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Is this the return of the CyKhollabs?

Well, with this kind of turn out, I shall begin work on the OOC post haste!
Glad to see you guys are interested!

Great, iridescent shards floated above the barren canvas below, only the great darkness of the void above contrasting them. The crystalline ones were only accompanied by Him, the almighty creator of those very shards that gathered around Him.

He lurched forwards, hands weaving a fine cloak of ever changing colors and textures around His form. Two glowing eyes looked to shards before a great booming voice overtook the cosmos itself as he scanned the world, conveying no emotion on a featureless face. The great being allowed Himself to bask in the infinite silence that was the world for the moment, taking in His accomplishment before He turned a hand to touch the great wound on His chest. He grasped into the wound and from it pulled another shard, another being of His essence. He held the shard above Him, allowing it to shine before speaking.

”You shall be my artists, my architects. You will do whatever it takes to make this world beautiful, for that is all it means to be from my own form. With you, there will be creation beyond even my own imagination, beyond the limits of what can and will be. You shall be my attendants.

You will be gods of this new realm of mine.”


Praise unto the following, their contributions to Divinus have been much inspiration to me.

@Kho, @Cyclone, @Rtron, @Muttonhawk, @BBeast, and @Antarctic Termite for being amongst the GMs for all the Divinus games that I have been a part of, Mk. 2, 3, and GODSPEED. I legitimately thank all of you for being with Divinus.

@Lord Zee, @Enzayne, and @Not Fishing for being the GMs of MK. IV, I may not have been a part of it, but I did watch it with great interest.

@Commodore, @Zurajai, and @AdorableSaucer for being the GMs of Divinus MK. V!

Lastly, I want to thank @Frettzo for agreeing to be my co-GM for this iteration!


Divinus is a story of gods, their creations, and the world to be made by their collaboration.

The realm is ruled over by the almighty Monarch of All, to which all the gods owe their creation to, and He has deemed them to be the architects of the blank canvas of the world that He has made. He is their lord and, ultimately, the supreme being of the cosmos. He expects the gods to follow what He has said for them to do, to fail in such an endeavor is to incur His wrath. Though he is much more powerful than any one god, his rule may not be infinite as the Monarch may be able to be overthrown one day through the combined efforts of multiple, powerful gods. After all, the gods will grow with time and they shall accrue their own power to shape the cosmos to their whim!

Though these gods may start small, in time they will raise mountains, gouge rivers, sow jungles and freeze oceans, and having done so they can create every manner of flora, fauna, spirit and mortal folk to populate them. Their colliding visions for the world may drive them to invent mighty weapons and field vast armies, conjure horrific monsters, and sanction glorious heroes to defend their dreams from the passion of the other gods.

The game of gods has many rules, but do not be daunted! This RP is about weaving interesting tales, not about such crass motives as winning or losing. All rules are here for your benefit to make sure everyone plays fairly, in a collaborative manner and to work for the betterment of the story. We've put a lot of effort into the system, so I hope it brings as much pleasure to you as it has to us.

The Rules

  • The Golden Rule--Do not godmod/metagame/powerplay. It’s ironic because this is an RP with actual gods as characters; however, there are definitely limits as to the power level of our gods. We’re trying to make a collaborative story rather than host a game meant to be ‘won,’ so please keep that in mind as you write.
  • The Rule of Fair Warning--Before significantly influencing someone else’s creations, especially if it is going to be in a destructive way, give them some fair warning OOC so that potential objections can be made ahead of time and plans can be shifted. Ideally conflicts between two gods that lead to destruction or harm of one god or its possessions will be written with the consent of both players, but if you think that somebody is being unreasonable us GMs can intervene.
  • The Good Summaritan Rule--Somewhere in every post, please attach a hider box containing a short summary of the post’s actions, including how Vigor has been expended in the post if applicable. As Divinus RPs have traditionally had some massive posts, this helps greatly when trying to keep track of all that’s been going on and when trying to make sure you didn’t miss any important plot point within some massive post. That being said, please do still try to read all IC posts and not just the summaries.
  • The Bookkeeping Rule--We will be using the character tab to store character and creation sheets. For all creations of significance, please make a hider for them in your character sheet post and slot in some information about them, this way we can keep track of what everyone has done to contribute to this ever changing world.
  • Leave of Absence--Please give us forewarning on the OOC if circumstances dictate that you will become inactive in the RP for a time. I’m sure we’ve all seen the phenomena of people simply vanishing; it’s frustrating and leaves work where the others have to pick up the narrative pieces. Failure to follow this rule can potentially lead to your god being deposed IC.


Character sheet


The aspect of your god and what that encompasses.

The personality of a god.

True Form
A description of one’s god.

Musical theme
Some spice to shake things up.
I’ll throw my interest in!

I have to agree with Lucius
Falfer finds this situation funny!
It seemed as if this decrepit city was to be the safest place that they’d be able to reside in for the time being, a fact that did not sit well with Falfer’s posh bottom. The burrahob, began to make his way into the city, until he heard the sound of orders being barked, not at himself of course, but to the taller of the people of their group. It seemed as if they were being asked to pay a fee if he could hear them correctly over the throngs of people talking. Yet, it was none of his true concern as to what they would do, so long as they did not get themselves killed in some horrific turn of events. He was sure that they would be able to manage without his help, without any guidance from his own intelligence. A mere stop for this group would be nothing, even if such tolls were more than likely just a scam set up by the city watch.

However, Falfer felt such hope be diminished as Lorcan spoke of workforces and the city’s economy, forcing the Burrowfolk to put his fingers to the ridge of his nose as he let out an audible sigh. An act that forced itself upon him further when Emmaline took her turn to try and avoid the toll. After a brief moment of respite he looked back up at the group before letting another disgruntled sigh. He looked over the Migi and loosed a few words, “Why must everyone try to avoid the tolls? I get that this is likely just some weird shakedown by the guard but it’s so odd seeing it in person. I swear, this nonsense was nowhere near my mind in Pumpkinhollow. “

Falfer let out a light chuckle as he finally got to see it in person, often having to hear about the other side of it when he was still living the high life at home. He is often heard about people coming up with absurd reasons to avoid paying something but it was something to actually see it entirely. In fact, the humor was actually genuine in the mind of Falfer, for one time distracted from his aching feet and desire of going home as watched with intensity as to what the guard would respond with in regards to both of the people in front of him. It was a veritable ride of emotions, much like a well acted comedy that was playing out in front of him.

He didn’t turn to Migi this time to address her, a smile almost creeping across his lips as he spoke with a stifled chuckle, “I bet that the guard is going to either double down on his scam, what do you think?” He seemed utterly transfixed upon the interaction, the worries he previously complained about seeming behind him as his eyes scanned the guard for what he was going to do next, secretly hoping that he was going to double down. Falfer could almost taste the reactions of the group having to deal with further hassle that would have been avoided all too easily in his own eyes.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

They obviously know better than to try to play a player!

Correct! Which is why this is a Falfer Patent Reverse Con! Where the Con-Artist knows better than to con a person but does so anyways in a bid to lower their confidence and catch them in a paradoxical thoughts!
It seems fairly obvious that these guys are doing that trick from Riften since only but a couple were stopped and not the whole group. They just want their silver.

I think the con-artist may know a con when sees one!
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