Avatar of Leoven
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    1. Leoven 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current When will my muse return from the war?
8 yrs ago
Where my gays at?
8 yrs ago
Good night! Stay hydrated and keep safe! :*
8 yrs ago
Be back on Friday folks. Hopefully things over at uni will be okay then.
8 yrs ago
Why the fuck do I have a migraine???? The fuck???


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Sam Thurston

The sound of a gunshot echoed against the walls of the buildings lining the street and Sam winced, both from the loud noise and the fact that it was sure to attract the attention of more biters than they could handle. Still, she glanced at the hole the shot ripped through the biter's skull and saw just how close it had been to making her its lunchtime snack. She shot a thankful grin at Jay and followed the two men atop the cars.

The crowd of biters around the grew to the size of a small horde, with some bumbling out from inside the buildings to inspect whatever had caused the sound they heard. Sam could only suspect that in their rotten minds, the sound of a gunshot may have as well been the same as a kitchen bell signalling dinner time. She hopped atop the car, kicking back at the face of one biter that attempted to drag her down. Once she was sure of her safety, she chanced a look around for anything they could use to escape the growing numbers of biters surrounding them.

She saw another person a couple of blocks away from them, but Sam's gut told her not to bring attention to him. He didn't seem like an inherently bad person, but Sam caught sight of his gun, and if he was the skittish type then that could mean a bullet accidentally firing off and an injury that none of them had the supplies to deal with. She had enough experience with people toting guns without much knowledge on how to use them or the sensibilities for their wise usage. That only spelled trouble and they had enough as it was with the biters.

She gave the stranger a small nod, if only to signify that they were no threat to him, before continuing her search. Three cars from the one they were standing on was a building familiar to her. It was a small convenience store, the very same one that she had raided during her first day inside the city. A couple of days after that, when she had secured the bank as a base of sorts, she kept a makeshift bridge inside it to help her cross to the next building - the one that led back to the bank. If they managed to get to the building's roof and use the bridge, it could save them a whole heap of trouble.

She hopped over to the next car, motioning for the others to follow. "You see that store? We can head to its roof and use it to get to the bank faster," and safer, she left unsaid. "Once we get to the roof, we're home free." There was a grin on her face as she lead them towards the building, one that only grew when she split a biter's skull in half as she moved on to another car.
@Leoven You're up to post. We can wait on anyone who hasn't gone yet, assuming that they still want to partake.

I'll get something up by hopefully tonight. Still a lil bit sick but it's getting better. Should get my writing muscles working after another long nap.

<Snipped quote by Delta44>

Don't worry. They won't all be friendly characters.

Feel like someone might get hurt... *evil laugh* Good... I am more than ready for the hostiles to appear.
Pitching in my interest for this. Looks like it's gonna be hella cool.
Not sure if I should post or wait til @Delta44 and @bbyangellike get something up... Hmm...
[New Amber Town - Pokemon Center]
@Ninian@Zardoric@Experiment 249@Light Lord

Amber watched the crowd carefully. The Dragonite's owner had remained bubbly and energetic throughout the whole ordeal, although she doubted she could say the same for most of the other trainers surrounding them. She wasn't sure if it was simply a misunderstanding of sorts, but it seemed as though some form of hostility had arisen amongst some of the others. She would have no involvement in that matter, not unless it grew into something physical. Even then, she mused, perhaps it would be the trainers' Pokemon resolving their differences. She still didn't understand it, but she was willing to accept their methods.

”Aster is female,” she stated in reply to the girl's excited questioning although she doubted the girl would have heard her much over the buzzing of the crowd. Pursing her lips, Amber stepped away and looked towards the two that had given her advice.

The first that had spoken up was the man the young girl was originally with. Another had long black hair – named Leopold, if she heard correctly – and told her pretty much what the first did. It was nothing she hadn't heard from others before. Trust your Pokemon. Strengthen your bond with them. Believe in them. It wasn't like she hadn't tried to do during her first days with Aster; she simply had trouble understanding how she would do such a thing. It wasn't like Aster hatched with a manual that she could read and memorize. No, they had plopped the little green thing down Amber's lap and told them to bond by battling some other wild things in the forest. She gave them a small smile in thanks, but wondered just how she would go about following their advice.

