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Current Finally got everything updated, wheeee.
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Six years and change, but guess who's back, back again. Looking at my post history and remembering what a cringey twenty year old I was.
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Dog sitting for my mother while she's in the hospital. Ill reply to RP's tomorrow or the day after. (She's fine.)
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Happy fuckin' new year, folks
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Either the guild's broke or everybody went on vacation at once...


Name's L.C. I write, work, sleep, write some more, work some more, sleep some more... You get the point! Finally here to stay, and itching for partners, let's go.

Most Recent Posts

Kiffar, The Unbound

Weynon Priory

Kiffar had remained, for the mostpart, quite silent after his arrival- Patiently waiting, head bowed, for the blessing he was to receive. He was not a particularly religious sort, but it seemed the way these things were done, and holy people deserved at the least an attempt at civility and respect from him. It also served to let him listen, ears flicking this way and that as each voice aired ideas, or criticized the ideas of another. All of it sounded like a great deal of cactus husk to him- But then, the ideas of thinkers often did. Once the blessing was given in full, he rose to his full height once again, an appreciative nod offered to the Confessor before he turned to the others.
The vast feline prowled through the group, one claw extended to none-too-gently prod Alexios' armored chest on his way past. He flopped with all the grace of a tired cat onto one of the pews, wood groaning under his weight, though it held. For now.

"That one... Thinks ill of us. Kiffar thinks that one is wise. We chitter like kittens for fancy ideas. The task we are given is simple, no? We escort the talkers and the thinkers, we kill the plotters and the schemers. Kiffar has found in life that if a problem cannot be solved by fighting or by fucking, then it is not a problem for Kiffar to solve. We meet the talkers and the thinkers in this Bruma. We walk with them. We kill things that try to kill them. We get much coin to line our pockets, and food to line our bellies. Simple, yes? Leave the scheming and the plotting for the people we will kill. Schemers and plotters always fail to remember that they can be killed."

He stretched out upon the pew he had claimed, yawning massively- A brief, terrifying impression of just how wide those jaws could spread- before he melted into his place of rest in the way of cats big and small, draped over hard edges as if they were the most comfortable of cushions. Eyes like ice never closed, however, flitting from person to person among their mismatched group.

"But perhaps Kiffar is too simple for saying so. This one leaves the thinking to thinkers- He wishes only that the thinkers would not argue so much, when we have been given many hours for the napping. He also thinks it is impolite, not to introduce one's self, after another gives their name. The Meen-La has given hers. Kiffar has given his. Who are these other thinkers?"
Kiffar, the Unbound

Weynon Priory

Herding Kiffar to the Priory had been a... Task, for the poor guardsmen that were sent to fetch him for this charge. He had been working, at the time, playing merchant guard to a caravan making it's way out of Skyrim, though the mere presence of the vast Khajiit had been enough to ward off common banditry and the occasional stray wolf pack. Which, unfortunately for all involved, meant that he was terribly bored when they arrived- and that a patrol of Imperial Guards was the most interesting thing to come off the side of the road in days. He has immediately decided that, clearly, they were here to pilfer the goods from this merchant.

That unfortunate misunderstanding made for an interesting entrance, when they finally arrived, just in time to hear the beginning of the Confessor's speech. Two guardsman shouldered through the doors, their faces badly bruised, one with their arm in a sling- another six coming in behind them, dragging Kiffar in their wake. He was walking along willingly enough by then, though he was forced to duck low to squeeze through the door, grinning broadly all the while. The massive Khajiit was shackled and chained, though there hardly looked to be a scratch on him, his voice a deep, throaty thing that seemed always but a hair from developing into a roar.

"Kiffar has told you, this crime was only a misunderstanding. Kiffar believed you to be tricksy bandits, yes? You may unbind him. This one promises he will not throw any more horses... Maybe not any more people, either, if the Imperials share the jerky Kiffar can smell, hm?"

The mere mention of horses was enough to make the poor man in a sling grimace, while another approached Kiffar as one might a wild animal, taking cautious steps and leaning away the whole while. Kiffar simply smiled- a terrible, toothy smile- and held his wrists out to be unchained. The moment he was free, manacles clattering to the ground, he took a firm step towards the two who has been bruised up in the attempt to bring him along, earning a startled yelp from one, and a growling laugh from Kiffar.

One of the more senior guardsmen rolled their eyes, leaning around Kiffar's bulk to offer an apologetic nod towards the Confessor.

"He calmed down once we explained what we were about- but whatever they want with this.... Citizen, they'd better be prepared to keep him on a short leash."

