[Unova Airs Flight 255 - Bound for Viore International Airport]
Amber tucked her cap lower until it covered her narrowed eyes, but this act failed to hide the disgruntled snarl playing on the corners of her lips. For the umpteenth time since she entered that dreaded excuse of a vehicle, the person that made himself comfortable on the aisle seat next to her had lolled his head onto her shoulder. His snoring echoed loudly above the usual plane chatter and she felt something wet drip through the cotton of her uniform. Her left eye twitched and her hands itched to grab the Snorlax-ish slob by the collar of his clothes and throw him out of the plane, sans a parachute nor any flying Pokemon.
Before she could even begin to attempt pulling through on such thoughts, a loud buzzing erupted from the overhead speakers. Thankfully, it was enough to stir the man from his dreams - of cakes and icecream, if the occassional mumbling was any indication - and he had the decency to sit upright to listen to the captain's announcement.
"Good morning, beloved passengers. This is your captain speaking. I am pleased to announce that we will be arriving at Viore National Airport within ten minutes. Please keep your seatbelts on as we proceed with the landing procedures. Good day to you all."
At least the captain was a cheerful fellow. Amber couldn't help but crack a small smile at that and she peeked through the window, the smile turning into a full on grin as she saw the ground coming closer. While she heavily favoured travelling by ship, this one flight was not as bad as she expected if only her seatmate had been a different person. The soft bump that signalled that the plane had hit the ground startled Amber quite a bit, but she didn't give any vocal indication of it aside from a silent gasp.
When the aircraft stilled and they were given the signal that it was okay to stand and leave, Amber bolted from her seat - almost forgetting to grab her only baggage, a well-sized pack, from the overhead compartments - and made her way out the rear exit before anything worse could happen with the man she shared the flight with.
Taking her first steps into Viore land, Amber's first thought came to the security around the establishment. It was tight, and she valued the way the guards diligently checked the passengers, but she still thought her division handled procedures much better. It was an inherent bias, and she knew that it was something she would never truly shake. With a small smile to herself, she headed out of the airport proper.
She tucked her cap to shield her eyes from the glaring sun and scanned around the area before her. The sign declaring 'Welcome to New Amber Town' was the most prominent, and had her wondering. The town was called New Amber, and this place - this region - would be her foray into something so completely new and foreign to her. It was almost laughably ironic.
Still, her fingers brushed the solitary Pokeball on her belt. Aster, her Snivy. Her partner. She had to do all she could to grow stronger, as a police officer and as a Pokemon Trainer. She smiled and searched around for her next destination - a PokeCenter, a place she had never before prioritized as a location but now knew that it would be invaluable. It wasn't hard to find as a number of people carrying around their Pokemon regularly walked in and out of a prominent building.
She glanced down at her Pokeball. "This is it. I swear, I won't let either of you down."
Glad to see we got this going. I'll get a post up when I get home from a trip with the fam. Just wondering, will we be following a posting order or is it whatevs?
Standing at five foot seven and constantly clad in her uniform, Amber maintains a commanding presence wherever she goes. Her long blonde hair is almost always topped with a dark cap bearing the Unova police department's emblem. Light blue eyes regard strangers and odd places with a suspicious but, nevertheless, curious glint. Her training under the Unova police department has given her a rather formidable athletic build and she's able to handle most tasks that require speed and strength. Her standard issue belt contains her Pokeballs and a flashlight, which she keeps powered with a number of batteries she carries around.
G E N D E R:
Female (she/her)
A G E:
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Amber is a no nonsense kind of person. She's focused, determined, and serious, especially when it comes to doing her job. There's not much one would get from her in terms of conversation aside from a few uninterested grunts or swiftly thrown out questions, and this becomes a hindrance for her when attempting to form relationships with other people. She knows this is a flaw she must address if she wishes to be fully efficient in her work, but years of either living alone or focusing her time on training has made her social interactions rather scarce.
Despite her awkwardness with speaking to others, Amber remains fiercely loyal to the few people she's formed a connection with. Her naturally curious disposition and suspicious nature makes sure that she and the people around her are safe while she constantly discovers new things. She's also not scared to try new things, especially not when it works to help her cause in the end. Her devotion to her work, and keeping the peace and order in the world is unmatched.
