The Essence
Faction Overview:
The Essence are a biomechanical race built from nanite structures that use biomass and other elements to reproduce and construct more complex ‘frames’. Frames is the term used to describe advance units comprised of millions if not trillions of nanites that form humanoid structures that are used as combat units and very rarely, diplomats.
The Essence nanites are all share a linked intelligence much like a server network which aids in rapid communication between units. However, like a server, there are limitations to this system. The distance of said network varies depending on the complexity of the frames attempting to communicate with each other. To ensure communication is optimal, some frames are specialised into becoming network relays. These frames are often large and most often placed in orbit to create a form of a satellite to ensure global domination.
The Essence are known to be extremely hostile to all lifeforms. This is not due to anger, but rather the need to reap the vital minerals found in organic life in order to reproduce. This has led to many conflicts in several sectors. The issue is that should a single nanite remain unharmed in the conflict, the entire cycle can start anew. That is why it is recommended that high-amp EMP weapons are used to fry entire network frames and thus destroying the virtual networks that control them.
Territory Overview:
The Essence are housed in the system known as Hell’s Furnace. This system houses a supergiant star in which the Essence use as their energy source. Having constructed a Dyson Sphere around the star, the energy is harvested and powers the many nano-forges that run constantly.
The system contains several iron-rich planets and asteroids that are harvested by the Harvester class ships within the Essence navy. These planets act as mining outposts and are rarely populated by more than necessary units.
In the system, there is a single hypergate designated S-114.
Nanite Constructs
Government Overview
Tech Overview:
While the Essence have vast nanite construction facilities. Their lack of organic imagination doesn’t allow much in the way of innovation and thus have become stubbed from advancing their own technology through conventual means.
Notable Technologies
Nanite Technology
Industrial Overview
Nanite Forges
Military Overview:
Nanite Frames are produced as to needed specification and are able to reorganise themselves to form new units as needed.
Army Overview
Navy Overview