Kiffar, The Unbound
Weynon Priory
Kiffar had remained, for the mostpart, quite silent after his arrival- Patiently waiting, head bowed, for the blessing he was to receive. He was not a particularly religious sort, but it seemed the way these things were done, and holy people deserved at the least an attempt at civility and respect from him. It also served to let him listen, ears flicking this way and that as each voice aired ideas, or criticized the ideas of another. All of it sounded like a great deal of cactus husk to him- But then, the ideas of thinkers often did. Once the blessing was given in full, he rose to his full height once again, an appreciative nod offered to the Confessor before he turned to the others.
The vast feline prowled through the group, one claw extended to none-too-gently prod Alexios' armored chest on his way past. He flopped with all the grace of a tired cat onto one of the pews, wood groaning under his weight, though it held. For now.
"That one... Thinks ill of us. Kiffar thinks that one is wise. We chitter like kittens for fancy ideas. The task we are given is simple, no? We escort the talkers and the thinkers, we kill the plotters and the schemers. Kiffar has found in life that if a problem cannot be solved by fighting or by fucking, then it is not a problem for Kiffar to solve. We meet the talkers and the thinkers in this Bruma. We walk with them. We kill things that try to kill them. We get much coin to line our pockets, and food to line our bellies. Simple, yes? Leave the scheming and the plotting for the people we will kill. Schemers and plotters always fail to remember that they can be killed."
He stretched out upon the pew he had claimed, yawning massively- A brief, terrifying impression of just how wide those jaws could spread- before he melted into his place of rest in the way of cats big and small, draped over hard edges as if they were the most comfortable of cushions. Eyes like ice never closed, however, flitting from person to person among their mismatched group.
"But perhaps Kiffar is too simple for saying so. This one leaves the thinking to thinkers- He wishes only that the thinkers would not argue so much, when we have been given many hours for the napping. He also thinks it is impolite, not to introduce one's self, after another gives their name. The Meen-La has given hers. Kiffar has given his. Who are these other thinkers?"