"Denali. You will switch with me," the other bird said to her, puffing out her chest.
Denali let out a tiny chuckle. "Not on your life."

A ringing in his ear began to pull David back to consciousness. Everything was a bit of a blur... he was on the beach, and they were talking about being friends forever, and then... a portal? Or a black hole? Or tentacles..? He took a deep breath and groggily opened his eyes. He blinked once. Twice. This was not the beach he was just on. The sky should not be those colors. Plants don't glow. Before he could react, a small bird popped into his vision.
"Oh good," the bird cheeped with a sigh of relief, perched on his chest, "You really had me worried there for a second."
"Wh-- Where-- Where am I?" David stammered. Talking bird. This might as well happen.
"Shh, there's no time to explain right now. My name is Denali, and I need your help. For now, though, I need you to get up and fight. We're in danger." She fluttered off his chest, nudging his arm with her tiny head. "Now go!"
At Denali's command, David stumbled to his feet and got a lay of the land. Not too far away, he could see his friends from the beach fighting a space bear. Alright! Taking a moment to get his bearings, he noticed he was not dressed the way he came in. Although, the new fit was quite comfortable, and came with... wings? Yes, he most definitely had wings now. He put his hand instinctively to his side and found the hilt of a sword. He pulled it from the scabbard and studied it. It seemed to be glowing... was he glowing?
David turned back to Denali, a worried look on his face. "Ah, miss Denali," he said, biting his tongue, "What, exactly, do I do here?"
"You'll figure it out, David," she said in her soft and gentle tone, "I mean no offense to your companions, but, you do seem to be one with considerably more discipline than most. Just feel the power within you, and you'll know what to do."
"Right, just feel it," David mumbled to himself.
At that moment, Milo breezed past him towards the bear. "Fuck yeah, I'm like the motherfucking Avatar! With skates!" he cheered. David watched him closely.
"Just feel it, huh?" he said. He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, focusing on the new wings on his back. They felt feathery and light, and he could feel the leftover wind from Milo with every feather. David crouched a little, before leaping skywards. As if by nature, his wings took over, lifting him high into the sky. He could see the bear below, currently tangling with Connor. He lifted his sword and stared down its blade, right down at the Ursa Major. "Just feel it," he breathed.
David readied his sword, and slashed it in the bear's direction. As he willed it, a blast of light came flying from the blade, slamming into the Ursa Major's shoulder. "Woohoo!" he cheered, throwing his hands into the air, "I'm like... I've got the Master Sword! I, guess." He didn't take too long to celebrate, shaking it off and flying closer toward his friends.
Denali let out a tiny chuckle. "Not on your life."

A ringing in his ear began to pull David back to consciousness. Everything was a bit of a blur... he was on the beach, and they were talking about being friends forever, and then... a portal? Or a black hole? Or tentacles..? He took a deep breath and groggily opened his eyes. He blinked once. Twice. This was not the beach he was just on. The sky should not be those colors. Plants don't glow. Before he could react, a small bird popped into his vision.
"Oh good," the bird cheeped with a sigh of relief, perched on his chest, "You really had me worried there for a second."
"Wh-- Where-- Where am I?" David stammered. Talking bird. This might as well happen.
"Shh, there's no time to explain right now. My name is Denali, and I need your help. For now, though, I need you to get up and fight. We're in danger." She fluttered off his chest, nudging his arm with her tiny head. "Now go!"
At Denali's command, David stumbled to his feet and got a lay of the land. Not too far away, he could see his friends from the beach fighting a space bear. Alright! Taking a moment to get his bearings, he noticed he was not dressed the way he came in. Although, the new fit was quite comfortable, and came with... wings? Yes, he most definitely had wings now. He put his hand instinctively to his side and found the hilt of a sword. He pulled it from the scabbard and studied it. It seemed to be glowing... was he glowing?
David turned back to Denali, a worried look on his face. "Ah, miss Denali," he said, biting his tongue, "What, exactly, do I do here?"
"You'll figure it out, David," she said in her soft and gentle tone, "I mean no offense to your companions, but, you do seem to be one with considerably more discipline than most. Just feel the power within you, and you'll know what to do."
"Right, just feel it," David mumbled to himself.
At that moment, Milo breezed past him towards the bear. "Fuck yeah, I'm like the motherfucking Avatar! With skates!" he cheered. David watched him closely.
"Just feel it, huh?" he said. He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, focusing on the new wings on his back. They felt feathery and light, and he could feel the leftover wind from Milo with every feather. David crouched a little, before leaping skywards. As if by nature, his wings took over, lifting him high into the sky. He could see the bear below, currently tangling with Connor. He lifted his sword and stared down its blade, right down at the Ursa Major. "Just feel it," he breathed.
David readied his sword, and slashed it in the bear's direction. As he willed it, a blast of light came flying from the blade, slamming into the Ursa Major's shoulder. "Woohoo!" he cheered, throwing his hands into the air, "I'm like... I've got the Master Sword! I, guess." He didn't take too long to celebrate, shaking it off and flying closer toward his friends.