Avatar of LC


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Finally got everything updated, wheeee.
2 mos ago
Six years and change, but guess who's back, back again. Looking at my post history and remembering what a cringey twenty year old I was.
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6 yrs ago
Dog sitting for my mother while she's in the hospital. Ill reply to RP's tomorrow or the day after. (She's fine.)
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6 yrs ago
Happy fuckin' new year, folks
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6 yrs ago
Either the guild's broke or everybody went on vacation at once...


Name's L.C. I write, work, sleep, write some more, work some more, sleep some more... You get the point! Finally here to stay, and itching for partners, let's go.

Most Recent Posts

1: I hold a great appreciation for your avatar and title combo. Kudos to you, sir! *Staples a gold star to Paci's face*

2: YOU'RE GODS DAMNED RIGHT I HAVE SPECIFIC IDEAS. But, it's always best to work out the details with the partner to be, so PM me!
Hey guys! Been gone. Back now. I started going to college! It's some shit. But... I've got free time for RP again! Until next semester, my free time is basically evenings all week, and all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!
Also, a heads up to all new applicants! I have- And I'll keep this number updated- THREE open slots. I've decided to start asking for a writing sample, as well, because I've been getting a lot of one-liner types who ignore the high-casual-advanced tags.

Current Cravings:
Fantasy Pairing-
The Alucard to your Integra. OC pairings, of course, but I wanna be the crazy fuckin' vampire to your badass lady hunter! Enemies, allies- Something of the sort, let's do it!

Slice of Life-
Furry hell. I'm in a mood, yo. Just good ol' slice of life with anthro characters. Whoooooole lot of ways to do this, yaknow?

Really feelin' something Bleach, if I'm being perfectly honest. Maybe with anthro characters? Like I said, I'm kind of in a mood.


A little about me! The name's William- Will, Liam, Bill, or Silversun will all do just as well! I'm a hyperactive borderline schizophrenic. The two are not related, but the latter basically means I hear voices. I know the difference between reality and what's in my head, but I still suffer from auditory hallucinations and more or less have a METRIC FUCKTON of people living in my head. If you're curious, ask- I like to talk, and so do they.

My new class schedule, putting that aside! I go from noon to four Monday through Thursday! Everything else is pretty much open. That's EST, btw.

I'm twenty, for those who wonder, and I tend to be pretty friendly- So expect OOC chatter pretty often! I appreciate it from partners, as well. Get to know me, let me get to know you, and we'll probably have an easier time building RPs we both enjoy!

I am a HIGH-CASUAL TO ADVANCED roleplayer. I'm comfortable writing anything from one paragraph to a fuckin' novel of a post. Despite how I 'talk' OOCly, I'm -quite- literate and prefer the same from my partners. This isn't to say I expect a wall every post, that's what the casual is there for. If it's two characters talking, we don't -need- more than a paragraph to get the point across. Get my drift?
If you do, we'll get along fine. <3


OKAY! So I've done this a few ways in the past- I've done pairings, plots, and what have you else, but this time I'm straight up just gonna list the genres I want, and those who are interested can come build some ideas with me! These aren't necessarily the base-genre sets, mind you...

- PIRATES. That's right, this is a genre. I FUCKING LOVE 'EM. Bring it on.

- SPACE PIRATES. Same shit, but in space.

- FANTASY. High fantasy, mid-fantasy, anything medieval with fantastical aspects!

- STEAM PUNK. You know the drill- and if you don't, you probably aren't interested in it anyway!

- ANIME. This includes some fandoms below, as well as general slice of life stuff in an anime-style universe!

- FURRY. YEAH YOU HEARD ME. Slice of life RP, furry characters. I aint gonna go to furcon but I won't pretend I don't RP it!

- MODERN FANTASY. Ever read the Dresden Files? Think along those lines.

- STRAIGHT MEDIEVAL. No fantasy here, just straight up maces and pain.

- I'M RUNNING OUT OF CLEVER WORDS. Seriously I am- Let's just trade ideas, yeah?


FANDOM TIME. Yeah I've got 'em. For these, it's strictly OCxOC in alt-universes, but we'll use the world and lore, ya know?

- FAIRY TAIL. <---- THIS. This is my favorite. All time favorite. Favo-max. You do this, I love you.

- NARUTO. <---- Pretty much the same as above if I'm being honest.

- BLEACH. Yeah, I've got the big three right in a row, bite me. I don't love Bleach -as- much, but it's still pretty great!

- HIGHSCHOOL DXD. IF YOU DO THIS. I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. It's a bit tricky to do with two people, requires multi-characters, but it's a -great- show, despite all the boobs... Or maybe because of them. *Sunglasses*

- SUPERNATURAL. Kind of breaks from my usual theme so far, but I love love -love- this show, and would die for an RP in it's universe.

- ERAGON. Favorite books next to GoT and the great works of Tolkein and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. *Salutes those great works*

- RANGERS APPRENTICE. I know I've said this a lot already, but I will love you for this one. SO fucking much.

- HARRY POTTER. I'm... Honestly a little burnt out on this one- But I always list it and always will because you never know when a good one will come around in this universe.

Adult stuff

I'm not going into specifics in here! But, put bluntly, you can expect adult themes with me. Violence, emotional turmoil, sex, generally dark themes, all that good, grown up shit. If you aren't comfortable with it, I'll be honest- We probably won't match up too well. Save for a few settings above, most of these -need- the darker side of things to feel realistic... Or at least, as realistic as they can be.

For those of you who saw this tab and immediately just thought of sex... Well, won't lie, I wouldn't mind one or two RPs that are kinda just smutty. Monstergirls can be fun. I already admitted I'm kind of a not-so-closet furry. Highschool DxD kind of screams this in itself. So bring it on, yeah. Just don't be weird about it.
Hey all- Just doin' the introductory post thing. I'm Will- Liam, Bill, Silver, whatever you come up with. I've been called the space master because I'm prone to completely spacing out and falling into my own little world for a while- It's happened mid sentence before, I've been told it's pretty funny.

Anywhowhatsit, I RP at mid-casual to advanced level, and have been on RPGuild before- I'm returning after a long hiatus brought about by work. I stick, mainly, to 1x1 RPs or small groups, but occasionally I'll branch out... And at this point I'm rambling. So yeah. HI. And such.

I'm gonna go make some waffles.
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