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Current Discord crashed lads. Can't get back in.
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7 yrs ago
I've opened art commissions up, anyone who wants relatively cheap art PM me here or on Discord: LeeRoy#8459
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9 yrs ago
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"If you kill a man, you scorn his wife. If you kill his wife, you scorn her child. If you kill her child, you scorn his village. If you kill his village, you scorn the kingdom. If you kill the kingdom you scorn an empire. If you kill an empire, then who is left?"

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Alright, I've got a mostly written character sheet. I've just got to put the finishing touches on it, and then I'll post it once I get off work.
Guten tag, also @Everett

Sukoh's height is a gag, he's regularly some odd height greater than his previous height. At that time he was 38 feet tall.

Also the weirdest place I fought was a planet of Spider Webs and Stone.

@Devil Still open or did I miss the window?
@Xavier Bloodbayne
The dude who posted the grossly misspelled the opening post.
Your spelling could use a lot of work, dude.
Yoink. Taking 666.

Lost Haven:Apartment 212

”Been here one day, feels like it’s been months.” Arthur ran his fingers through his hair and scratched the back of his head, fluffing his hair out a bit before lowering his hand to the desktop in front of him. Stress had really warped his perception of time, though he hadn’t forgotten to prepare himself. He’d printed out a map of Maine including Lost Haven and marked down every police office in the vicinity. Not only that, he’d written down and marked a list of locations where crime was disproportionately high.

That’d be worthy of looking into, though the last time he’d done that proper he’d been put into a particularly. . .Menacing situation, and therefore was leaving that for potential bounties as well as potential underground connections in case of emergencies. He’d heard of a few fellas in Maine that had a reputation even down in Manhattan, so the connection wouldn’t be to hard for him to impress upon them. Maybe drop a name or two and see if it connects a few wires and jumpstarts a memory or two.

Whoever he could get his hands on would be a blessing, with only the barest police connections and a license to be a Private Investigator. Any potential connections he could build would prove tantamount to his future success, even him saving that radiation guy’s life hadn’t even made local news. What with the coverage of the mass scale mutations that were intentionally triggered, and the chaos that ensued. He was just one of many people dealing with the problem, and was drowned out by the bigger names.

This was obviously disheartening, and he had many new scars along his arm as his only proof that he’d done anything.

After a few minutes of looking through the map and gathering his important belongings; ID, license, phone, keys, wallet of course, and his most important piece of equipment. His police issue sidearm, the last vestige of his old life. The gun was a deadly efficient piece of equipment, and had saved his life more than a few times. He slid it into the strapped holster and turned towards his coat.

He took his trench coat from the chair and pulled his chest holster across his chest. He wrapped the coat around his body and buttoned up to his neck, topping his head in a wide brimmed flat cap he went to the door with map in hand.

It was a few hours before he reached Lost Haven PD, where the first hurdle of what would be a remarkable quest would be leaped.

LHPD: Central Precinct

At the door of the precinct he removed his coat once more and withdrew his gun from his holster, surrendering them at the front desk. The woman behind the counter was surprised at him drawing his firearm and prepared to sound for assistance when she was silenced by the surrender. “Oh, uh. Y-yes?” She cleared her throat before speaking again. “How may I help you today, sir?”

Arthur placed one elbow on the counter and leaned forward, moving his supernaturally bright eyes towards hers. “My name is Arthur Nolan, I’m a privately operating detective from Manhattan and my license to operate is here.” He slid forth the small rectangle of paper, layered in plastic. It listed all of his pre-requisite information, and he followed with his identification papers as well as State ID and social security card. All of the information that would be required for proof of identification, but the inevitable grinding halt came.

She looked at the ID, then to him, most closely upon the date of birth and age. “Sir, this card says that you’re fifty four years old, as of last month.” The confusion was incredibly evident upon her face, every piece of paperwork looked legitimate but was telling that he was nearly twice her senior.

Nodding slowly he circled his face and tapped on the ID’s expiration date. “Remember that green dome incident a few months back? Well, I had to get a new ID. My age regressed quite a few years, so I’m quite young now. Miss.” She had this queer look on her face, her lips pursed and she looked from the ID to Arthur and back again. For a moment this continued and eventually she stood from her seat and turned towards the near door.

“I’ll go run the numbers and see what I can get, I’ll see if I can get ahold of the DMV. You said you were from Manhattan?” Arthur nodded and sat down in a chair in the lobby, folding one leg over the other and leaning back in his seat. It was almost an hour before she had returned with his paperwork in hand and a tag on a lanyard. “Make sure to wear this on your neck when you’re here, sir.”

Taking the papers and wrapping the strap around his neck he smiled and spoke. “I appreciate it, thank you very much ma’am.” He moved towards the door and let himself in, before doing so, he turned and spoke. “Which way to the on-file cold cases? As well as missing persons, uh. . . As well as non-immediately pressing issues?”

She was somewhat confused by his informal reference to the cases but didn’t think too terribly much of it. “Well we keep the cold case files on disk to keep space free on our system, that’s all the way in the back on the far right.” She gestured directionally, instinctively of course, as she could not actually see all the way down the hallway. “And our computer system has accessible terminals in the back room two doors over from there, you might find some untouched cases that nobody’s on right now.”

“I appreciate it ma’am.” He said with a grin and moved down the hallway. Today was going to be a long day.
Make sure to move your character into the deposit, my man. Helps keep them organized.
Though the sample post is short, I see no overt problems with the character sheet. Though the DICSS and AIDS jokes are a bit low brow, I'll give them a pass because they made me chuckle.

He's a transformer, and a gundam. Both of which are pretty metal on their own, together it's pretty fucking metal.

Your character sheet is accepted.
Alright, thanks for the update.

I'll have the first post up with the current state of the world laid out.
Accepted, also, Brutal.
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