Woodlands Business Office, 9PM

Collab between; LeftClick & KitsuneThe business office was, as one might expect, a magical, fantastical room. A cluttered mess of the various trinkets and items saved from the fables previous homelands. It was here that Cole spent most of his time, and it was true that he sometimes lost himself amongst the various texts and artifacts saved from the homelands, engrossed in their histories and meaning to each particular fable. Snow did most of the actual work nowadays anyway, though this is not to say he does not care about the fables under his care, the reality is very much the opposite. Snow always seemed to have a knack for getting things done, and whilst Cole has his heart in the right place, he is blinded with his kindness and it's likely the case that if it weren't for Snows occasional reality checks for Cole, he'd be spending his time going through every minor problem that existed in fabletown, and never even getting around to the most pressing issues.
Cole had been sitting at his desk, only just beginning to relax as the day came to an end. Looking up, and seeing it was Bigby, Cole couldn't help but let out a small sigh. It wasn't that Cole didn't like Bigby, it was more the case that Cole did not like the news that often accompanied the Sheriff, and it was no different this time. As soon as Cole heard the words; 'Another has been found' he knew precisely what Bigby was speaking about.
Cole listened intently as Bigby spoke, before rising from his chair, rubbing his temple as he began to pace around the room. He did that a lot, especially when he was thinking, it was simply an old habit from his days as King that he never quite shook.
"Goodness....Another? This is concerning indeed, Sheriff. Who was she, do you have a name? I do suppose the first thing to do would be to establish an identity, Then I can have Bufkin find some information about them, and in the meantime we can have the drugged fable taken to the doctor...I think he's still around the Woodlands somewhere. "Bigby nodded, stroking back his hair for a moment, knowing he was worrying Cole with all this and Snow would chew him out later over it but he needed to get things sorted now. "She is already on her way to be looked after by Dr Swineheart... I do have some information this time instead of just some nobod-, I mean, not alone like the last guy. Her name is Sarah, a fable from the hidden lands of japan, like that Momo girl."
Taking out his notepad for the lack of remembering the full facts he listed the few he had. "Apparently she worked as a 'working girl' at The Double D's. Nice name Max... So it seems we have a lead on just where to start." Looking around for a moment he noticed something was off "Snow not in today?" More than likely doing something important, given that she was normally here with Cole and Crane at night, mostly Cole given Crane was lazy at times...
Cole nodded solemnly,
"Well, I'm sure Dr Swineheart will do his best...Indeed, it is unusual for Snow not to be around. I believe she's having a small bit of downtime just now..She should be back soon, however. She never stays away for too long! Anyway, head to this fine establishment run by Max. Find out what you can about this poor girl, Sarah. Make it clear that full co-operation is expected from Max in this investigation!
Oh, and before you go...Try not to hurt anybody, Bigby! Self-restraint is of the utmost importance!"When given the go ahead Bigby straightened his tie and with a nod he got ready to move out of the office, aiming for Max's place. However he was stopped by Cole as he stated that he shouldn't hurt anyone "Why does everyone always say that?..." That being said he knew why, fear was a hard thing to forget and he did not blame them really. "I will keep in touch if I find out anything important, you do the same with me. I want to see if the Doc picks anything up this time from the girl" Stepping through the door Bigby stopped for a moment before looking back "Oh and Cole... Make sure to get some sleep tonight. I will handle this"