodge out of the way. He looked to a squadmate next to him before calling out, “We need to get to better cover, Jabril!”
Jabril looked back for a moment before ducking his head down as enemy fire went around his own corner. “There is nowhere else to move! We must hold until the Eagle’s death, brothers!” He blindfired around his cover, before looking back to see their sergeant for guidance.
The space marine remained silent for a moment, looking at his aspirants and knowing that they would die if they attempted to leave cover and that they would die if they waited for orbital support. His mind went over the possibilities before an option came to his mind, the voice of the demi-god going to them, “You will fight your way out, continue moving east and you will rally with friendly forces. I will draw them away from you.”
The scouts looked at the space marine with confusion, looking to one another before Jabril would speak, “Our duty is with you, Sergeant. It is our sworn oath to the Emperor!”
“And you will continue your duty to the Emperor. You will not disobey my orders. Many of my brothers are already dead, and it is you, our future generation who must continue the battle in the name of the Imperial Eagle,” the astartes stated before taking off the purity seal and handing it to Jubril. The marine then turned and ran out of his cover, firing his rifle at the Dark Eldar forces. His rifle heated the air around it, heat venting from every shot of plasma that came out of the barrel. He shot down dark eldar as they attempted to rush at him with their accursed blades.
He threw his plasma rifle at a group before shooting it with his pistol, producing a magnificent explosion that enveloped some of the eldar. The marine’s free-hand went for his knife, as he shot down another and slashed at another, decapting the xeno in an instant. However, he merely would not be able to keep up with the multitude of them attacking at once, their blades finding ways in between his armor, slowly but surely bringing him down as he fought tooth and nail. However, his task was complete as he saw that the neophytes had gotten away and soon he would fall to his knees.
The xenos surrounded him, he could almost hear them chuckling to one another before he spoke through his vox, “Jabril, where are you?”
“We are moving with light resistance, sir.” the voice came back.
[video feed cuts at time of orbital bombardment.]
Atis was inevitably abandoned by the Steel Sentinels as the decision was made that it merely was not practical enough to fight the Eldar by conventional means in city fighting or in the rural environment where the xenos leadership was found. Ultimately, Primarch Usriel ordered a complete planetary bombardment of the planet, destroying much of the planetary infrastructure and reducing the few major cities to ruins before reducing the rural areas into molten rock. While this resulted in the presumed annihilation of remaining xenos forces upon the planet, it came at a cost of 52 million imperial citizens, an estimated 45 million of which was due to orbital bombardment, and 80,000 Astartes personnel.
After the bombardment’s conclusion, it was confirmed that there was no dark eldar presence on the planet. The actions of the Steel Sentinels have rendered themselves humbled and humiliated by the actions of the Dark Eldar, however, it reinforced the ideals of ruthlessness and efficiency that would grip the legion to this day.
Log End.