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Ruin finds purpose.

Location: The Celestial Palace.
Interacting with: The Monarch of All (@lauder)
Mentions: Ao-Yurin.

Shortly after her test of Ao-Yurin’s ocean Ruina wandered into the depths of The Celestial Palace. Investigating around its many rooms until she found one in particular that suited her fancy. The room was fairly compact in setup. Some moss-covered rocks around a clear stream of gently flowing water. Perfect to rest in while she waited for the phantom pains of her expenditure to fade away. To bring forth the pure destructive energy that she could was taxing on Ruina. Nothing that wouldn’t heal, of course. But it still left her with various aches and pains that needed a few moments to fade away. It was like a sprinter that had been training for an event finally being able to compete. By the end of it they’re sore and tired, but happy.

That described Ruina well as she stepped softly into the water. Giving a sigh at the cool sensation passing across the surface of her second skin, Ruina found a large rock embedded into the stream and braced herself against it. Pushing her tail out to the side and allowing it to drift and wiggle freely with the current. This… Was fairly nice.

Settling until the water was up to her neck, Ruina closed her eyes and let out a sigh as she relaxed and began to feel the aches from hurling orbs of destruction down to Galbar. The holes in the ocean that had been left behind would likely be resolved by Ao-Yurin. Or if not then Ruina would likely have to see about taking a look at them if she was asked to. If she wasn’t then she would likely just leave them as-is. They didn’t bother her and might make for something interesting to use later if someone found a use for them. Fortunately that wasn’t really her problem right now. Right now her problem was waiting for her aches and pains to go away. This did leave Ruina with a curious question: Was using their divine powers this taxing on anyone else? Or was it just her? A consequence of being distilled and concentrated destruction in that she was equally harmful to herself? Perhaps she would ask, or perhaps she would simply accept it as the way of things.

Letting out a hum, Ruina did her best to stop thinking for now and instead focus on having her aches and pains fade away.

’Enjoying yourself, little destroyer?’ came an all too familiar voice that had wormed its way into the mind of the goddess. Looking up, there was the form of the Monarch of All standing across the water, His form noticeably smaller to fit into the room. He was looking down upon her, allowing a moment for her to bask in His radiance before He stepped onto the water. The steps of the Great Ruler did not disturb the flow, no ripples coming from his movements as He loomed over her with His hands folded together. After another moment, the divine voice found itself working into her mind once more, ’I apologize for not addressing you earlier when you had tried to speak with me. I had a pressing issue to deal with.’

Ruina had closed her eyes by this point. Not yet to the point of attempting to snooze, but not fully aware of things either. As The Monarch of All appeared, she didn’t react for a few moments until His voice wormed its way into her head. It was then that her eyes opened promptly, her pupils focusing quickly upon His form. At the two questions she was asked, Ruina gave the answers in the same pattern that the questions came. ”I’m enjoying this stream washing away my aches and pains at the moment, yes. Though your sudden absence when I attempted to speak with you is no issue with me. I could tell what was going on and understand why you had to go so quickly. A dance that nearly ended the world… To be honest, I hadn’t thought of that. But then again my purpose doesn’t feel like that of a world ender… Though I’m sure I could if I so desired. My purpose is to test… Is it not?”

Ruina layered an interesting twist into that question. Since The Monarch of All had departed before giving her the first instructions, she had taken a guess as to her grand purpose, and by this point she had taken actions that solidified her role, even if it was not intended by The Monarch of All. So with her last statement she poked at His mind to see if that was in fact the reason for her existence, or if The Monarch had intended something else for her and she, by her nature of destruction, had ruined that plan. The only thing now was to wait and see.

The Monarch seemed to ponder the question, tilting His head to the side with clear thought echoing across the serene chamber. There was a brief silence in that ponderance, nothing beyond the sound of moving water that flowed through the chamber during that time where the Monarch merely stared at Ruina. Though, all silence is meant to end as His voice came to fruition, unsure yet confident in His answer, ’Your purpose… is to make of it what you will. I made you and your peers to bring meaning to this prison of existence. That meaning is whatever it is you desire, if you wish to test other creations then that is of your own volition. So long as you are contributing to the world, I will not bat an eye.’

