Avatar of Leoven
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    1. Leoven 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current When will my muse return from the war?
8 yrs ago
Where my gays at?
8 yrs ago
Good night! Stay hydrated and keep safe! :*
8 yrs ago
Be back on Friday folks. Hopefully things over at uni will be okay then.
8 yrs ago
Why the fuck do I have a migraine???? The fuck???


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Amber and Zach are gonna be like...
Feel so off about my post.

Anyway, only tagged Ninian bec Celes was the only on Amber directly talked to but anyone can help or openly mock Amber.
[New Amber Town - Pokemon Center]

Once Amber was certain that the person she'd bumped into wasn't injured, she started to head towards the Dragonite Aster had thought to be a tree. During the short time she'd been preoccupied, it seemed as though the crowd forming around the young girl and her Pokemon had grown and Amber had to supress a groan. This was the reason why she preferred not to work with Pokemon - they always tended to attract all sorts of trouble and nothing was ever quiet or peaceful whenever they were around.

Pursing her lips, Amber approached the group just in time to hear the young girl proclaim that her Pokemon was cute and that the poor fool that dared think it looked odd was wrong. Amber glanced at the Dragonite before quickly scooping up Aster before she could get away. The Dragonite did look quite weird with its big and soft body, and unthreatening face. It seemed more fit to be slept on on a nice afternoon (which was probably what the young girl was doing before) and not to be used in battle.

Amber pursed her lips and approached the young Trainer, Aster clutched to her chest. "I apologize for my Snivy." Her tone was short and clipped, ready to get to business... Only, she had no business to get to. She was in a completely new region with her only orders being to bond and train with her Pokemon. Frowning, she looked around looking for someone to help her before settling on the young girl and ignoring the growing crowd. They could be as loud and troublesome as they wanted, but unless provoked, Amber wasn't going to be involved with them.

"Could you..." she paused, glancing around. Well, maybe she did need more help than what the little girl could offer. Could anyone tell me how to train this... thing?" She held up Aster slightly before hugging the small Pokemon back to her chest when Aster began to struggle from her hold.

Give her a foolish criminal any day and she'd have more fun than she could imagine, but with Pokemon? There was simply so much she didn't know and she had no idea how to even get started.
Don't know if the mention was sent since I forgot to add it when I originally posted but I meant to tag @Cuccoruler on my IC post. Just putting this here in case.
Reagan Fletcher
[The City of Rothar - Streets]

Reagan walked around the streets of Rothar, head low but eyes constantly roaming over the faces of the people that passed her. She managed to find herself in one of Rother's more unsavory neighbourhoods and if she weren't looking for a criminal herself, then she would have never even set foot in the street's direction. Alas, she had combed every inch of the neighbourhood she'd stayed in (a decent neighbourhood with decent people who'd only attempted to pick a fight with her once) and she knew that she had to expand her reach. She would catch that Flatfoot, she swore that much to her family.

<I am certain you will capture her. We must simply bide our time.>

Reagan frowned, hearing Zaebor's words echo in her mind. The kind demon had always repeated the same mantra - that all Reagan had to do was to be patient - but with each passing day, her patience wavered. Rothar was a big kingdom and the Flatfoots were as sneaky as they came. Their ability to traverse ground undetected had been the reason why they were able to gather information about the rituals House Fletcher performed after all. Reagan hated it.

A cracking laughter that brought chills into the very core of her bones replaced the warm humming. <Bide our time? Zaebor, as always, your mind escapes you. While we sit around on our laurels, that filthy Flatfoot lass will be halfway across the continent.> Keadal's voice came like a whisper, lulling Reagan to sleep. She could almost see his pearly white canines in the recesses of her mind, but before she could begin to push Keadal back, he spoke again. <Now, now, child. Listen to my plan instead. Your powers of conjuration have grown and magic buzzes around Rothar like electricity in the air. Utilize that and you can conjure me and I will track down that Flatfoot for you.>

While Keadal spoke true, Reagan just laughed. When she received the odd glances of a few passerbys, she simply shot them a glare and continued on. She glanced around, noticing an establishment she'd been hearing about for quite some time now. "Or we could simply be logical," she muttered under her breath. The Magical Jobs Institute was known for their employment of all sorts of magic users for the completion of jobs should the coin be enough. Why she hadn't thought of utilizing their services before escaped Reagan, but she was there now and the Flatfoot would be under her charge soon enough.

<Might I remind you that we have run low on coin, my child.> Reagan paused after entering the institute. Zaebor was right. The amount of time she'd spent around Rothar looking for the Flatfoot had drained her resources dry and she couldn't bear to send a missive to her home for more, not with the war. With a muttered expletive under her breath, she looked around the institute. None of the adventurers inside would dare take on a job for little to no pay.

As she wandered around, a voice caught her attention. It was strange to have yet another voice reach into her mind and she was quick to look around for its source. With Zaebor's guidance, it wasn't hard. A small crowd gathered around a group of birds with Turkey vultures acting like the commanding officers. Still, it did not seem like the voice came from them. The voice was different, smarter not like the vultures that seemed to be more the brawn of the flock. Some adventurers were leaving the flock, uninterested with what they had to offer, but Reagan approached and squatted down to grab one of the scrolls the adventurers had tossed.