H O M E T O W N:
Castelia City, Unova
H I S T O R Y:
Despite the lavish lives some of its citizens lived, Castelia City can be a harsh place especially for a young street rat living off of the scraps thrown in alleyway dumpsters. During the first few years of her life, Amber was nothing more than a starving kid running around sewer tunnels and befriending the wild Pokemon that call them home in hopes that they can scrounge up a few scraps for her. When the worse came, Amber began to resort to petty thievery, using what knowledge she has of the city to con tourists out of their cash.
This continued for almost a year until the city's police department received complaint after complaint and they knew they had to do something about it. They tasked Police Officer Matthias Kree to track down the filthy scum that's ruining their beloved city and so he did. It didn't take long for him to find Amber, desperate as she was, who fell for his trap almost immediately. Rather than punishing her for what she did, Matthias saw something in her and gave her a chance. He took her under his wing and trained her to follow in his footsteps.
For years, Amber wished for nothing more than to prove to Matthias that he was right about her and that she could be better than how she was before. She trained with fierce determination, spending countless hours doing laps around the city, and studied page after page about the laws put to keep the people safe. Despite having trained intensively in the physical and mental aspects of working with the police force, her experience working with Pokemon was nigh non-existent. While she'd been given chance after chance of training a Pokemon of her own, her social awkwardness seemed to extend to making connections with Pokemon as well. She never worked well with any of the Pokemon lent to her, and eventually, they gave up trying. This dilemma had been the hindrance for her lack of promotion, thus keeping her ranked as a recruit.
Matthias would not have his prodigy fail after all the progress they'd received. When his precious Serperior had an egg, he entrusted it to Amber with dire instructions that she should care for it. Her doubts on her abilities aside, she took on the duty and promised that she would do all that she could. Unfortunately, training the Snivy that hatched from the egg was proving difficult while she maintained her job. She was given a leave and handed a boat ticket to the Viore Region, where Matthias thought she could receive the full trainer experience in a place completely unknown to her.
I'm definitely interested in this. Personally, I find casual much better than the other two writing levels (one, because I can never keep up with free's speedposting and two, because casual has just the right amount of freedom)
@Shiny Keldeo Tweaked Amber a bit. She is now a total freshie when it comes to training Pokemon, so that'll give her incentive to participate in things and not be a total loner. Also, dropped her age to 17.
Amber Kree
N A M E:
Amber Devon Kree
A P P E A R A N C E:
Standing at five foot seven and constantly clad in her uniform, Amber maintains a commanding presence wherever she goes. Her long blonde hair is almost always topped with a dark cap bearing the Unova police department's emblem. Light blue eyes regard strangers and odd places with a suspicious but, nevertheless, curious glint. Her training under the Unova police department has given her a rather formidable athletic build and she's able to handle most tasks that require speed and strength. Her standard issue belt contains her Pokeballs and a flashlight, which she keeps powered with a number of batteries she carries around.
G E N D E R:
Female (she/her)
A G E:
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Amber is a no nonsense kind of person. She's focused, determined, and serious, especially when it comes to doing her job. There's not much one would get from her in terms of conversation aside from a few uninterested grunts or swiftly thrown out questions, and this becomes a hindrance for her when attempting to form relationships with other people. She knows this is a flaw she must address if she wishes to be fully efficient in her work, but years of either living alone or focusing her time on training has made her social interactions rather scarce.
Despite her awkwardness with speaking to others, Amber remains fiercely loyal to the few people she's formed a connection with. Her naturally curious disposition and suspicious nature makes sure that she and the people around her are safe while she constantly discovers new things. She's also not scared to try new things, especially not when it works to help her cause in the end. Her devotion to her work, and keeping the peace and order in the world is unmatched.
H O M E T O W N:
Castelia City, Unova
H I S T O R Y:
Despite the lavish lives some of its citizens lived, Castelia City can be a harsh place especially for a young street rat living off of the scraps thrown in alleyway dumpsters. During the first few years of her life, Amber was nothing more than a starving kid running around sewer tunnels and befriending the wild Pokemon that call them home in hopes that they can scrounge up a few scraps for her. When the worse came, Amber began to resort to petty thievery, using what knowledge she has of the city to con tourists out of their cash.
This continued for almost a year until the city's police department received complaint after complaint and they knew they had to do something about it. They tasked Police Officer Matthias Kree to track down the filthy scum that's ruining their beloved city and so he did. It didn't take long for him to find Amber, desperate as she was, who fell for his trap almost immediately. Rather than punishing her for what she did, Matthias saw something in her and gave her a chance. He took her under his wing and trained her to follow in his footsteps.