With the news that Ruina’s existence was hers to define, she let out a hum. She had already made such a majorly defining decision that shifting away from it would likely cause more harm than good, and with the news that The Monarch of All wouldn’t bat an eye at her activities… Well, then it would probably be best to see that they continued. But then, what to test next? She would have to keep watch on all of creation in order to stay up to date on what was being made… And perhaps The Monarch could help with that. Speaking up, she posed a question to Him. ”Very well. I will define my purpose as testing the creations of others so that they may be perfected enough to please you. With this purpose in mind, I would like to request a gift of sorts. If I might be allowed, could I request of you some means of keeping an eye on Galbar, regardless of my actual location? ‘Twould aid in ensuring that I bring testing down on all that needs it and that none that need my attention go without.”

’Done,’ came His voice after a swift deliberation, a small head tilt as His hand came up to His eye and motioned a few fingers around the glowing orb. The Monarch of All then pulled the eye from its place, only for another spark of white light to take the temporarily vacant space. Crushing the orb in His hand, a pressure exerted itself into the space around His clenched fist, the room trembled slightly and the water itself began to swirl upwards and around the form of the Monarch of All. The trembling stopped as His hand opened, in its place was a white circlet, embroidered with gold and jade. A single jewel came down, casting a crimson glare upon all of Galbar, and through it could be seen everything on the grand scale that was happening on the planet. It was one that would fit perfectly onto the form of Ruina, one that would bring her much ease in locating the newly created objects of the gods. He lowered the circlet to Ruina, holding it out for her to take as any ruler would give a gift to a loyal subject.

’I trust you to serve me well through these tests. Should you do well, there will come further rewards in the future. Fail me and I shall take this gift back.’

Ruina was slightly surprised that the gift came so easily, but she was not one to shun something asked after, especially since it came from the hands of The Monarch himself. As the energies of creation began to warp the area Ruina pushed herself upwards and used her tail to brace herself against the bottom of the stream so that she could stand properly. It would be rude to take such a gift sitting lazily, after all. As Ruina stood from the river something of note was how easily the water ran off of her suit, to the point where mere moments after she had left she was dry aside from her calves and most of her tail, which were naturally still submerged.

Grasping gently at the circlet. Ruina bowed her head in thanks before speaking. ”Of course, if at all you should find me or my tests wanting I shall relinquish this gift as easily as you give it, tis only fair.” With that said, Ruina gently brought the circlet up and placed it gently upon her head. Immediately she was greeted with a sight beyond sight, causing her to shift and gasp slightly as she bore witness to nearly every inch of Galbar at once. As quickly as this vision came, it went. With a slow blink Ruina found herself stable again, comprehending how to control and direct this new sight of hers. Blinking a few more times, Ruina nodded in thanks once more before speaking again. ”I will do my best to satisfy your desires and perform the role that I have chosen.”

Bowing again and with naught else to say, Ruina lowered herself back down to the sitting position gently, careful to ensure that the circlet didn’t touch the gently flowing water.

The Monarch of All looked up, sending His gaze past the goddess of destruction, as His hands interlocked once more with His fingertips pointing upwards. A stern voice rang into her mind as His voice became domineering, a command came to her, ’I expect greatness from you, Ruina. Do not fail me.’

Then, He vanished, leaving her with her new gift and task.

Ruina could do naught else but nod at the silence and speak to the nothing that remained. ”Understood. I will do my best.”

It was then that she took to resting a bit more, her eyes closed and her form still as she slept a sleep that she did not need. When she awoke, she pushed herself free of the stream with ease and walked from the room and into the palace once more, eager to get to the next test.

Beginnings of a Pantheon

Cycle 0

’This existence is… wrought with pain,’

A voice spoke into void, filled with anger and pain.

A lone being floated in the finite expanse above a barren wasteland, allowing the cosmic winds to carry Him a short distance as He contemplated, knowing what was reality and all that it currently was. It was a desolate and isolated existence filled with nothing but the prison that was the planet of Galbar, a prison that confined all that existed. His chest ached, a great wound had rippled and shone light upon the dark lands, showing its crevices and heights, all the imperfections that blemished the surface. By all intention, that was how the prison had been made in the cataclysmic fire that birthed into the emptiness that was reality as it was. The existent primordial shone his gaze away from the prison and allowed a hand to run along the wound that ached, feeling the shards that made up his inner being.