<Imbuing animals with magic? The audacity.>

<As much as it pains me, Zaebor speaks true. This is foolish.>

Reagan ignored the two demons and sought out the true owner of the voice. When she failed to find out exactly which of the birds it was, she simply spoke to them as a whole. "I understand your plight." And she did, in a way. Somewhat like these birds, the Fletchers were once magicless. They triumphed and captured magic that they made their own, and now they were more than successful. These birds had to know that magic could bring more than what some thought. "While monetary reward does sound appealing, how about I employ your services instead? I will do all I can to help you find your magic and afterwards, you will help me find someone." She held out her hand, palm up, awaiting for the true leader of the flock to approach her.

Maybe Sam and Jay bump into someone on their way to the bank? Or is there going to be like one place where they'll all be forced to go and meet with each other?
Sam Thurston

Sam couldn't help but grin with pride when the young man complimented her choice of weapons. She had definitely gotten a lot out of the little fella. Plenty of skulls had been cut open and it had proven a useful companion whenever she ran out to get supplies. She much preferred it over guns, which she'd always seen as tacky and boring. Whoever this fella was, if he was sporting the same weapon as her then he definitely had great tastes and was alright in her book.

When he brought up the subject of some sort of recompense for his possible services as an escort back to the bank, she only smiled. Quid pro quo - it was something she was more than familiar with, even before this mess started. People never gave anything for free; there's always something you've got to give. Fortunately, Sam was well aware on how to traverse these kind of situations. "No prob, Bob. Didn't you say you were heading out for supplies? I still have some to share over at the bank." She finished off her offer with a grin, which only slightly faltered when she still felt the distrust radiating off him like the biter's stench. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. It was an attitude she'd seen plenty and she wished Ace was there to talk them out of their nerves. He was always the one that was better at all the talking.

"I'm not gonna backstab you, so stop being so tense. You're gonna die of high blood even before these biters get you," she quipped, paired with a light chuckle. Her eyes shifted back out to the streets where a slowly straggling biter seemed to have been roused by their conversation. She turned back to her companion and nodded in the general direction of the biter. With her voice considerably lowered, she said, "Might wanna scram before we get trapped in this alley. Trust me. Seen it happen and it was not pretty."

Her eyes came up to the fire escape. They could get to high ground and make their way to the bank by jumping from roof to roof, but some had alleys between them far wider than she'd originally anticipated (she almost fell from one after overestimating her leaping abilities and ended up alerting the biters in the building with her excited laughter). They could go to the streets, but who knew how many biters were out there. With a sigh, she smiled to her companion. "Take the reigns," she said with a slight fluorish of her free hand before adding as an afterthought, "Name's Sam, by the way."
Welp. This was a surprising development. Just glad that things worked out in the end.

@Ophidian if you're still in (and I honestly dunno cus ooc drama always leaves me confused ~throws rainbows and skittles at everybody~) then would you like to maybe work on something like Amber and Jinx met somewhere in Unova before. You did say he preferred robbing banks and such, and Amber always liked those kinds of job more than the ones involving stolen Pokemon.


"What? It's true! Look at that thing, it's so fat! And its face is so... so... lame!"

Is golden. Nice one, @void liege
Sam Thurston

"Come at me, suckers!"

The scream echoed down the street, catching the attention of the undead roaming slowly around and bumping against the discarded cars. Sam raised her axe in the air, a wide grin on her face, as she watched a small horde run towards her. In her peripheral, she saw the two ratty kids she met the night prior slowly inching their way out of the little hidey hole they'd made to pass the evening. With a nod to them, Sam began to run and drew the biters' attention away from the poor rascals.

The groaning of the horde racing towards her began to draw out even more biters, some of them crashing through the glass windows of the nearby shops and tearing at their rotting skin (if Sam had a weaker constitution, she would have vomitted right then and there). The couple of days she'd spent roaming the streets gave her enough of a visual map to know which path she should take to head back to the bank she began to call her base. Just a few more blocks and then turn into the alleyway to climb the fire escape of some apartment building...

Only, as she skidded to a slight stop in order to turn the corner, she hadn't expected for some poor fool to be screaming as he got cornered by half a dozen biters. With her own horde and the group blocking her path, Sam only gave the man a small smile before hightailing it in another direction and ignoring the screams for help.

Her axe swung around to meet the skulls of any biters that got too close, blood and muck spraying onto her face and clothes. She made sure to close her mouth and turn her head enough to shield her eyes but still keep an eye on the biters. A quick check over the wound on her left leg (one that she'd done a pretty good job bandaging up) was still free from the disgusting bodily fluids of the biters. If only she could say the same for the clothes she was currently wearing. With a frown of distaste, she continued running and kept an eye out in case some clods had been doing laundry when the epidemic began.

Five more blocks and Sam could feel herself getting more tired. The horde behind her seemed to be slowing down, losing interest in her and investigating some other sound instead. She breathed a sigh of relief and ran into the first alley she saw. It was empty, save for trash that littered the ground and a filled dumpster. She took one last peek at the street and when she was sure that none of the biters followed her, she slung the axe over her shoulder while keeping a good grip on it. She looked around and grinned when she noticed something behind the dumpster.

She walked over to the person - a young man - and leaned against the dumpster. "Hey there, fella. You know how to get to the bank from here?" She probably shouldn't have mentioned her destination, but it didn't seem like he would try to rob her. And if he did, well... Her grip on her axe tightened.

She grinned down at him. "Unless you've been behind this dumpster since this crap began?"
I made Peridot. @Blizz Tell me if it's coolio or nah.

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