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It was a common misconception common men fell for. She had seen the mightiest of man fall to their own prideful lust. Chi, it was a simple concept to understand. Much simpler than even the weaponry their opponents carried. They would all miss their mark. They would be fools to believe Akane needed her sister for anything. It was the opposite in truth. She was a force. Her rage was nothing to toy with, and it was her rage that manifested upon the tipping scales of this war. He was no star, neither was she. Waves in the streams of all that was. This was the truth of life. She understood that through her teaching. Everything was a tool to be used. How could one spread itself so then, and still believe they held the upper hand. To think. It was all making sense as she watched.

There was no need for life to whisper to her. It was only complementing her own sensory prowess. They were loud, so loud that even their silent movements rippled like that of pebbles spilling across water. All of them. Her immediate region fell even further in degrees as she pushed off frozen platforms dancing around artillery shots. She needed no barrier. A berserker within a body one would call beautiful, and a dance that matched it. She truly hated it. Her traction was the ebb and flow that was the breath of life, and the stare of death. Senko was only a beacon, as Akane was to her allies. Independent sources that constantly filled each others’ illumination with interlocking synergy to create an even brighter pool. Support. She would continue to play that role.

To think he truly thought he alone could overcome the leylines. Foolish ambitions. There was no lightning bull, mind games that when visualized solidified its cursed fruition. He attempted to flood her out, when it wasn’t her he needed to deal with. It wasn’t her energy, but the chi itself that now penetrated his psyche. Again, manipulating the very energy he attempted to poison against him. In the powers at play, his sole purpose was nothing but a rock thrown into the ocean. Easily cleansed by the salt water it drowned itself in. He was the one spreading himself then. His energy was all over the place. Sloppy, and vile in lackluster ways. Senko ripped that floor from underneath him, whilst Akane replaced it with dire consequences. His scourge weakened greatly by the intrusion of chi flooding his cerebral. Would he explode his on mind? She guessed it didn’t matter at the end of the day.

The frost was a byproduct of her building reserves. As the heat was for Senko. Lightning had cloaked her form. Sharper than the bullets marching upon her was the motion of her dance. To act as, was too late. That manifestation of her jab had long since rang off in such fluid movement of her building rage. Her “clones” weren’t physical aspirations. As aforementioned they were only makeshift images created by refracted ice in the air. Traces of her movement. The psychopath was wrong if he figured her to be spread thin. The hex of dark chi was only a form of manipulation of the very chi he attached his own energy to. To pour his energy into the life of the forest, and the constantly growing area of effect he produced was the definition of spreading himself thin. His assault on her would fall short, never reaching first base with zero ground to stand on.

Her sister had completed her assault, and they gave little resistance. A masterful attack that bombarded them with more than just wind blades. Based on the timeline of events she was destined to leave the one playing mind games chopped up like sardines. Limbs tumbling across the dirt as he rolled. Akane’s breathing was ever so constant as she skated through her weave of the attraction they obviously had for her. They mimicked, but only fell for her crowd control. Black electricity shrouded the chi field that hugged her like a full body suit. She wondered if Senko’s son could handle the individual who had seemed to strike at nothing. Either way, she would make her way.

A beacon for their attention.

Their ally looked to be waiting for his opportunity to strike. The mage was known to be able to ring off destruction with no hesitation. With their attention lost when it came to him, he was primed for an assassination at its finest. She would have to ask for a battle one day. So noisy was the sniper’s weaponry. She wondered if he’d have the skill to evade their assault since there was no initial reaction from him. Doubtful. She had a feeling that perhaps in another life they’d be able exchange shots of whiskey, and war stories. Now? He kissed death. As for the man that seemed happy to have achieved nothing at all… He reminded her of a child she once knew. Overzealous and painfully prideful. They always fell short. Akane guessed he was wishing for something to fall out of the sky to save him from her sister’s wrath. Too bad it didn’t happen. Akane moved from her position even further. Constant motion that synchronized with her cloak. Allowing her to move even more swiftly in the dropped temperature. She was buffed by her first no doubt. Senko’s speed aided in her own triumph. As Akane’s rage did the same for their strength. Circles, she was running circles around them. A viper waiting for her opening to strike as she danced through the jungle, and towards her nephew. Electricity crackled throughout her chi’s chilled radiance. Her brothers, her kin held her hand throughout it all.

By the way of her people the mind was held brittle to their hand. Oh so wholly did they dance a mighty tone of triumph. His sole intention held no ground to their mighty chant. She danced again, danced continuously as distant artilleries would lay waste to freezing waves. Nothing but so foolish errors to believe what the eyes saw. She had hid herself with the jungle’s natural breathing of chi the moment they found themselves hiding amongst eyes. Her sister, the foundation of Gaia held no slippery slope. As Akane held her metaphysical hand, did she add her rage. She had seen her fair share of psychic individuals. One that nearly left her lifeless. An Etharian that spilled blood as if it was nothing but spilled milk. A true psychopath. As for what store before her now? Fodder.

His intention held no ground indeed. In fact, by the way of her chi did she kiss him with a hex. Her dance was not only for show. To drown one’s self in a foreign language was fool’s play. Even for the Ryuusei hands they knew not to drink too hastily from the well. Taxing. The Devil Fist. Her moniker held weight that gave light to her twisted style. No fair play. The very poisoning he attempted would be wholly turned against him. The moment he peered his mind into what he knew not did chaos reign supreme. Dark chi would be his greeting at the doorstep to their well. Shadows of the whole that lurked within the stream for those who were foolish enough to deem themselves godly. It hissed at his intrusion and told nightmares to his mental after eradicating his influence completely via nether gateways. A cleansing in the darkest ways.