Before any work could be done, the king needed a throne to rule from and the great Monarch of All intended to not rule from the prison that confined Him. While He could not fully escape Galbar, He would rule from a true palace. In a swift motion, He slammed His four hands together, the sound of which resounded even through the great void beyond His prison, and pulled His palms into the great wound. The Monarch of All let out a gasp of pain as the light shining from the wound grew more and more with each passing moment before, with a force to threaten the very fabric of reality, He ripped out a light that shone with all that would become the heavens. The light illuminated the prison, casting away the cold darkness of the void that has so depressingly found to let itself remain known, though now forced to retreat to the other side of rock.

Inside the light, He could see the source of the opulent light, and within it was a palace fit for only those who could truly claim to be of divine blood, His blood. A smile would have crept across His face if He could muster it, but He saw red marble spread tall, yellowed roof tiles upon the mighty pagodas with white trimming the bottom walls. Gardens of all varieties teemed and joined together in the outer edges of the place ground, their plants intermingled and their earth mixing. A multitude of rooms inhabited the palace, so many that counting was a fool's errand and each one unique, some being barren armories yet to be filled with ornate and ceremonial garb while there were also great libraries that had yet to be filled. Then, a great jade throne at the very center of it all, looking straight upon Galbar and all that it was. A fine, wooden bridge extended forwards, inviting the Monarch of All to walk the grounds within that star-shaped palace that He had crafted so intricately. If He had the inclination, He would have done so without hesitation, but now that His place of rule had been built, He would need subjects to rule. He would need Lords and Ladies to lay claim to the prison that trapped Him and make His existence bearable in this reality of His. His eyes returned once more to the shards as He pushed away the orb of light, allowing it to expand as it travelled away from Galbar, slowly but noticeably.

His gargantuan form lurched forwards, pulling the shards toward Himself with the invisible force that was His exceptional will, allowing them to be humbled at His before giving them but a single pained utterance.

’My subjects, I am your creator, you Lord. Know that my will shall be done and there shall only be my will. You shall be my instruments, my hands, of creation for this world - for Galbar. The work that remains for us is indefinite, yet such is the nature of my realm.’

His words resonated with a power felt by the shards, causing them to glow with a power to rival the stars that lined the indefinite void. None, though, matched the light that shone from the wound that travelled into the Monarch of All, but His hands spread themselves wide, not hiding the injury from any to see. The shards were not yet complete; as His power had yet to be truly infused into them and simple words would not transform them into proper subjects for a divine rule such as He. The inordinate ruler looked past the very aspects that were once a part of Him, now giving a defiant gaze to Galbar that prevented him from leaving. Further words that urged the shards onwards rang out, the Monarch raising His voice at the planet and making His intent clear.

’This will not be our prison, not a stockade so that reality itself may keep us from the rest of the infinite beauty the void holds! This is my realm! This is our canvas to paint! Know this, o subjects mine, know that this light shall be our light! We are naught but creators! Artists! We shall take Galbar and make it mine! Raise now, o great primordials of my flesh and blood! Rise of give meaning to this blankness! Let my will be done!’

The glow of the shards surged with power, threatening to burst as they hummed with divine might that could only be wrought by the Monarch of All, the primordial god of gods that beckoned his subjects to rise. His many hands raised themselves above His head, deliverance reaching a fever pitch as the humming of the crystals grew louder and louder, becoming the choir of Galbar, the great song that would become the first the great venture of a new pantheon in the cosmos. Knowing that He could not stop now, the opulent one clasped His hands together once more, sending a shockwave across the stars.

’Rise! Heed this call of mine! Become the gods of Galbar!’

And in that moment came the roar of shattering shards that ushered in the age of the divine. It was that moment, when He felt his very essence split further sending a pained scream throughout all corners of reality as the gods birthed themselves. Yet, in His scream of triumph, as the newly born gods siphoned the great primordial energy from Him, He clutched the great wound from which the energy spilled before willing it to temporarily close.

He had cut the connection, and now the gods were free.

Free to begin their rule over Galbar.

Might as well pop it here while I'm logged on. See you guys in November.

Welp. You convinced me! But I have a question.

Is Mamang a whale?
@Lord Zee for Chailiss

@Oraculum for Iqelis

@WrongEndoftheRainbow for Epsilon

@Bright_Ops for Aethel

@Kho for The Dancing Queen Rosalind

@ActRaiserTheReturned for Deimos

@Squad 404 for Ruina

@Commodore for Yoliyachicoztl

@Leotamer for Palus


Great, iridescent shards floated above the barren canvas below, only the great darkness of the void above contrasting them. The crystalline ones were only accompanied by Him, the almighty creator of those very shards that gathered around Him.