For years, Amber wished for nothing more than to prove to Matthias that he was right about her and that she could be better than how she was before. She trained with fierce determination, spending countless hours doing laps around the city, and studied page after page about the laws put to keep the people safe. Despite having trained intensively in the physical and mental aspects of working with the police force, her experience working with Pokemon was nigh non-existent. While she'd been given chance after chance of training a Pokemon of her own, her social awkwardness seemed to extend to making connections with Pokemon as well. She never worked well with any of the Pokemon lent to her, and eventually, they gave up trying. This dilemma had been the hindrance for her lack of promotion, thus keeping her ranked as a recruit.
Matthias would not have his prodigy fail after all the progress they'd received. When his precious Serperior had an egg, he entrusted it to Amber with dire instructions that she should care for it. Her doubts on her abilities aside, she took on the duty and promised that she would do all that she could. Unfortunately, training the Snivy that hatched from the egg was proving difficult while she maintained her job. She was given a leave and handed a boat ticket to the Viore Region, where Matthias thought she could receive the full trainer experience in a place completely unknown to her.
Finished my thing. @Shiny Keldeo tell me if there's anything that must be changed/tweaked.
Amber Kree
N A M E:
Amber Devon Kree
A P P E A R A N C E:
Standing at five foot seven and constantly clad in her uniform, Amber maintains a commanding presence wherever she goes. Her long blonde hair is almost always topped with a dark cap bearing the Unova police department's emblem. Light blue eyes regard strangers and odd places with a suspicious but, nevertheless, curious glint. Her training under the Unova police department has given her a rather formidable athletic build and she's able to handle most tasks that require speed and strength. Her standard issue belt contains her Pokeballs and a flashlight, which she keeps powered with a number of batteries she carries around.
G E N D E R:
Female (she/her)
A G E:
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Amber is a no nonsense kind of person. She's focused, determined, and serious, especially when it comes to doing her job. There's not much one would get from her in terms of conversation aside from a few uninterested grunts or swiftly thrown out questions, and this becomes a hindrance for her when attempting to form relationships with other people. She knows this is a flaw she must address if she wishes to be fully efficient in her work, but years of either living alone or focusing her time on training has made her social interactions rather scarce.
Despite her awkwardness with speaking to others, Amber remains fiercely loyal to the few people she's formed a connection with. Her naturally curious disposition and suspicious nature makes sure that she and the people around her are safe while she constantly discovers new things. She's also not scared to try new things, especially not when it works to help her cause in the end. Her devotion to her work, and keeping the peace and order in the world is unmatched.
H O M E T O W N:
Castelia City, Unova
H I S T O R Y:
Despite the lavish lives some of its citizens lived, Castelia City can be a harsh place especially for a young street rat living off of the scraps thrown in alleyway dumpsters. During the first few years of her life, Amber was nothing more than a starving kid running around sewer tunnels and befriending the wild Pokemon that call them home in hopes that they can scrounge up a few scraps for her. When the worse came, Amber began to resort to petty thievery, using what knowledge she has of the city to con tourists out of their cash.
This continued for almost a year until the city's police department received complaint after complaint and they knew they had to do something about it. They tasked Police Officer Matthias Kree to track down the filthy scum that's ruining their beloved city and so he did. It didn't take long for him to find Amber, desperate as she was, who fell for his trap almost immediately. Rather than punishing her for what she did, Matthias saw something in her and gave her a chance. He took her under his wing and trained her to follow in his footsteps.
For years, Amber wished for nothing more than to prove to Matthias that he was right about her and that she could be better than how she was before. She trained with fierce determination, spending countless hours doing laps around the city, and studied page after page about the laws put to keep the people safe. When she reached the age of fifteen and was seen as one of the department's finest recruits, Matthias gave her the egg his trusty Serperior had. Thus began the friendship between Amber and her crime-fighting partner, Aster the Snivy.
For the years following, Amber continued to work for the police force, taking on different jobs around Unova in hopes of trying to vanquish any and all crime doers in the region. When news hit the international police force that a new team of criminals were threatening the Viore Region, the Unova police department knew they had to send the best they had for the job. The task fell upon Amber's shoulders and she prepared for the trip ahead.
Has anyone claimed the Manaphy guardian role? (Site's being troublesome and I can't check the previous page properly) Anyway, if no one has taken Manaphy yet, I'd like to stake my claim. Writing up a character sheet. (And will post once the site stops being a butt)