Avatar of LC


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Finally got everything updated, wheeee.
2 mos ago
Six years and change, but guess who's back, back again. Looking at my post history and remembering what a cringey twenty year old I was.
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6 yrs ago
Dog sitting for my mother while she's in the hospital. Ill reply to RP's tomorrow or the day after. (She's fine.)
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6 yrs ago
Happy fuckin' new year, folks
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6 yrs ago
Either the guild's broke or everybody went on vacation at once...


Name's L.C. I write, work, sleep, write some more, work some more, sleep some more... You get the point! Finally here to stay, and itching for partners, let's go.

Most Recent Posts

I'm for sure interested in this, I'll whip a CS your way when I get home from work tonight. Maybe sooner if things stay dead around here.
Hey folks! Giving this a little bump. Look at the very top of the page! There's an important note and my current cravings. Only taking on one or two partners right now- And to those who started an RP with me in the past from this thread, I apologize profusely for vanishing- There was a loss in the family, and I've been down and very busy.
*Patpat* It happens. XD
Lovely. XD Don't suppose anybody's around to accept or deny my character sheet? :3
*pokes head in* anybody alive? XD
*Orbital drops in with explosions and such*


*Waves* Heya Ambrose. Fear I'm all full up for now. ^^ *Points at his last post*

BUT! If ever I open up again, I'll be sure to let you know!

I got totally swamped with replies like three hours after posting this. e.e You all are TOO NICE DAMNIT.

But for now, I do fear I must close off acceptance- I already shot over my partner limit, and fear if I take on anybody else I'm never going to have time to reply. ^^; Apologies to all other potentials! I'll let you all know the next time I need partners again. <3
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