He lurched forwards, hands weaving a fine cloak of ever changing colors and textures around His form. Two glowing eyes looked to shards before a great booming voice overtook the cosmos itself as he scanned the world, conveying no emotion on a featureless face. The great being allowed Himself to bask in the infinite silence that was the world for the moment, taking in His accomplishment before He turned a hand to touch the great wound on His chest. He grasped into the wound and from it pulled another shard, another being of His essence. He held the shard above Him, allowing it to shine before speaking.

”You shall be my artists, my architects. You will do whatever it takes to make this world beautiful, for that is all it means to be from my own form. With you, there will be creation beyond even my own imagination, beyond the limits of what can and will be. You shall be my attendants.

You will be gods of this new realm of mine.”


Praise unto the following, their contributions to Divinus have been much inspiration to me.

@Kho, @Cyclone, @Rtron, @Muttonhawk, @BBeast, and [@AntarcticTermite] for being amongst the GMs for all the Divinus games that I have been a part of, Mk. 2, 3, and GODSPEED. I legitimately thank all of you for being with Divinus.

@Lord Zee, @Enzayne, and @Not Fishing for being the GMs of MK. IV, I may not have been a part of it, but I did watch it with great interest.

@Commodore, @Zurajai, and @AdorableSaucer for being the GMs of Divinus MK. V!


Divinus is a story of gods, their creations, and the world to be made by their collaboration.

The realm is ruled over by the almighty Monarch of All, to which all the gods owe their creation to, and He has deemed them to be the architects of the blank canvas of the world that He has made. He is their lord and, ultimately, the supreme being of the cosmos. He expects the gods to follow what He has said for them to do; to fail in such an endeavor is to incur His wrath. Though he is much more powerful than any one god, his rule may not be infinite as the Monarch could perhaps be overthrown one day through the combined efforts of multiple, powerful gods. After all, the gods will grow with time and they shall accrue their own power to shape the cosmos to their whim!

Though these gods may start small, in time they will raise mountains, gouge rivers, sow jungles and freeze oceans, and having done so they can create every manner of flora, fauna, spirit and mortal folk to populate them. Their colliding visions for the world may drive them to invent mighty weapons and field vast armies, conjure horrific monsters, and sanction glorious heroes to defend their dreams from the passion of the other gods.

The game of gods has many rules, but do not be daunted! This RP is about weaving interesting tales, not about such crass motives as winning or losing. All rules are here for your benefit to make sure everyone plays fairly, in a collaborative manner and to work for the betterment of the story. We've put a lot of effort into the system, so I hope it brings as much pleasure to you as it has to us.

The Rules

  • The Golden Rule--Do not godmod/metagame/powerplay. It’s ironic because this is an RP with actual gods as characters; however, there are definitely limits as to the power level of our gods. We’re trying to make a collaborative story rather than host a game meant to be ‘won,’ so please keep that in mind as you write.
  • The Rule of Fair Warning--Before significantly influencing someone else’s creations, especially if it is going to be in a destructive way, give them some fair warning OOC so that potential objections can be made ahead of time and plans can be shifted. Ideally conflicts between two gods that lead to destruction or harm of one god or its possessions will be written with the consent of both players, but if you think that somebody is being unreasonable us GMs can intervene.
  • The Good Summaritan Rule--Somewhere in every post, please attach a hider box containing a short summary of the post’s actions, including how Vigor has been expended in the post if applicable. As Divinus RPs have traditionally had some massive posts, this helps greatly when trying to keep track of all that’s been going on and when trying to make sure you didn’t miss any important plot point within some massive post. That being said, please do still try to read all IC posts and not just the summaries.
  • The Bookkeeping Rule--We will be using the character tab to store character and creation sheets. For all creations of significance, please make a hider for them in your character sheet post and slot in some information about them, this way we can keep track of what everyone has done to contribute to this ever changing world.
  • Leave of Absence--Please give us forewarning on the OOC if circumstances dictate that you will become inactive in the RP for a time. I’m sure we’ve all seen the phenomena of people simply vanishing; it’s frustrating and leaves work where the others have to pick up the narrative pieces. Failure to follow this rule can potentially lead to your god being deposed IC.


Character sheet


The aspect of your god and what that encompasses.

The personality of a god.

True Form
A description of one’s god.

Musical theme
Some spice to shake things up.

Is this the return of the CyKhollabs?

Well, with this kind of turn out, I shall begin work on the OOC post haste!
Glad to see you guys are interested!
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