Out they went, then, leaving Kiffar to stand, towering, in the middle of the room- rubbing the ache from his wrists idly, while gnawing on a strip of jerky hanging from the side of his mouth, either stolen or gifted while the focus was on his escort. He listened politely enough to the Confessor's introduction, then, the explanation of why he had been brought here and what they were to do. When the offer of blessing came, he stepped forward with a low rumbling, easing to a knee before the Confessor. Even then, he was at easy eye level.

"Kiffar will take the green woman's blessing. The Empire is good work, for stray kitties, hm?"

For your consideration, Bee.

Darius Stone

[center][b]Sagamiyama - Ouga's Shop
Saturday - Midday
Interactions: Mitsuaki @Morgannis - Mikazuki @Letter Bee - Ouga @Sho Minazuki - Et All

Darius was, when he first arrived, a touch distracted- While the others greeted each other and set about their match, he slowed from his jog to catch his breath in a secluded corner. A grimace pulled at his features, body half hunched over with an arm pressed to his middle. The healing he had received, when he first accepted Ouga's offer, had been substantial, had certainly saved his life- but it had not been perfect, and he was reminded of that now. Not so long ago, a short run like the one he took with Mikazuki wouldn't have even phased him, and he might have made it thrice as fast. Now, he was left panting softly, a sharp pain radiating out from the still-scabbed wounds across his abdomen.

This time, at least, they hadn't broken open. It was progress, given how often he had torn his sutures over the past few weeks. It was a few minutes later on that the pain receded, letting him straighten up with a soft groan, collecting himself and smoothing his expression before he stepped back into the open. It wouldn't do, after all, to let these kids see him in pain. They had enough to worry about.

He managed to compose himself enough to catch the latter half of the sparring match, nodding greetings to the others and flashing grins, hoping they might believe he had simply snuck off to the restroom briefly. As Mitsuaki and Mikazuki sparred, he joined the others in cheers and encouragement, grinning broadly all the while. They moved well, and their techniques got sharper every time he saw them, since they had all begun their training with the Shinigami. When Mikazuki was finally knocked flat, he winced sympathetically, though he still whooped and clapped for Mitsuaki's success- and once Ouga had his say, stepped in to give his own congratulations, brushing some dust from Mikazuki's back with a few pats, and offering an approving squeeze to Mitsuaki's shoulder.

"You boys are moving well, better every time. Ouga has the right of it though, there's always room for another step forward. Still, soon enou--"

Whatever else he had intended to say was cut off by the arrival of Shouko. The woman's demeanor never failed to put his back up, a faint grimace tugging at his lips as he straightened, caught just the same as Ouga, effectively talking to ghosts in the street. Somehow, it felt worse when she was right. Still, he turned to follow the others back inside to hear whatever it was that Shouko had to tell them, muttering softly under his breath on the way.

"I've had bleeding Master Sergeants with less ice in their veins..."
Believe we were heading for the mechanic, to group up with the rest!
No worries! Post by post it is xD
Sounds like a plan
Darius Stone

Saturday - Midday
Interactions: Mikazuki- @Letter Bee

In truth, to call Darius' early attempts at learning music was incredibly generous. While it was not quite so terrible as to say he was torturing that poor old guitar, it was certainly the flat, fumbling attempts of somebody entirely new to playing. Which was, of course, better than the outright caterwauling of his first week's attempts. Still, it was no doubt a great relief to the neighbors, and neighborhood cats, when Mikazuki's approach led Darius to set the instrument aside. Gravel crunched under the bicycle's wheels, still fresh laid and loose, and Mister Stone raised a hand in greeting, that always warm smile quick to draw over his features.

The gravel in the drive was not the only fresh addition around the home- before and after the incident, Darius and his Fiance had been hard at work bringing new life to the old home. Fresh paint, new shingles, new plants in the gardens. Bit by bit, the fixer upper was being restored. It was a wonder the soldier still found the time for teaching his classes and training, when the soon-to-be Mrs. wasn't home.

Darius waited for Mikazuki to climb off of his bike before speaking up, removing his laptop from the other rocking chair to make room for the youth on his porch, a clear enough invitation to join him on its own. His Japanese, while understandable, was still heavily accented- though his tone was always warm.

"Nakajima! What brings you over today- are the others all busy, or did you just feel like keeping an old man company?"

There was something almost comical about Darius referring to himself as old. He was the oldest of their little group, true, and technically retired, yet he was still shy of thirty himself... Even if his knees and back did insist on creaking and cracking at every opportunity. He beckoned again for Mikazuki to take a seat, in case moving his laptop hadn't been clear enough, and despite his apparent surprise, seemed quite pleased to have company.

"Did you want something to drink? Aiko left some tea on ice this morning, there should be plenty left."
Wooph. Four days late, and I blame the holiday week. But there we are- placed Darius down, and opened the door for anybody to interact with him if they'd like to! Poor man's bored senseless. Too young for retirement.
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