Black lightning shook the horizon as what looked like a charging bull galvanized fabricated molecules. It stood at a size that tripled that of the largest bulls known to man. At speeds that mimicked its consumption. A sign of the cursed chi that attached itself to his signature in that moment he opened his door raging through his neurons. Its horns aimed at his heart as he rolled around the dirt. The skies would darken to his point of view. Creeping blackness. His war would now be on two fronts.

Her motions were swift. The dancing afterimage solidified by the way of her cold chi. Her sister’s blessing empowered her. Senko’s heat raged through the chant that shrouded their spirit. Reinforced by their lineage’s strength. There existed no one on one’s when dealing with their will. Akane would continue to play support. Her chi locked the leylines even further. Four against one. The oddest were against the psychopath. An “x” in her books. Her sister’s assault matched on as one of their foes attempted to maneuver. She knew better than to believe there wouldn’t be a follow up.

Onto the next.

Her speed was miraged by the multitude of dancing images, whilst her signature masked by the world chi that existed in everything around them. Including the likes of plants, rocks, and the animals that roamed about. The planet was alive, breathing, and supplying its protectors with its natural synergy. Like a flowing ocean she had made herself nothing but a wave. Any scope would be told a false dream. Her region dropped further in temperature. Freezing degrees that displayed frost on the evergreen. A sector that sectioned off the eastern side of the jungle into her frostbitten dominion. A sign of her building energy syncing with the buffs she was receiving. No longer upon the waves, she had moved prior to their engagement. Knowledge of their presence spoken through the world's language they protected.

Refraction would be the source of mockery. Bent light bouncing off the frosted air as she seemed to be in multiple places at once. All within the eastern division. Only twenty meters from where Donny thought he hid, to his left came a chi fist of true sable lighting. A single strike carried by the controlled rage she was currently building. Timed to strike once reactions to her partner's arcane constructs were made. A hawking strike that would fill his escape route as she marched closer. Snipers always needed to be dealt with head on. Her clearance would be swift from this point on as she bounced between tree branches. Her partner's presence held tight to her motions. He was savvy, that was for sure. She would make sure his intention was brought upon their enemies as he watched her six. The strike extended her reach and aimed for the sniper’s center mass. It would bring him more than just an electric shock.
She inhaled, and through her exhale did her frosted breath further crystallize the open air around her. Upon the center of a freezing pond Akane Ryuusei danced in meditation. A practice she learned in her journey to adulthood. A tribal dance of war that displayed many different martial arts stances. Eyes shut imprisoning golden irises not needed for their purpose. Her chi muddied her vicinity. By nature did its netheric touch bring disturbance to the natural order in a way that could easily be confused as natural effects. Beauty in the beast. Aether was its foundation through the might of her will. Her ancestors watched out in pride. Akane had come to a point in her journey throughout the cosmos where she truly understood her place. She was the sister to the greatest martial artist within their bloodline since their mother. By birthright was the title for the head of the family given, but that didn’t mean where she stood was any less important.

She listened to them all now.

The Devil Fist. A moniker that was passed down to her from her uncle. The nefarious style that brought fear to the hearts of her kin. Truly did she master its arts. A tranquil fury that brought devastating wraith to her hands. She danced to the beat her people drummed for them. It was rare to find them all in one place these days. Weightlessness was on full display as she slipped her bare sole across freezing waves. Fragile to the touch, a mere pebble could shatter its surface into being submerged.

Shinobi style pants hung tight to her ankles. A feather pendant ankle bracelet glistened in the light. A magical item that hid its true identity. Her torso was covered in pristine wrapped bandages that covered the entirety of her upper half to the neck. A mundane looking rope dart tied around her waist. Safe for the black crystal tip that reflected dying photons. She bore no chest plate. Only dark steel plated gauntlets. A pair of gauntlets fashioned in black metal brimming with an affinity for endurance. Blessed by the titan of strength, Kratos. They held the ability of hyper kinetic repulsion. Causing her strikes to be stacked in explosive layers of kinetic synergy. Running down to the tips of her fingers, and spiked at the knuckles. A simple design that sacrificed aesthetics for might.

Along with its offensive capabilities they held the ability to scatter kinetic impacts across medium vectors. Whilst filling its molecular structure with hyper vibrations that results in atomic “flooding” of the metal hardening it into a supernatural phenomena. An ability to drown out the force of anything from blades, to heavy rifle bullets with relative ease. The tips of her fingers were clawed, with a spike flowing out from the elbows making elbow strikes deadly. By their blessing did they passively enhance her already frightening strength.

Around her neck was that of her uncle’s tainted teardrop black diamond necklace. It was the physical and spiritual manifestation of what it meant to hold the title she now held. Pain. Sacrifice. Acknowledgment. The shadow to the sun’s light. The dark side of the moon. It was her key to the whispers that slid unheard within their chant. Venom that held high prices for those who tested their family product. Her right foot slid across the surface of the waves. Her right arm matched it in what resulted in a final stance before her body carried itself into a bow. Her crimson locks falling down her right shoulder in a perfectly woven single braid. A performance for her ancestors, and a warning to her foes.

She felt the presence of her kin, especially Senko. A beacon for her people. The horn had yet to be blown, and her mission partner was within her shadow. The damp jungle that surrounded the pond housed a plethora of abandoned sheds and outposts. Plus wet trees with mossy waters visually pretending to be grass. It was very much like her sister to say such childish things in a situation like this. It made her smile as her head bowed to her people. Akane would follow her into any battle, and it was crazy how much of an impact her elder sister had on her own personality. Returning her a reply through their connection.

“As long as Shin makes me a plate, this trip is bound to be worth it.”

Definitely not formatting my character sheet into this. Check the doc below.

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