Name: Gwendolyn Paradies
Age: 20
Gwen is at heart a con artist and that is what she lives for in life. Her personality depends on the job but she can pull off anything from the sophistication and class of the nobility to the simplistic peasantry. Underneath that she has little care for the world, possibly pessimism but is more likely she feels no need to care. What she gets out of tricking a man out of his wealth is unclear, she keeps just enough of the money to sustain her lifestyle along with anything of interest and she doesn't seem any more dedicated or passionate when conning someone. So its not something she seems to even enjoy and its not about wealth because she gives a good deal of it away. Often times the goal of her cons is info and that she does not sell or take jobs for due to personal reasons.
Gwen never claims to be a good person or to believe she is doing the right thing. To her anyone in the camp who thinks of themselves as a hero is being foolish, there maybe honor among thieves but there is no honor in being a thief.
Weapon: She does not kill if she can help it, her jobs are almost always 'acquisitions' however her arsenal of poisons extends beyond those that kill. Gwen is an odd ball when it comes to administration of any poison, prefering a prick of a needle that goes unnoticed and minimizes the side effects of any poisons.
Other: Rumors of all kind float around about what she really does when swindling targets, if you actually asked she would tell you that its all false but since she does not care about her image in the camp she does not actively douse the rumors.
Due to her knowledge of poison, and possibly and ounce of passion for it, she knows a lot about plants and many animals due to the wide range of ingredients she uses and she can even make solutions and poultices for injuries, should anyone ask.
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