She glanced down at the Snivy in her arms. The little fella seemed to have calmed down considerably and now chose to observe the group of people around them. Aster seemed to have taken a suspicious glare at the new trainer and the silent boy that trailed behind him, and began to watch them intently as they approached the Dragonite. In fact, should anyone that had known Amber before look, the face Aster was making oddly resembled her trainer's usual facial expression.

Amber's instincts told her that there was something odd about the silent one. Though, considering the variety of people surrounding them, she decided to simply file it away as the weird feeling she often got when around trainers. He still hadn't done anything she would see as threatening so for now, she would not confront him.

Her eyes turned to the sky. How long had they wasted standing around and chatting? Amber usually wasn't one to let time pass without doing anything, but she had a feeling that continuing to be around such boisterous trainers would change that. A sigh escaped her lips. Perhaps she would need to take the initiative. She turned to the young girl – Celes – and her Dragonite, the two that had given her advice, and the new trainer that approached them.

She cleared her throat to grab their attention. ”I hate to interrupt,” she really didn't since she wanted nothing more than to actually get some semblance of work done, hard as it may be. ”But I was told that acquiring something called a Pokedex would be useful.” In hindsight, she should have gone to the laboratory first instead of the Pokecenter, but what's done was done.

She left the unspoken invitation to head to the laboratory with her in the air, giving what friendly smile she could muster.
Sam Thurston

Sam followed Jay out into the streets, hopping from car to car quickly. Most of the biters that wandered around attempted to reach for their legs but the height of the car roof and the biters' inability to jump (she'd never seen one attempt it, so it was safe to assume that motor function was inaccessibale to them) kept the two of them safe. Being atop the cars allowed them a good vantage view of the area as well. In fact, if she squinted, she could see a familiar landmark just by the horizon.

When she stepped down into one of the lower vehicles, a biter got too close for comfort and she swung her axe. It's blade met the biter's head, spraying her with blood and bile. She would need to take a shower soon and thankfully, the water lines in the bank still worked. She could just fill some buckets she found in a storage closet with water and she'd have her own makeshift shower, but getting the grime off her clothes would still be quite a chore. She really should have just stolen more clothes instead.

She quickly hopped back onto a higher vehicle and tossed Jay a small grin. "Close call there, huh?" she commented with a chuckle, wiping off some blood from her cheeks with the back of her hand. She glanced back to the streets, noticing with pride that they were almost to the bank. "Couple more blocks and we're there."

She took a step, eager to get back to her base, and misjudged the distance between the cars. She fell down to the asphalt, but was up on her feet within second, axe at the ready. Apart from the biter nearest to her, which she'd disposed off easily, the other biters in the streets were more focused on someone emerging from a nearby store. Another survivor!

She glanced at Jay before motioning that she would help. It was up to him if he'd offer a hand as well.

She sprinted towards the young man, whistling loud enough to get his attention but not that of the biters that weren't already alerted of their presence. With a practiced swing, she decapitated the head of the biter chasing the man, not even sparing a glance at its gruesome remains. It was nothing she hadn't seen before, and while she thought they looked kind of cool before, now the rotting meat simply acted like a target.

A smirk teased at the edges of her lips as she regarded the other survivor. "Sam," she introduced, "You're welcome."

She grinned at the young man before correcting her stance. Some biters had already gathered around her, but not enough that she couldn't slash her way out.

I'm gonna assume that the like is a go @Blizz and I just realized I never put Claret in the Characters tab so I'll go pop the duo over there now.
Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy, you're back.

Also maybe make a quick tl;dr to summarize the plot's background? I dunno, but I was almost put off by the wall of text until I read Mass Effect. I haven't played it yet but I am hella interested.

I might take the Gunnery Officer, although I won't be able to get a cs up until later.
@Zardoric Amber's just gonna casually stalk him unti he caves.

Zach: You wanna train under me?
Amber: Yes.
Zach: You'll suffer. My methods are gruesome and-

I should get some sleep
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